The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread


Mac's Personal Assistant
Thanks to Sissi for letting me do this :)

At the moment, I'm looking for info on proceedings for custody cases in NY...The plotline is one of the CSIs works a case, then has to remove themselves 'cause they knew the vic. And shortly after, they find out they're the father of the vic's child...they didn't know anything about it before. Am I right assuming there'd be something similar to adoption proceedings in the sense of the child temporarily going into foster care and the authorities doing interviews and home visits and such before a hearing was held to detmerine if custody was to be granted? I don't see how they could do an emergency type thing as they would in a case where the father already knew about the child and was in their life.
Probably, I mean unles their was a reason that the childs life was in danger or something, they would go into foster care until all the legal stuff was sorted out, Im guessing.

I'm thinking that to start out with the child would be under the custody of child protective services, who would likely place the child into temporary foster care until another relative or suitable guardian was found.
Hey, I'm a bit new to fanficville, and I was just wondering if anyone could post a fanfic, and it you needed permission, and if so, who to get it from. Thanks
Of course you can post a fic, CSIMiamiLover, just make sure it's CSI-related and not above a PG-13 rating. :)
Maybe this can help:

TBonz said:
Keep the stories clean. I'm minding the shop for a bit here and I really won't be happy if I see what is explicit sex scenes. That is something that is not supposed to be happening and I'm getting reports that it is.

Keep things PG-13. Which means, you're not having graphic makeout scenes.
CSIMiamiLover said:
Thanks, I didn't know if you needed to get permission or whatever. I'm off to post a fanfic, I guess.

You only need permission for RPG. Regarding the stories, there are no restriction except the one about the rating and of course it should be related to CSI :p
Well, I have a question. It doesn't snow in Miami, no? Then I'm guessing it doesn't snow in Louisiana either, is that correct? But then does it snow in Boston? I'm really unfamiliar with the weather there and I would just like to know, just in case I might have a plot bunny hopping around here somewhere... :)
^it does snow in Boston. My best friend lives there and she's always pimping the snow she has there :lol:.
RPG = Role play game, so yes, a Role Play. Multiple fics is fine, as long as they're about CSI, and you don't spam the entire fanfiction thread full of your stories ;) Or at least that's what I think.