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I'd probably just freeze and not know what to say lol.

*bets she knows what a lot of us WISH we could ask but never really wwould :devil:*
First of all, the 'like this' picture from above should be made illegal! Wowsers! Hotness personified! Yummy, mummy!

If I met him, which is hugely unlikely as I can't see him hitting Sheffield in the near future, ;) I would tell him how much I enjoy the show, try and squeeze his bum, then run off and hide! :lol:

I'd never see him again, so I wouldn't be too concerned about what I did! Tee hee! The poor boy would take his life into his own hands with both me and poppylvsgriss being here!

In all seriousness, I would have to ask for a signed photo, well, two - one with, one without the beard! So hard to decide which is better... and one for poppylvsgriss, and GGgirl (who would kill me if I met him and didn't get her a signed pic!) and one for all you lovely folks too, of course! :D

'Time of Your Death' is on five tonight! CSEye Eye time! :lol: Ooof! That look at the end... so much drool, so little time!
adzix I love your dean icon
thank you syren :D i adore the guy.

well, i would firstly tell him who i am, in short, lol, tell him how i love his movies, CSI and how i think he's great, ask him if i can take a pic with him and get an autograph on his signed pic. LOL. yeah, i would take some of his time. but i would try not to behave like a squeeing teen, although i know it would be hard ;)
Hum! What would be the first question? I think it would go something like this: I'd smile at him, and when he smiles back (he better!!!), I'd go to him and say "I love you, I worship you, I'd do anything for you. May I have an autograph?" I wouldn't ask for anything more, since he'd be too stunned by my approach to think... :lol: And if he gave me his autograph, I'd take a picture of it and post it here, for all of you to share! And britfan, you know I wouldn't kill you! It's soooo not my style... But you would hear from me, all across the pond! ;)
Adz, I would have to squeal like a teenage girl - a 33 year old teenager admittedly, but still a big girl under Billy's influence and blue eyed gaze... *swoon*

And GGgirl? I am already hiding behind the settee, quaking with fear! :lol: I may have to hide the pitchfork so you can't prod me with it! :D
I think I'd spark his interest by saying "How about those Cubs" ;) being's he's a die-hard fan.. then he's have to pick up the conservation.. cause I'm not up on baseball like I should be :lol:that would be a start!!!and tell him I love Chicago, which I do.. that would bring a smile to his face ;)
well, i completely love when he says "that". it's more like a "thAAt". for example in the BTK, when he was Rocking with Doc in the morgue.

Grissom: Cause Of Death?
*Doc sings*
Grissom: Sorry Izzy. Now, what is thAAt?
*Doc takes it out of the body and shows it to Grissom*
Grissom: The key to our mistery?

one word - adorable.
I have to share in my semi-excitment....I got double the Billy today! One in the form of "Hard Promises" on DVD and the other in "Live and Die in LA" I say semi because i haven't watched them yet! I doubt i'll be able to write my bliss when I finally get the chance to watch them (one tv and the boyfriend has it :mad: )

Okay....yes i will but, it will be a huge swooning *SIIIIIGGGGGGH* ;) While i watch....what is, in your opinion, Billy's hottest part in each movie? I'll let you know mine once I get to watch! Take care all and this forum keeps me sane some days so THANKS! :D
What would I do if I met him?
Probably the same as the rest of everyone one else

--first my nose would turn bright red (as it always does when I get embarassed) :eek:
--If he is as animated as puppypower says he is, then I would talk to him about sports like desertwind. I'm not a baseball fan but I could talk his ear off about football :D, which he likes also
AND, since he lived in the Northwest, ok, if you count Idaho the Northwest, I would talk to him about that too

ALL without squeeeing like a teenager which WOULDN'T BE THAT EASY!!!

OH, and ask for an autographed picture and hopefully a hug ;)
Man I wish I got downtown more LOL...If my luck were really REALLY good I might see him out and about. *Sigh* I'd at least like to see one of his plays when he's out here.

LOL I don't think I can say what his hottest part in TLADILA was :devil: I haven't seen it yet but I've seen pics...and suffice to say, WOW.
Let's just say it right out, Billy Petersen is simply hot, hot, hot! He's looks spectacular in every part he's played*, exuded pure animal magnetism and charisma with every gesture or look. Has a voice that can melt butter, eyes as blue as a waters of a tropical island and a smile that makes any female weak in the knees! :devil:

*He looked good in Young Guns too although the 'mutton chop' sideburns were not his style. :lol:
OMG OMG OMG is all every scene was in "Hard Promises"! I watched that one this morning and what a way to wake up! I need oxygen! There was not one specific part that was the hottest...they were all hot!
:devil: I have to go share in the photo thread now..these pics are too much...DROOL!!!!!!!!
jeanmacgreen said:
Let's just say it right out, Billy Petersen is simply hot, hot, hot! He's looks spectacular in every part he's played*, exuded pure animal magnetism and charisma with every gesture or look. Has a voice that can melt butter, eyes as blue as a waters of a tropical island and a smile that makes any female weak in the knees! :devil:

*He looked good in Young Guns too although the 'mutton chop' sideburns were not his style. :lol:

well said.. in total agreement :p and loveforgirssom yeah, he's pretty darling in "Hard Promises" how'd ya like the tight jeans :p
The tight jeans were very very nice :D...I've noticed people say he should wear jeans in CSI more and i fully agree! He not only looks heavenly but comfortable. And we all want Billy to be as relaxed as possible right? ;)
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