The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

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I can't think of any CSI episodes, but there was a great Without a Trace episode that dealt with the media attention given to a missing white girl verses that given to a missing black boy...
Wasn't there an episode like that in miami?? or did I just dream that up :confused:
Maybe bullet runs through it, because it shows a little police brutality related stuff...
1_LaDy_RoSe_1 said:
Wasn't there an episode like that in miami?? or did I just dream that up :confused:
No, you're right. In 'Death Grip', it dealt with the media inequalities in Miami when a white girl was kidnapped, and there was also a murder and disappearances of hispanic girls.
I've heard rumors about Greg Sanders smoking. can anyone name an episode where he does this? Thank you.
Okay, this might be the most random question ever, but:

Can anyone tell me which precinct Gavin Moran was employed by in the CSI: NY season 1 episode "The Fall?"

There is a part at the very end, when he's being led out by Flack, that he turns and looks back at the station. The camera shows the building's front, and I can't for the life of me remember what it said.
Hestia said:
Just so this isn't a total waste, I was wondering, how many different 'relationships' Catherine has had on CSI (on-screen.) I can only think of two: the club owner from Early Rollout and the sleazy guy who was played by the real life husband of the actress, Marg. (Weeping Willows)
Are they the only ones? I could've sworn there were more... or maybe I'm just thinking of guys she flirted with. :)

There was also a brief relationship with the city planner or contractor or whatever he was. She met him when she investigated the house that collapsed, then saw and flirted with him in "Overload" (I think) and then in another episode she shows up at his house after a bad case. Sorry I don't remember all the exact episodes for you.
VManso said:
In what episode were Cath and Gris speaking to a young man? Was that Raashomoma?

Dude, I think you're going to have to give us a little more to work with. That could be any of a billion episodes! :lol
In the comng attractions, Gris and Cath were speaking to a muscular sandy -brown haired young man of medium height. Who was he?
alright so I´m kinda confused here.. in an apisode in season 3 in CSI LV the plot was a kid found dead after street racing in the desert, he´s been shot by the kid in the car racing next to him because he killed his mom. (nice cars in that ep btw.)I forget what the episode is named.
well anyway.
the guy that cath and nick talks to on the street called little thumper.. or something like that.. is it just me or is that the guy who plays Danny in CSI NY??
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