hey i prob. guys...could u guys help me out here?i'm kinda stuck about the love-story about grissom n sara...
the last time i saw sara talkin' to gil was whn she said (I forgot which episode was that...but i do noe tht its in season 5...i guess so...)
I kinda like SCREWED UP WITH THE SCRIPTS...but i sure know that u guys would know wat episode is this coz u guys r such big fans of Wil. But wat i could rmb i'll try to insert in here
Sara: Wanna go for dinner? Whn u would come to think of it u might be too late.
Grissom: But i don't know wat to do...
Sara: But i do
Question 1#: So wat happened next to the both of thm? Could anyone update me about it? i'd love to hear about it...TX!!
Question 2#: i've come across a few pic's tht u guys have(wonderful pic's by the way)...but one of thm that really CAUGHT was whn Sara is actaully "stuck" in grissom bcos grissom apparently was putting both his hands against the wall n sara was in between there...Can i take a look at the scripts bcos i REALLY REALLY want to noe wat r they talking about...or someone could refer a website that has a video about wat i said.
the last time i saw sara talkin' to gil was whn she said (I forgot which episode was that...but i do noe tht its in season 5...i guess so...)
I kinda like SCREWED UP WITH THE SCRIPTS...but i sure know that u guys would know wat episode is this coz u guys r such big fans of Wil. But wat i could rmb i'll try to insert in here
Sara: Wanna go for dinner? Whn u would come to think of it u might be too late.
Grissom: But i don't know wat to do...
Sara: But i do
Question 1#: So wat happened next to the both of thm? Could anyone update me about it? i'd love to hear about it...TX!!
Question 2#: i've come across a few pic's tht u guys have(wonderful pic's by the way)...but one of thm that really CAUGHT was whn Sara is actaully "stuck" in grissom bcos grissom apparently was putting both his hands against the wall n sara was in between there...Can i take a look at the scripts bcos i REALLY REALLY want to noe wat r they talking about...or someone could refer a website that has a video about wat i said.