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Why would any of us say no? And Good to see i'm not the only person to notice. I think the girls that worked with him at least kissed him once. It's just a theory though. if that's the truth. I have to really see If I can get an acting job on CSI as a Live Victim or In a movie he's going to be in or Work in theater. :p Aww the things I'll go through just for a guy. :D
newflame13 said:
Why would any of us say no? And Good to see i'm not the only person to notice. I think the girls that worked with him at least kissed him once. It's just a theory though. if that's the truth. I have to really see If I can get an acting job on CSI as a Live Victim or In a movie he's going to be in or Work in theater. :p Aww the things I'll go through just for a guy. :D
Yeah, it would be soooooo hard... ;) But I'm willing to go through this hardship with you! :)
Yes indeed- and who are those actresses? never heard nor seen either one of them before or since- have you?
I have no Idea who are those actresses. I seriously word like to met them though cause I can actually ask them how was it like to kiss William? Oh and Desertwind thanks about my Banner Cinegirl made it for me and I thought it would be a good Idea that I can have both Men That I LOVE!! :p
Adzix, I didn't know you are into Grissom and Lady Heather
oh yeah i shipped it more before the last eps of S6. i ship both of these pairings actually, but since GSR is canon and some other causes (which i won't say right now) my lead ship turned into GSR. so my fave from faves depended on what would really happen on the show. but i still SO adore G/LH pairing ;)

and about bearded - beardless WP again. on another thread someone said that the thing is resolved: he's gonna be ... beardless for the first bunch of eps. maybe he'll grow it back after the play, when he comes back? it would be a consensus for everybody, don't ya think?
Adzix said:
and about bearded - beardless WP again. on another thread someone said that the thing is resolved: he's gonna be ... beardless for the first bunch of eps. maybe he'll grow it back after the play, when he comes back? it would be a consensus for everybody, don't ya think?
Beardless for the first bunch? :( And The Beard coming after his play? :devil: As a BPN affected with the 10th stage of WPHS, I can live with that, that would be a good compromise. :)
Adzix said:
.... and about bearded - beardless WP again. on another thread someone said that the thing is resolved: he's gonna be ... beardless for the first bunch of eps. maybe he'll grow it back after the play, when he comes back? it would be a consensus for everybody, don't ya think?

Some have even said the whole season? :eek: :(
I don't know if I can deal with that. :rolleyes: Hmmm no beard. :(
I fell for DaMan with DaBeard.
Oh well, it's not the end of the world, right? :lol: Besides, Dr McDreamy has stolen my heart. :p :p :p

LADY HEATHER: In my experience, Mr. Grissom, some men go to the theater ...
some men are the theater.
Aww, so no beard?

I only believe what I see, so until I see pictures of beardless Billy, I'm still rootin' for Da Beard :p

Two more words for our dictionary :D

BHARP = Billy Hottness Addiction Rehabilitation Program

BAA = Beard Addicts Anonymous

But, you know somethin'? If he comes back with that season 1 look of his -see season 1 hottest profile winner, works for me! :p
Oh, your words are good!!! :D So I'm a BAA definitively unwilling to enlist in the BHARP, right? :lol:

And if he comes back beardless :(, I'll continue watching seasons 4 to 6 to get my daily requirement of Da Beard... ;) We have to make do, right? THASSBO!
Billy without the beard, HHHMM
but he did look good in the Pilot ( of the series) without it and up thru season 3. But I'm with WPRMW on this one, I fell for him with the beard :p
we will have to see
GrissomFREAK said:
Right on my friend :D

How about this one?

BOOM = Billy('s) On Our Minds :p

That could be our 'war cry' :D :lol:

:lol: Oh,I love it!!! (adding it to the dictionary)

So, MOM, this BELL RASCAL SWEATABLE NESAM! All of us BPN have BOOM! :D (Oh, I'm having so much fun and it doesn't cost a penny! :lol:)

Edit: I've just been watching Fur And Loathing and thought of a new one:

SAY - scritch and yif :devil:

It can be a verb! We don't have much of these... So, what do you think?
don't worry everyone. no TB means we'll have lots and LOTS of TD :D

(TB - The Beard, TD - The Dimple) :D

GGgirl i have only one thing to say. YOU'RE A BPN (BP nut)! :lol:
Well, I'm still waiting for your reaction! Do you like it or not? :confused: What do you say? ;)

BTW, I like your new additions... :D
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