The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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I can't believe that yesterday I brought a pair of trousers from Next, tried them on and they fitted fine, but I notice a thread hanging from them. I came out of the changing rooms and swapped them with another pair, which were the same. When I got home I tried them on and I'd realised I'd swapped them with a pair that were 3 sizes too big. :eek:

The hanger told me a different size to what they were, I hate it when that happens - you know, when shop assistants don't put the right hanger with the clothes. *sighs*
I can´t believe we have the most wonderful weather all week long when i have to sit in the office and the weather forecast has lots and lots of rain for the weekend. :mad:
I can't believe how nice my RE teacher is! He's always there for me if I need to talk to him and he tends to understand how I am feeling about certain things :)
I can't believe I nearly got ran over by a jeep and trailer today :eek: And I thought the countryside was a safer place to go walking than the city :eek: :lol:
^^The country/more rural areas are not safer to walk, one reason is because they aren't set up for it. You're usually walking on a road rather than a sidewalk, people don't watch out for pedestrians...

I can't believe that it RAINING and cars won't stop at the crosswalk for us to get across.
That's cool Palm! Time will fly, though. Before you know it you'll be out, and then you'll say "I can't believe they actually gave me a degree!" What, am I the only one who says that ....?

I can't believe I have Mono when I've never been kissed!
Luveykat you don't need to have been kissed to have caught mono it can be transmitted by coughing, sneezing and even sharing a drinking glass.

I can't believe how many patient charts I have to finish I guess that I should stop wasting time and get them finished :lol:
Oh, I know. My mom got it 3 years ago b/c a student of hers sneezed on a paper that she turned in (join me everybody, eeeeww). At least I have time to be sick, instead of being in college and stressed out w/schoolwork AND having mono. Aaww, c'mon never_a_Promise it never hurts to take a break!
Is that the day after tomorrow?Well,Happy Birthday in advance :)!!

I can't believe I'm going to college on Monday.I'm going to college!! :eek: :rolleyes:
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