The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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I can't believe I got accepted into collage. I don't know what sweet hell they were on when they decided to accept me.....
I can't believe my stupid desk hurt me again! Yes...the desk is evil. Or I'm just clumsy :p AND THEN, this morning I accidentally cut myself with a BABY fork! :eek: It hurt! :lol:
Palm said:
I can't believe I got accepted into collage. I don't know what sweet hell they were on when they decided to accept me.....

Congrats Palm! :D

I can't believe how awful my morning has been, first I was late to work, then I had huge problems parking the car, which made me even later, then my sunglasses broke. :eek: When I finally arrived at work I had to deal with a very irate customer, I'm sitting here now thinking I can't believe it's still only 11.20am! :lol: :eek:
Congrats Palm! You're going to have the time of your life! :D

I can't believe I asked for an extra answer booklet for my exam on Thursday. :eek: I've never done that before. I had so much to write, but my handwriting's terrrrible. :eek:
Congratulations, Palm!!!

quoth_the_raven said:
I can't believe my stupid desk hurt me again! Yes...the desk is evil. Or I'm just clumsy :p

That happens to me too... I don´t think the desk like us!
I'm also clumsy!!!
I can't believe what I just said (which I can't say on here, according to the PG-13-o-meter). Looks like my "STFU" filter is busted again.
needmorecsi said:
Congrats Palm :)
What collage are you going to

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.
Mwahaha. :devil:

I can't believe you can buy underwear in bulk at Costco.
Lia said:
I can't believe what I just said (which I can't say on here, according to the PG-13-o-meter). Looks like my "STFU" filter is busted again.

The good ol' PG-13-o-Meter catches you everywhere ;)

I can't believe it's first week of May and it's +23c outside.
I can't believe that no one told me of the dead, disgusting, loathesome looking cockroach at the back of the computer table!!! I mean, my toes could have touched the thing and it'll be like.......eeeeeeeewwww!!!! Uuggh! Ugly creatures! *runs away~*
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