The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

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qwa1965 I can only answer part of your question because I haven't seen the new episodes of CSI, they haven't aired here yet but we see Grissom draw is gun for the first time in "Who are you?" Series one, episode six.

Sorry I can't help with the others!
The Greg kickboxing thing is true, it was in Up in Smoke, Season 6. He tells Nick "Ya gotta balance the weights with the cardio" :p .
needmorecsi said:
In which episode do we find out that David is engaged?

episode #523 "Iced"

Nick comes in, ridicules Dave's theory about alien crop circles, & says he needs a girlfriend. To which he replies,
"I'm engaged".
man, I never even noticed. I thought that was something that was revealed in season 6, what a bad fan I am *looks at feet, I mean thighs lol*
In Spark of Life, what was Sofia's pep talk to Greg? I think it is right after Greg comes back from the hospitial, I tried to find that ep on my tape, but I don't have it.
So you mean this?


GREG: Hey.

(She opens her locker.)

SOFIA CURTIS: What's the problem?

GREG: Nothing. I'm fine.

(She puts her bag down inside.)

SOFIA CURTIS: You're not.

GREG: I feel like a wuss. Grissom told me I should take a break, and I did.

SOFIA CURTIS: Your burn victim.

GREG: (nods) How do you get an image like that out of your mind?

SOFIA CURTIS: You go home. You, uh ... hug your cat, your dog, your pillow.
You have a beer, you watch a movie, and then you come back tomorrow.

GREG: Is that supposed to make me feel better?

SOFIA CURTIS: Rumor has it you used to be a pretty funny guy. (She closes her
locker.) Don't lose that.
Just a quick one. I watched, I think Inside The Box last night...the one with Grissom's ear surgery. Anyway, what happened to the CSI with the bandages on his face and neck? Greg, I think...I can't keep him and Nick straight yet.
Greg got caught in an explosion in the DNA lab (see episode 'Play With Fire', which I think is the episode previous to 'Inside The Box'). Some evidence gets put on a burner that has been left on, and it heats up and eventually blows the lab up. Poor Greg gets the full blast of it pretty much :(

Hope that helps :)
Oh, THATS the infamous "blew up the lab" thing. I heard about that. Thanks.

*gets a mental image of smoldering Greg saying "Oops..."
Hi all. dunno if this has been asked yet but the guy who plays archie appears in an episode in season 2 as a security guard (think its chaos theory) and then he reappears about 2 or 3 episodes later as archie in the lab. did he play 2 seperate characters or was the idea that they found archie in the college and he somehow ended up working at csi?
sorry i sound like such a dumbass. i jsut wondered cos i know they often recycle actors on csi!
Hmmm, I've just been reading through the transcript of Chaos Theory where he plays the Campus Security Tech, and there's nothing linking him to becoming employed at the CSI lab later on.

I can't see anything that refers to his job at the campus in his first appearance as Archie in the lab during the episode 'Caged' either.

So, the writers either intended them to be two separate characters, although it is also quite likely that his job at the campus gave him the experience needed to get a job working with the CSIs. I'm thinking it's not entirely unlikely they hired him from the college, as he isn't given an actual name (he is just referred to as 'Campus Security Tech'), so that when he started appearing more frequently as a lab tech, they gave him the name 'Archie'.

I don't know if anyone else out there can shed some more light on this... :confused:

And you don't think you're a dumbass - I actually hadn't realised it until you pointed it out ;) Interesting question :)
Hehe cheers! i jsut thought cos the two episodes were so close together that maybe he was the same character cos it seems a bit silly to have an actor play 2 different characters so close together.

mebbe he jsut impressed the producers cos he is rather cute and makes a good techie!

thanks wibble for not thinking im a dumbass! LOL
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