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grissoms_gurl said:
WOW! Wasn't the finale spectacular?! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! Mind you, I nearly wet myself a few times :lol: when it got frightening! Billy was great in this epi!

YES..YES YES.. OMG isn't he spectatcular. one of his best performances ever..his timing, so perfect. so pricise.. all this talk about how 'HOTT' he is and how gorgeous he is right on, but his acting.. he's one of the best actors ever on this earth.
I'll post my thoughts on the whole episode on that thread..but, gawd I love this man..
Well after watching this episode man. if anyone finds some nice fanfics that take off from this, i dont care if its gsr or not feel free to send them to me! they just left an opening of any fanfic writers dream!
Grissom has probably had every female in the place...just too much of a gentleman to tell. We could take lessons guys.

Yes Grissom was great. I loved how he started chatting with Natalie about chess and her miniatures. I cracked up when he said "Im a huge fan".

Great Grissom episode :)
I'm trying my hardest not to read the spoilers from last night to ahem, spoil things for me. Sooo hard. What are lot gonna do with your Thursday nights from now on eh?!

I miss old S1 Grissom but like ive said many times I just think that was natural Billy getting used to his role if you get me. He was more touchy feely in S1 but thats probs just him, Grissom now kinda strikes me as a hands off dude.

Grissom has probably had every female in the place...just too much of a gentleman to tell. We could take lessons guys.

LOL, well, Grissom is a teacher after all! And yeah, he probli has, he a pimp daddy lmao.
eggbe4thechicken said:
^ :eek: Seriously? I don't think they're long enough. :lol:

Egg, though I'm on team bifacial, I think, down deep, I prefer him clean shaven.
Same. Well I'm technically on team Cleanshaven, but I do think he's zexy either way, well I would think that even if he was wearing a hawaiian shirt. *cough* But you can see his face better without the beard. :)

I love just watching the man strut his stuff, bearded or not. But, I will say I love that chin dimple so much and the dimples when he smiles that sweet adorable crooked smile of his! Sweet as God ever made a man! :devil:
desertwind said:
eggbe4thechicken said:
Am I seriously the only one that loves him cleanshaven? Well I live with my head in the clouds most of the time about BP, lol. He can't do any wrong. :lol:

ETA: My post was far too short, it was unnatural. :lol:
I can't believe it's the end of the season either. :( The summer is always crappy for tv. Are there ever any shows? I don't remember. :confused:
Y'all remember last years finale? How could you forget. :lol: I hope it will be just as shocking, maybe we might get a shirtless Billy? *kneels down next to Freak and prays* :rolleyes:

That's a better post. :)

I love him clean shaven.. shows that delicious dimple.. He look's great with the beard, but has moved on, and likes the clean shaven look now, and his gal likes it too :p and big accolades to him on his possible nomination' that would be so incredible for him to win, the best actor on TV as far as I'm concerned
It's about time that Billy and the entire cast got their fair share as far as Emmys go. But have'nt they won numerous People's Choice awards? If they can actually be trusted as honest any more than the 'industry' awards. :rolleyes:
AMEN to that jean how could any one beat this performance? extrodinary, he was so charming, but of course fake, with that freak-show, to get the info on Sara. that's good acting
WOW! Awesome finale!


Hate those words :devil: It's like the writers were saying to us -in a disguised way, very smart- FOR MORE HOTTNESS, WELL JUST - BE PATIENT :eek:

I CAN'T DO THAT!!! :eek:
LMAO GrissomFREAK, maybe they shoulda just wrote that insted of 'To Be Continued' that woulda been so much better right?

You think you guys have it bad? Us Brits have to wait until at least the new year (Omg so long off!! Thank god for internet streaming!) for S8. Meh that sucks.

I rekon Billy should be forced to do a film over summer so we have something to look forward too, i'd like to see him in a new role me thinks. Not that i'm sick of Grissom lol.
man, i wish billy would do a new film. oh! now that i gots me money on a reg basicis again *yay* im back to my "1 dvd purchase a payday" thing...and i just got paid..and i wanna get a billy dvd this time....but im a libran and we suck and deciding so what one should i get?
Have you got any yet? I suggest either To Live & Die in LA (my fav Billy flick) or Fear which is also excelente. Manhunter's a good buy aswel. I haven't seen any others apart from Deadly Currents and I didn't like that much. You do what I do, everytime I get paid I blow a lotta it on films, music and ahem, beer.

TL&DILA is more angry, cocky, sweary, confident, sexy Billy (which I love lol) Fear is more family man, protective Billy. I really love both films. OMG I forgot Gunshy, that is an AWESOME film, get that get that!! That's more love struck, loserish but determined Billy. It's so damn good. And he has stubble, and he slow dances. Squee! :p Wish I could buy that :(
I agree with ams, get yourself To Live And Die In LA or Manhunter -you won't be disappointed with those two.

Damn good films, and MAJOR hottness :D
hmmm...well...i already have manhunter...(love the crazy insane lets pretend we are serial killer billy) the gunshy is a good suggestion, i heard nice things about that..but thats 2 votes for to live and die in la.....*thinks*
Dear god guys. :eek:
I've been in hibernation because...well I hadn't seen the finale, and my computer doesn't matter. Point is we saw Grissom have sex. :eek: (Arm sex) My life is complete, shove the degree, I can die happy now.
mmm, sorry if that was too shippy, but in all fairness you can't really see whose arm it is as it's so close up, but you can't mistake those manly hands. Jeez. I'm all of a tither. :eek:

mmm, yeah, what you guys talking about? *goes to read* Jeez, Windy! Your! Avatar! :eek:

I think I should stop writing now. :rolleyes:

my god i just wanna faint and get cpr from him *faints*
My my. What a way to go! Getting Mouth to Mouth from Billy. :eek:

I cracked up when he said "Im a huge fan".
Me too! I was giggling like a little girl! :lol: He called her pretty, it's like, uhh, you know? You don't know...but I know, and...uhh.

He was more touchy feely in S1 but thats probs just him, Grissom now kinda strikes me as a hands off dude.
BAH! :eek: Stares at Windy's icon. Seriously that scene did me in. I watched it, then replayed it, because I thought I had drifted off again, and then paused it...for about 5 mins trying to recuperate. Jeez. I'm done. Seriously. I think I'm gonna go and watch KtS. :lol:

Us Brits have to wait until at least the new year
Huh? What's happened to channel 5? Did they run out of money? How odd. You noticed how Channel 4 has bought GA? Peculiar. *raises eyebrow*

I need to pee.
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