The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

Re: The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

Hey folks. Can anyone out there help me? I'm writing a Miami fic and I've come to a complete halt right in the middle! :(

I need to write a chapter about confronting a woman who's being a bit "stalker-ish", but I can't seem to get it right. :wtf:

If you have any ideas, or think you can help me out with it, please PM me. Thanks! Appreciate it. :thumbsup:

Re: The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

Does anyone have an account on If you do could you answer this question for me? Are we allowed to post something telling why our stories are late in being written? I haven't been able to update for weeks and I really need to let my readers know why.
Re: The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

Does anyone have an account on If you do could you answer this question for me? Are we allowed to post something telling why our stories are late in being written? I haven't been able to update for weeks and I really need to let my readers know why.

No, unfortunately you cannot. If you can still edit your last chapter, you could add a note at the end of that and then re-load the chapter. Otherwise, if someone PMs you, you can let them know at that point.
Re: The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

Does anyone have an account on If you do could you answer this question for me? Are we allowed to post something telling why our stories are late in being written? I haven't been able to update for weeks and I really need to let my readers know why.

No, unfortunately you cannot. If you can still edit your last chapter, you could add a note at the end of that and then re-load the chapter. Otherwise, if someone PMs you, you can let them know at that point.

I've seen people on there actually just post a new "chapter" explaining what's going on with the story and why they haven't updated. I'm not sure if that's officially "allowed", but it works.

Hope that helps! :)
Re: The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

I have an idea for a CSI Miami fic, but I need some timeline help.

Date of Birth for the following characters would be a great help

Ray Jr

Is there a reliable place to get character info (other than from the show)?

Horatio October 1990 on special task force in Pensacola
1995 Working in NYC as a ? detective

Calleigh Has been at the lab since 1996

Any other info to help flesh out a better timeline for these two would be helpful.

Thanks much.
Re: The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

You could try looking on CBS's website for the show. I'm not sure for Miami, but I've heard that for Vegas there's a show companion book that you can buy that tells about the characters, DOBs included. Maybe there's one for Miami as well.
Re: The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread doesn't have much and I am not too sure about the "official" Wiki. As I understand it, anyone can post, which leads me to wonder where they got their info! :)

I am off to see if there is a companion. Thanks for that suggestion.
Re: The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

I have a question.

When you are pregnant, how far along do you have to be before
a) You start feeling ill in the mornings
b) A doctor can tell you you are pregnant?

and can you be feeling sick in the morning, and have a doctor tell you you're pregnant, before you start showing? I'm pretty certain this is the case, but I just want to make sure.

Oh, and also - when I copy and paste a fic from a word document to the thread, it initially apears with all these annoying [/FONT] things. Is there any way to avoid that, or get rid of them, without physically going through and deleting them?
Re: The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

I have a question.

When you are pregnant, how far along do you have to be before
a) You start feeling ill in the mornings
b) A doctor can tell you you are pregnant?

and can you be feeling sick in the morning, and have a doctor tell you you're pregnant, before you start showing? I'm pretty certain this is the case, but I just want to make sure.

With feeling sick, it varies from person to person. Some women don't even get morning sickness at all. But, I would think you'd have to at least be a month or nearly a month pregnant before you feel sick. Don't know for sure though as I've never been pregnant, but just a guess.

I'm not real sure about how far along you'd have to be before a doctor could tell, but I'd guess at least 4 to 6 weeks if not more. A doctor can tell you that you are pregnant before you start showing though. My cousin is pregnant (at least three months) and isn't showing yet. As for how far along you have to be before you start showing, that varies too, but mostly it's after the first trimester. Most as far as I've seen with family members and such don't start showing until they are around 5 months along. But, it varies.

Oh, and also - when I copy and paste a fic from a word document to the thread, it initially apears with all these annoying [/FONT] things. Is there any way to avoid that, or get rid of them, without physically going through and deleting them?

I've been wondering that same thing. The only way I can get around that is to type my fics in a post window here first and then copy and paste it into MS Word (of course once you do that, you have to highlight the whole chapter/fic in MS Word and change the font color to black or some other color you can see since it's white on the forum).
Re: The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

^Thanks, this is all really useful. If I go with my character being two or so months along, it sounds like that should work. It doesn't need to be exactly precise (guess nothing is with pregnancy!) but I just wanted to know the rough periods when these things would happen. I didn't want to get it completely wrong!
Thanks for your fast response!
Re: The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

Morning sickness normally happens in the first trimester (first three months) of pregnancy, especially in the second month. (Morning sickness doesn't actually last for the whole pregnancy, nor do all women experience it at all. The reason it's featured so much in fiction is that it happens early on, so it could be the first sign some women have that they're pregnant. Nausea in the third trimester can be a symptom of more serious problems.)

There are different types of pregnancy tests; the more sensitive ones should be able to detect a pregnancy only a few days after implantation. (At least that's what wikipedia says.)
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Re: The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

I'm currently working on my CSI Miami fanfic and I need the name of an abandoned warehouse / fabric something like that. I'm not sure whether I can just make that up or that maybe someone here knows one?
Re: The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

I did some research for you but it's next to impossible to find an old fabric warehouse in Miami that gives you any real information. I can't find any addresses though I did find one (warehouse though not fabric) that was attached to an old hotel with enough context clues that I could locate it with a bit more work.

Am I way off or were you really in search of a fabric warehouse? I could keep looking if you like but maybe you could broaden your search a bit?