The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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beautifulview said:
ok here's somethign i can't believe.

our school wants to stop kids smoking, so they find a way. when we want to use the bathroom, we have to sign in with a hall monitor, and show an ID, so we're not lying. then we enter the bathroom and have to leave the door open. the door to the room. it goes hall, doorframe, bathroom.

we shut stall doors, but the big wooden door they figure they can leave open if anyone smokes, they'll smell it. its so embarassing because they can hear you pee! and there's a mirror in girl's bathroom that allows you to see the pink stalls from the right angle outside the bathroom! its so sick i can't believe

should i do something? if so, what? what other way is there?

I can't believe that you've someone standing at the bathroom's door!!! That's going too far... :eek:
There's others ways to prevent students from smoking...
i cant believe how fast one of my orchids is growing! it should be big enough to flower in a few weeks :D
more importantly, i cant believe ive kept them all alive this long!
I can't believe one of my drug-addict cousins smoke pot with the Red Hot Chille Peppers :eek: My uncle said he must've had some primo stuff because they liked his stash :rolleyes:
I can't believe I've been running on 5 hours of sleep per day, for like.. three days. And I haven't keeled over yet.
I can't believe I got the dentist this afternoon, (second appointment) and they are going to start drilling! :eek: I'm petrified. I also can't believe how much it is going to cost me. :rolleyes:
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I can't believe I'm going to quote my own supevisor in my MA thesis.. this will give me a higher mark I hope.. :rolleyes:
I can't believe you're doing that. :eek:
I can't believe that we have a new ~I can't believe~ thread! :lol:

I can't believe that I'm sick again. It's been the 5th time since March :(
I can't believe it's already May :eek:.

I can't believe how excited I am for Greek Fest even though it's not till' the end of June :lol:
I can't believe the other day my family and I had to stay one night in a hotel because we left our home keys in the old car when we sold it. Poor my guinea pig missed his dinner!
I can't believe I spent the whole day staring at Ovid's 'Amores I' in Latin (Okay, and the TalkCSI board but anyway ....) and I still don't know ANY of it. Glah.
I can't believe there's a Greek version of Damien's Rice song The Blowers Daughter. I laughed so hard when I heard it on the radio today :lol:.
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