The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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JayneEmilysRealm said:
I can't believe I'm allergic to my girl.. I sneeze around her, but when I'm somewhere else I don't :(
Maybe you're allergic to her perfume...

I can't believe I haven't made dinner yet...
I can't believe I never noticed the clock says "12:34" on it before. That amuses me so greatly...
I can't beleive I got headed again today, that's the 4th time this season I've come home with a big lump on my head from football :rolleyes: But you should have seen the other girl :lol:
i can't believe the end of the school year is next week. it seems like the school year just started and now it's almost time for me to move home again. not that i'm complaining, but wow time really flies.
I can't believe how long it took me to get to work this morning *mumbles* A journey which takes about 35 minutes took 1 hour. I blame the rain. :lol:
Tinkerbell said:
A journey which takes about 35 minutes took 1 hour. I blame the rain. :lol:

Weird! Exactly the same thing happened to me this morning :eek: I had to go into Uni to see a couple of tutors, and instead of the journey taking the normal 35 minutes on the bus , it took almost an hour! My bus never turned up when it was supposed to, so had to wait over 20 minutes for the next one :rolleyes: I blame the rain too - damn British weather! :mad:


I can't believe I couldn't access this site for over half an hour this morning :eek: The login screen just wouldn't load :(
I can't believe that I didn't add this thread to my favourites! I have thread #2 added and meant to add this one, then suddenly realised that I haven't typed any 'I can't believe's into here for ages! Stupid, absent-minded me! :rolleyes:

I can't believe that I did a 1hr 45 mins exam this morning (English Lang.) then was allowed out of the hall for literally 3 minutes then had to go straight back in for a 2hr maths exam! These exams don't go towards anything at all! :mad: And it was soooo hard to concentrate because of all the extremely cute invigilators! And one of them was like a dwarf, who made me laugh everytime I looked at him :lol:
I can't believe I had to work late today... and probably I'll have to work late the entire week! :(
Congrats Palm!

I can't believe I got jolted again and again ever since I upgraded my Windows LiveMessenger Beta. Whenever someone's online it gives a funny sound like "drrruuummmm"!
i can't believe i'm done with classes for the year. only finals to worry about now!

i'm so excited!!!!!!!
I can't believe I spent $160.00 on concert tickets! I'm an 80's child when it comes to music and when I heard that Loverboy, Rick Springfield and Eddie Money were going to be in concert nearby, I beccame obsessed! My friend was shocked too! I never can shock her! I haven't been to a concert in years!
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