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MacsGirlMel said:
I'm that way too, several of my crushes are like twice my age lol. Billy, Gary S,...David Boreanaz is a little younger than the others...Adrian Paul, Anthony Head...
God I'm glad that I'm not the only one ;) But I definitely am a sucker for older men *sighs* Billy, George C., DC, Dean Cain and a few more...
And you are right; he needs his beard back - even if he is damn hot at the moment too.
HI all
I watched Cousins last night
with our Billy Petersen and Sean Young, Isabella Rosolini and Ted Danson
it was great
Billy wasn't so nice but boy, those eyes and his acting was great, my friend actually recommended this movie to me
he was great and so young with his brown curly hair
I knew he was in the movie because in the opening scene all you hear is his voice.. his unmistakable voice :)

have a good one ladies :)

I bet I am not the only Grissom fan who would enjoy this story from Geekfiction website.....

Written by cropper. Absolutely gripping.

A Sniper is after revenage and he has his sights on Grissom! +GSR.

I know, I know, not the place for fanfiction recomendations, but heck if I had not come across this story and someone told me about it I would be glad!

It is so like a real episode. :eek: :eek: :eek:
RocketScientist said:

I bet I am not the only Grissom fan who would enjoy this story from Geekfiction website.....

Written by cropper. Absolutely gripping.

A Sniper is after revenage and he has his sights on Grissom! +GSR.

I know, I know, not the place for fanfiction recomendations, but heck if I had not come across this story and someone told me about it I would be glad!

It is so like a real episode. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Well I'm happy you recommended that fic :D
Yeah only 3 chapters at the moment. But try ...Sniper_Four.html and you can get a quick peek at what is coming next! And WOW! The is one jem of abit with what they find is in Grissom's hand....

I am glad others have enjoyed it.
Glad you enjoyed it hhunter he is distintive.. isn't he.. and next to Ted Danson.. yuck..he was a bit of a scoundrel and that beautiful curly hair... :p :p Isabella also made a statement about working with his bio. how so cool and fun he is.. long time ago..and another extrodinary trait about him.. his voice.. so cool and smooth. he could be a DJ :D it's soothing to ones ears..

grissom4ever said:
Oooooo cousins is great, watched it a couple of weeks ago. His hair is to die for in that movie, mmmmmmmmm!


It was I just wanted to run my fingers through it
and desertwind his voice was great and he was a scoundrel but I still liked it alot
I think that could be a good fic even if you haven't read the previous looks good so far anyway.
Hey Everyone!

Hope you all had a nice weekend. :)
With Thanksgiving in a few days, I've been too busy I didn't get to catch any BP movies. :(

Speaking of BP's hair, would it freak you out if he shaved his head or had it cut like George E's hair?? :eek:
God, I would be totally stunned if he did that. :eek: :(

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
Speaking of BP's hair, would it freak you out if he shaved his head or had it cut like George E's hair?? :eek:
God, I would be totally stunned if he did that. :eek: :(
AH! :eek: That would totally freak me out!! :lol:
George with no hair is bad enough, sorry I had to :devil:
but Billy??? no leave his curls alone!!!
that's what makes him so irresistable
WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
Speaking of BP's hair, would it freak you out if he shaved his head or had it cut like George E's hair?? :eek:

that would be gross. but i must admit i like it, when his hair is cut short ;) so that its really curly - you know what i mean?
Hello Gil's Gals! Rolled back in to see how everyone's doing and how are you planning on dealing with WP/GG withdrawal symptoms until mid-January?
As to the earlier subject of Billy 'losing his temper' on set, personally I really doubt that it happened the way it was written. Although I do believe he is a perfectionist in his work; like we need to told that! ;)
Nearly everything else that has been said about him is that he is a consummate professional in all aspects of his work and that unlike many other actors, has been there to help in any capacity he could. I remember reading a piece where someone who worked with him on stage productions made a point of saying how Billy would be the lead in that play and yet wouldn't think twice about helping out in building/painting the sets. Did'nt someone post here that he was being directed in 'A Dublin Carol' by an old girlfriend?!? How many women would do that for a guy the tabloids claimed where throwing a fit on set? :eek:
Also, from just watching CSI and seeing how many other actors from both his stage and screen work have had guest roles, this is a guy with not only a dedication to his craft, but a really big heart too. Yeah, I know he's human and maybe he's not 'perfect' but he sure is as close to it as man can get! :D
Anybody catch Sara's line about 'I won't wait up' to Gil in last week's episode? Silly girl, don't you know a good thing when you got it? :devil:
All the same, if it weren't for the reruns on Spike TV, I'd go banannas waiting for Billy's return. I already miss you bug man! :(
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