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I seriously think it's time for him to move on.
CSI was great, but I'd would love for him to leave Grissom behind.
I would love for him to go back to theatre, movies, or guest starring on other television shows.

Reality show?? No thank you.
I definitely don't see him as the type of person that would ever do that. :eek:

Yes, Christmas is hard for some and I'm slowly letting go of the past. :D

puppypower76 said:
Took me a while to get here because of jet lag, yes it's 3.30am here and me wide awake, but quick review of the play.

Billy is absolutely amazing on stage. he's so into the character and does a fantastic job. His appearance both on stage and off, well, he looks great.

The beard will more than likely be gone again when he's back on CSI.

I personally love his hair it's natural colour, if you were sat on the left side of the stage, you get an amazing view of the back of his head for a few minutes and all those lil ringlets by his neck ;)

Just curious, did he come out after the curtain went down and pose for pictures or give out autographs? with his hugh fan base I'd think he would :eek:
GGgirl1 said:
From everything you've said, it looks like I need to tuck away A LOT of $$$! I don't care where it is, next time, I'll be there every night!

I'm saving! I'm saving! I've warned my friend that he is coming with me to see Billy, even though he's not a big fan - but he is a drama teacher and Arts Director - so he IS going! Our West End would be pefect but not likely, so Chicago or Broadway - here we come!
ebuzz55 said: It's not like anything you can imagine. :rolleyes:
Ohh, I can imagine quite a bit. If I went into detail I'd probably be arrested (not to mention banned from Talk), but suffice it to say that my wildest dreams probably put even the most sordid fantasies to shame. Although, seeing Billy on stage in person seems nice. If I did go, my friends would have to tie me to my seat though. I don't think I could stop myself from shrieking, jumping out of my seat, and giving him a big fat hug. That's one of my life goals, you know. Hug Billy Petersen, and then go jump off a bridge...
Just curious, did he come out after the curtain went down and pose for pictures or give out autographs? with his hugh fan base I'd think he would
Well, if the rest of his huge fan base is as rabid as we are, I doubt it. The basement's an eighth done, by the way. I'm going to start the tunnel tomorrow after school. :devil: By the time the season is over, I will be able to kidnap Billy from his condo and keep him with me always like a pet cat. For now, though, I'll have to settle for GP.
Do you see why he probably wouldn't stick around?
Crysthala said:
ebuzz55 said: It's not like anything you can imagine. :rolleyes:
Ohh, I can imagine quite a bit. If I went into detail I'd probably be arrested (not to mention banned from Talk), but suffice it to say that my wildest dreams probably put even the most sordid fantasies to shame. Although, seeing Billy on stage in person seems nice. If I did go, my friends would have to tie me to my seat though. I don't think I could stop myself from shrieking, jumping out of my seat, and giving him a big fat hug. That's one of my life goals, you know. Hug Billy Petersen, and then go jump off a bridge...
Just curious, did he come out after the curtain went down and pose for pictures or give out autographs? with his hugh fan base I'd think he would
Well, if the rest of his huge fan base is as rabid as we are, I doubt it. The basement's an eighth done, by the way. I'm going to start the tunnel tomorrow after school. :devil: By the time the season is over, I will be able to kidnap Billy from his condo and keep him with me always like a pet cat. For now, though, I'll have to settle for GP.
Do you see why he probably wouldn't stick around?

Your are a riot :lol: :lol: :lol: really, I couldn't contain my-self either..I still want to know ..does he just split? after his performance? after all, he's playing to die-hard fans.. they could have security surrounding him, to protect him from "us" :D
desertwind said:
I still want to know ..does he just split? after his performance? after all, he's playing to die-hard fans...
After the bows he's gracefully outta there. You have to remember that most nights the largest part of the audience is made up of regular theatre-goers who are just there for the play. We're more aware of him because of our fandom. He has so many people wanting some of his time that it would be impossible to sign autographs, etc. after every performance. Considering the time he puts in when shooting CSI and doing appearances to promote the show, this is probably the closest thing he's getting to a vacation till the season ends. ;)
Well, if the rest of his huge fan base is as rabid as we are, I doubt it. The basement's an eighth done, by the way. I'm going to start the tunnel tomorrow after school. :devil: By the time the season is over, I will be able to kidnap Billy from his condo and keep him with me always like a pet cat. For now, though, I'll have to settle for GP.

I'll come help you, I'm not that far away here. ROFL.

What's GP?
I just listened to his radio interview.. his voice is so husky ,and sexy, and the tone, so appealing he's so sure of himself, and his likes, just flow...very charming!!! :p his Irish brogue fascinating.. wow, he's so fantastic.. hoepfully, someday I can see him in person :pall of us ;)
I'm not surprised that his preformance is stellar
it's his first love
I'm sure you are not exaggerating either ebuzz when you say this is like nothing we've ever seen before
I'm envious and jealous that you were able to see him up close doing some thing he TRUELY loves

I want the beard back, my only complaint :eek:
i hope ebuzz could giv everyone a lil scoop about billy on stage and do a mini interview about and tell us!
Leehom, if you back up a page I started posting various bits about Billy in Dublin Carol on Dec 16th (07:21PM). Heh... probably because I've been unable to stop thinking about it all since I got back. ;)

There are also some comments from puppypower76 as well.
I heard the interview. :D
His Irish accent is so sweet to hear. Love it. :)
Ebuzz, do you get to hear some Irish music in the background?
I'm just curious.
Hmmm I never thought of theatre as storytelling until now.

"There is a lot of difficult times at Christmas"

ITA with BP on that quote. :)

He has been very blessed to be a part of theatre, movie and television.

MacsGirlMel said:
I'll come help you, I'm not that far away here. ROFL.
What's GP?
Thank you very much, I'll need some help installing the surveillance system. GP is Grissomplushie. You can find that a
EDIT: Well, don't know what went wrong there. I was going to say you can find GP on page 15. The error has been fixed! I win! :lol:
WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
His Irish accent is so sweet to hear. Love it. :)
I was watching Alter Boys last night and it's hard to make any connection between Grissom and John Plunkett. The brogue is so beautiful and almost impossible to get out of your head. you get to hear some Irish music in the background?
There is no music that I remember except at the end when John turns on a small radio... I think it's playing Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Frank Sinatra. I could be wrong because I was quite distracted. :rolleyes:

Hmmm I never thought of theatre as storytelling until now.
Oh definitely! IMO all actors are storytellers in their own way. The thing that makes theatre so great is living it all in the moment. I think that's what Billy thrives on... that energy.

Jeez... apologies for my chattiness. All I want to do is go back up there and see the next 15 performances. ::sigh::
I can't hear the radio interview. Gutted. Won't play here and haven't got Real at home so I guess I'll have to take your word on how lovely he sounds... :(

I've been reading the interviews and I genuinely think we have lost our boy from CSI. The theatre is so strong in him (Use the force Billy...) that the pull will be too great. He will drop right off the radar here. We scarcely see or hear anything of him in the UK, except when CSI starts a new series - January, I hope! So if he's not even in that... oh well, good luck to him. But I can hold out for one off appearances as a consultant every so often, couldn't I? Maybe?
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