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Crysthala said:
Yumm, Billy had better not shave when he comes back to CSI. He looks funny with white hair though, but he is still (as always) sexy beyond reason.
I need to make an avatar, excuse me. Oh, and GP says hello. ^.^

Wasn't Billy's hair about that color in season 1? On WPAP there is a picture in the first episode where his haircolor looks pretty close to the way it is now for the stage.

Maybe I need my eyes checked, but seems pretty close to me. But yes indeed, he is absolutely delicious and gorgeous to behold! ;)
jeanmacgreen said:
Wasn't Billy's hair about that color in season 1?
Yes, at least in the first part of the season. It looks more silvery with stage lights shining down on him, and of course it is 6 years later. ;)
*shreiks in joy* oh, my god! I'm new here, and I've been looking for a long time for a forum with like minded people! I'm only 14, but my god is grissom HOT!
ebuzz55 said:
No matter what movies, tv shows, interviews or pics you have seen, rest assured that the real Billy is more amazing than all of those things. There is no measure.

The play is amazing, his performance is gifted. The theatre is very small and intimate... there is no bad seat. His command of the brogue is remarkable, which is significant since he basically has 90 minutes of running dialogue. It's obvious that theatre is his heart... it shows in his performance.

I can only say that if you don't see Dublin Carol, start a "theatre fund" for future opportunities. No matter what you have to do to get there, it's all worth it.

And all I can say about the white hair/beard is :p. Trust me on this one.

FANTASTIC YOU LUCKY GIRL ;).. so what was the most impressive thing about him? did he look better, the same? is he small, medium.. big.. did you see his face really up close? dish girl.. was his presence overwhelming? tell us every intimate detail ;)congratulations on seeing him.. ~~~~we're all so envious~~~~
Took me a while to get here because of jet lag, yes it's 3.30am here and me wide awake, but quick review of the play.

Billy is absolutely amazing on stage. he's so into the character and does a fantastic job. His appearance both on stage and off, well, he looks great.

The beard will more than likely be gone again when he's back on CSI.

I personally love his hair it's natural colour, if you were sat on the left side of the stage, you get an amazing view of the back of his head for a few minutes and all those lil ringlets by his neck ;)
Welcome Grissoms Angel! Hope you have fun here...I do! I was so glad to find this forum too...i had to find someplace to vent my reason for drooling ;) This is a great forum so enjoy yourself :D
desertwind said:
... so what was the most impressive thing about him? did he look better, the same? is he small, medium.. big.. did you see his face really up close? ...was his presence overwhelming? tell us every intimate detail ;) congratulations on seeing him.. ~~~~we're all so envious~~~~
Oh my, impressive? Everything! Real life seems to soften his features... he looks younger. He's very trim and not the 5'11" he's reported to be... more 5'10"ish. You sit so close to him in theatre that there are moments he seems to look straight at you, and he has an intense gaze, let me tell you. His voice ranges from remarkably gentle to cutting the air like a knife... he's always in motion, even when he sits in repose a foot is tapping (he's probably oblivious to this). This man is the most skilled actor I've ever seen on the stage. He is so focused there is no line between him and his character. His presence is commanding, but he seems very gregarious. I get the impression that he'd just as soon skip the praise... he seems genuinely anxious to get past the applause (often standing ovations) and move on. As much as I love Grissom, you've never seen Billy till he takes the stage. That's where he lives.

Now don't be envious... tuck away a little $$ when you can and be sure you get yourself to his next theatre performance. It's not like anything you can imagine. :rolleyes:
From everything you've said, it looks like I need to tuck away A LOT of $$$! I don't care where it is, next time, I'll be there every night!
hey all :) i'm back in Europe finally, and i missed the Hottness during my trip ;)

thank you so much puppy and ebuzz for your reviews! it's so awesome that you were there and saw him! i'm almost sure that next year, if he's gonna be doing a play during Thanksgiving, i'm gonna go and see him. i sooooo want to *drools*

and the beard will be gone??????????? YYAAAAAYY
Ebuzz and Puppy thank you for the reviews. :D I would love to see him leave CSI, so that we may have the opportunity to see BP on stage. Sorry ladies if you don't agree with me. :rolleyes:

From some of the reviews that I've read, Dublin Carol sounds sad and depressing. :(
I would love to see him in a more uplifting role. I don't know....maybe it's because I'm not to crazy about Christmas. Personal reasons. :(
And with a week to go, I'm still not ready for Christmas. :eek: I always say to myself "I'm going to be ready next year." :lol: But does it happen??? Nooooo. :lol:

*starts a theatre fund* :D

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
I would love to see him leave CSI, so that we may have the opportunity to see BP on stage. Sorry ladies if you don't agree with me.
You know, I never thought I'd hear myself say that, but ITA.

From some of the reviews that I've read, Dublin Carol sounds sad and depressing. :(
It isn't really, but the downside of Christmas always seems to manifest itself in examining the past. In the end there is a moment (without a spoken word) when you feel there will be redemption for John Plunkett, and it is quite heartwarming in it's own way.
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