Does anyone else here think that Billy will leave CSI after next season, what with all the rumors flying about.
They seem to always pile up at the end of each season; He's leaving, he's staying, he wants more money, Blah, blah, blah,.
So what if he and the cast get regular pay raises, don't they deserve to make a good living too? It should'nt matter what anyone does for a living if they are doing a good job at it they /should/ be paid better wages.
The producers -who shall remain nameless- think that it's all about themselves, when in fact if those actors were not there putting their careers on the line, the producers would have nothing to brag about.
I can imagine how difficult it must be for them to sit behind a desk and sign checks all day to pay for a quality show to be done.
Besides, did'nt Billy go to bat for both George Eads and Jorja Fox when -Sorry Destiny- Producers Shmuckheimer & Meddlesome fired them for wanting a raise in salary?
How many other actors has anyone ever heard of doing something as truly selfless as that for another actor?
You know what makes Billy Petersen hot, it's his honesty and integrity to his craft as an actor and those he works with, he's a real person, not another bloated 'Made In Hollywood' ego.