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ebuzz55 said:
Oh definitely! IMO all actors are storytellers in their own way. The thing that makes theatre so great is living it all in the moment. I think that's what Billy thrives on... that energy.

Then I shall think of all actors as storytellers. :D
Not just on-stage but in television and movies.
I do know that not all actors can do theatre so I'm very happy for him. :D He genuinely loves performing live.
I bet the audience feels that energy as well. :)

britfan said:
I've been reading the interviews and I genuinely think we have lost our boy from CSI. The theatre is so strong in him (Use the force Billy...) that the pull will be too great. He will drop right off the radar here.

I know many here don't want him to leave CSI, maybe I'm greedy. :rolleyes:
I just want him to move forward. To use his talent elsewhere. And we all know the theatre is something he truly loves. :D
Drop off the radar? :eek: He has way to many fans that love and admire him.

I'm just thankful he's not in all those tabloid mags week after week like some stars. Stars that you get tired of seeing right? He's a private man and I respect that. :D

I'm in total agreement WPRMW I was sad when I read all the "red flags" about his leaving, but my daughter said "he's not leaving the planet, just CSI" and that's right, we can follow him wherever he goes, and whatever he does ;)!!! and his radio interview, he's so quick with his answers, brilliant, doesn't miss a beat, the tone of his voice, ~~~~drools~~~ so sexy, and appealing :p.......... here's an article about "The Cop Show That Conquered The World" on CSI's, it's about him, and David and Gary" and why the "female audience is smitten with him" ya think :D


I want one too! can I have that for Christmas
with the beard please though :lol:
I ordered one some time ago and he arrived just in time to accompany me on my cruise!!! :D

We're leaving tomorrow and will be back here in early January. Don't worry! I'll take VERY good care of my GRISSOM... :devil: I promise he'll come back in one piece, tanned, no headache! But I don't promise a big grin won't be permanently etched on his beautiful features... ;)

Happy Holidays, my friends! :D
^^^ Have a wonderful time
GGgirl1 with your Grissom
I hope he is everything you want for Christmas :devil: and MORE!
Yay !!! I love Grissom, why do none of my friends/family see the hotness that is Gil Grissom ??? Thank the Lord for this thread tho !
hello my griss-luvin people!

just a quick note to say merry christmas and happy new year to everyone :D as this is my last day at work and so won't have any pc access :( (a whole week or so with no griss gossip / discussion - how am i going to cope??!!) :(

i hope everyone gets billy under their tree on xmas morning (i don't really know how that'd work but, hey!)

have a good un people!

hello everyone! s'been like forever since i last posted something in here. i'm busy, or more like VERY busy. ya know christmas time, partying with friends, that all takes time, lol.

so, any news on billy?
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all of you, hope your days are filled with joy and happiness, ;) have fun everyone, and stay safe ;) see you all when I return from California.. ;)

GGgirl1 said:
I ordered one some time ago and he arrived just in time to accompany me on my cruise!!! :D

We're leaving tomorrow and will be back here in early January. Don't worry! I'll take VERY good care of my GRISSOM... :devil: I promise he'll come back in one piece, tanned, no headache! But I don't promise a big grin won't be permanently etched on his beautiful features... ;)

Happy Holidays, my friends! :D

Do you know, GGgirl, there are names for you and your behaviour in the UK?! :lol: :lol:

Don't forget, WPRMW, I'm in England, and what I meant with falling off the radar was that we'll see nothing of him in the UK if he's not in CSI... not that he's leaving the planet! :lol: Unless he fancies a run in the West End theatre district of London, in which case, I'll need a train season ticket and a higher paying job than teaching! :D

Have a fantastic holiday Billy / Grissom fans! Take care of yourselves!

Now I'm off to watch Way To Go and get a load of Grissom reclining on a bed... and have thoughts too naughty for the PG13 site... :devil:
I know we've talked this to death, but I can't help feeling rather sad at Billy's evetual departure from CSI and/or TV in general. It was always a big highlight of my week to see new episodes and delight in his portrayal of Gil Grissom. Like the wise daughter of one of our members said, "He's not falling off the world, he's just leaving CSI!" Very true, but still one can't help but feel rather sad at the loss of his talent and charm in this role. Something else has also occurred to me; with Billy leaving CSI, his films being shown on cable and will likely come to an end because the dummies who program these channels are looking for ratings and if an actor is not getting 'Face-Time' in a popular series, there is no reason for them to continue scheduling their films, no matter what the fans of that actor may think. I sincerely wish him all the luck in the world whatever he chooses to do after CSI, but I'll still our dear, darlin' blue-eyed bugman.
I agree with you for purely selfish reasons. I'll miss seeing him on CSI every week, just because it keeps that "connection" in place. But once you see him in live performance it will be a little easier to accept that departure, simply because he so obviously loves it. He'll still be "out there", and news will still be available at sites like WPAP. The focus of his career may shift but I suspect his true blue fans will still be there. I'm also hoping that eventually he will do film again as well. And don't panic... as far as the storyline goes, Grissom has a way to go before his tenure with CSI is done.

Wishing everyone here a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a safe, peaceful holiday!
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