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AGGGHHHH he is so hot. <dies>
He is so totally sdeklas, I'm going to have to write in leet.
8177Y 15 +3H H0+!!!1
me neither GF. it says the're hotlinked i guess.

desertwind, you're SO LUCKY!! go for it!!! take pics! maybe you'll be the first one to take a pic of him without the beard????? :D
I'm not ready for that. At least not yet
GrissomFREAK said:
Errr ... guys? Am I the only one who can't see grssom89 's pictures? :(

sorry guys dont know what the problem is with them i can view them through the link on the forum sorry will rush to find u replacement pics as punishment *dashes off*
The 1st one worked for me, but not the 2nd link... btw, verrrrrrrrrrry nice pics! :devil: And if I may say so, this is supposed to be the thread where we discuss His Hottness, and we post our pictures on the other one... ;)
You don't have to apologize, sweetie! We understand... ;) This guy is so hott we want to post his pics everywhere! :lol:
What do you mean, "not to spread it"??? We have to!!! :D Being addicted to this man is soooooo enjoyable, :devil: we have to contaminate every woman on this planet! ;)
wahh, Adzix , i totally looooooove your avater (or whatever it is called like) the one with the killer-look!! :devil: :devil: sooooooo great!!!! :D
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