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hey i prob. guys...could u guys help me out here?i'm kinda stuck about the love-story about grissom n sara...
the last time i saw sara talkin' to gil was whn she said (I forgot which episode was that...but i do noe tht its in season 5...i guess so...)
I kinda like SCREWED UP WITH THE SCRIPTS...but i sure know that u guys would know wat episode is this coz u guys r such big fans of Wil. But wat i could rmb i'll try to insert in here
Sara: Wanna go for dinner? Whn u would come to think of it u might be too late.
Grissom: But i don't know wat to do...
Sara: But i do

Question 1#: So wat happened next to the both of thm? Could anyone update me about it? i'd love to hear about it...TX!!
Question 2#: i've come across a few pic's tht u guys have(wonderful pic's by the way)...but one of thm that really CAUGHT :eek: was whn Sara is actaully "stuck" in grissom bcos grissom apparently was putting both his hands against the wall n sara was in between there...Can i take a look at the scripts bcos i REALLY REALLY want to noe wat r they talking about...or someone could refer a website that has a video about wat i said.
Hey Leehom :D

Yes, we love the Man :p please keep in mind we all don't ship the same couples. :)
You should ask in the Sara/Gil shipper thread.

Back to BP: I think it was just all gossip. I've never heard him throw a tantrum. :rolleyes: Nope. Not BP. :D

Welcome Leehom yeah, go to the GSR thread.. and your comments will be appreciated there.. and I was just on my way home and stopped at the market.. and read every single TABLOID and mag.. and there was NOTHING!!!!! at all about him and this supposed "flair-up" unless this was a long time ago.. I don't beleive any of it.. unless I saw it for my-self.. :( and was there to wittness it.... :rolleyes:
Greetings From Oregon :D
and that totally does NOT sound like Billy! Sounds like a tabloid is trying to make something out of possibly nothing
makes you go HHHHMMM :confused:
but i don't see any gil/sara thread around here...or mayb u guys could help me out here with a link or smtg?
pls n TX GUYS!
Leehom, you can find the GSR Thread

Just catching up on some of the posts as i'm falling way behind lately, am surprised by some peoples views that they don't think Billy would throw a tamper tantrum. I don't know about that article in particular, but he does indeed throw his weight around at times on set. I've seen enough dailies to see that with my own two eyes. Sometimes called for, sometimes not :rolleyes: and sometimes he just gets angry with himself, which is kinda cute to watch :lol:

Just because it's not in print doesn't mean it doesn't happen. The tabloids would have a field day if they knew half of what goes on the sets of some of these shows.

Anywho, what I'm trying to get across is that he's not completely flawless, and would hate to see people set themselves up for disappointment thinking he's something he's not. He's no different from anyone else. :)
pp is so right. I've seen lots of those dailies myself with LTSB being a prime example of a not so happy Billy at work.
I say it's not any different than the way any of us would feel when we have a bad day on the job. We're all just human and want to do the best we can.
puppypower76 said:
... what I'm trying to get across is that he's not completely flawless, and would hate to see people set themselves up for disappointment thinking he's something he's not. He's no different from anyone else.
The networks and the trash mags would love nothing more than to see lots of press about their stars freaking out over a supposed "ratings war". Billy has been asked point blank if he worries about the ratings game and he basically said "that's somebody else's problem, we just try to make a good show".

Don't let that angelic face fool you. Given his intense personality, I'm sure he can be a bear at times, especially over artistic differences. But it's that intensity that makes him so good at what he does. There's no doubt he has a temper, but don't we all given the right circumstances? :rolleyes:
I agree. We get nothing of the real Billy over here, but I don't think a diva hissy fit is out of the question from him. We are all capable of one when we feel so passionately about what we do. I'm pretty prone to the odd one or two myself - despite my sunny disposition on theis thread! :D

There's good in bad and bad in good - not everything is 100% perfection - but I have to admit - he comes pretty close! :lol:

Saw BurnOut last night. Got to agree with Adzix - the profiles - the sheer beauty of the man! :devil: Printed one out for my office wall. After my hissy fits, these pics of him always calm my soul!
The Gil/Sara thread would be in the "Shipper Central" Forum, its usually not to hard to miss there. It can run under many names such as GSR (Grissom Sara Romance).
britfan said:
Saw BurnOut last night. Got to agree with Adzix - the profiles - the sheer beauty of the man! After my hissy fits, these pics of him always calm my soul!
Oh yes... the profiles. Absolute proof that the man has perfect features.
ebuzz55 said:

The networks and the trash mags would love nothing more than to see lots of press about their stars freaking out over a supposed "ratings war". Billy has been asked point blank if he worries about the ratings game and he basically said "that's somebody else's problem, we just try to make a good show".

I don't go near those trashy mags. No thank you. :D

As for the ratings, I've said all along people, don't worry about the damn ratings and enjoy what ever shows you watch.
Let the networks worry about the ratings. :)

I'm thankful just to see my favorite shows returning this season.

OT: I love the OC and it only has a few remaining eps left, but, I'm not going to whine and cry. I'm enjoying what's left of this short season. And when it's gone, I have my dvds to look back on. :D
The only thing that pisses me off is the fact that it's up against CSI and GA. :mad: :mad: That is soooo not fair. :lol:

So enjoy your favorite shows. :D

Is the OC ending then for good? I love Seth and all his Seth'isums!' I dont see why they are at war with each other there 2 totally different types of show apart from both having a bit of blood and guts in I think both are great! :D
Bluntforcetrauma said:
Is the OC ending then for good? I love Seth and all his Seth'isums!' I dont see why they are at war with each other there 2 totally different types of show apart from both having a bit of blood and guts in I think both are great! :D

Hey Bluntforcetrauma Cool name. :D

OT: ITA, both are great shows and I love the OC and it's all about Julie for me. :lol:
Yep, blood, guts, Grissom and McDreamy. That's what I love. :lol: :lol:

We haven't finished S6 here yet... got two more episodes to go! Even though I'm not one for being spoiled, I can't help myself when it comes to my favourite CSI!

Tan :cool:
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