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^ :eek: Seriously? I don't think they're long enough. :lol:

Egg, though I'm on team bifacial, I think, down deep, I prefer him clean shaven.
Same. Well I'm technically on team Cleanshaven, but I do think he's zexy either way, well I would think that even if he was wearing a hawaiian shirt. *cough* But you can see his face better without the beard. :)
I am on TEAM BEARDED all the way.. my wish for Season 8 is for Grissom to come back with the beard.

I do have to say, he was adorable in the first seasons without it... but OH, the beard....:D
I thought I'd give, and get some ideas and views & opinions and theories of what you all thought of him in S/7, now that's it's winding down! and what you'd like to see in S/8 a brief discourse

I loved him in this season, and thought the MCSK was riveting, fascinating concept! go CSI writers ;) and can't wait to see who the hell it is :eek: I enjoyed all the eps. minus the 4 that he wasn't in? so in S/ 8 I'd love to see his relationship with Sara move forward.. maybe marriage.. and even babies..she's stood beside him through thick and thin, and it paid off, she got him! & has brought him so much joy and happiness and made him a contented and satisfied man!You make me happy..... and his friendship with Cath, like oil and water, so different in their life styles. but have respect and admiration for one another although they don't really understand each other all the time, and are at wits end with one another, their good friends, and loyal co-workers.. and maybe see her resolve her issues with her mom and Lindsey, possibly with his help.. he seems to get fullfillment from helping the unfortunate/troubled people who cross his path. :( and see what's going on with Warrick, and his wifey who we never see, and maybe Grissom can give his expertise on that as well, and his continuing closness with Nick Mr. handsome All American, their good together. & Greggie who I love seeing them together, hiliarious..and his closness with Brass & Doc, maybe see their other halves. I know Brass was taken with that lady friend in "Hollywood Brass" and him and Grissom are tight! and him and Hodges, who he finds annoying "stop hovering Hodges, in or out" :lol: and the rest of the lab rats, I think the whole team admire him and look up to him and he's taught them so much about everything.. .. and Ickly Ecklie and the undersheriff, getting into their little hassles :mad: and.......... next season maybe have a ep. where they find an amnesia victim, wandering about, and try to find out who or where they belong! so shoot.. lets hear from all of you ;)

And keep it clean.. NO put downs, or snarky comments or anything that might offend another fan! just your opinions ;) Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative
Team bearded all the way baby. Stubble is to die for, beard it HAWT, and I did kinda like the shaggyness after the initial shock of LoG. I'm sad its gone. (growl at Sara lmao)

I don't think S7 has been the greatest, liked Keppybaby. The MCSK arch is good though, will give them that. I'd like to see flirty, funny, playful, witty Grissom aka S1 Grissom return. I'm not getting into the whole GSR debate lol. Y'all know my opinion so ain't gonna bore ya ;)

Most of all i'd like to see the beard back in action. And more Warrick, he's hardly been here this season (I know he was shooting a film btw lol) and I think Nick & Mandy should get togther, they're cute lol. *sings* Ooooh Mandy. Swoon. I'd like to see less Cath drama, how much can a gal go through huh? Unrealistic IMO.

i thought this season was ok. i thought grissom was great in it. minus all the GSR crap. i hated the keppler guy. they were SOOO BORING. it just wasnt the same. but the miniture story line was great. i love it. so minus keppler and gsr, it was pretty good for grissom.
HMM let's see. Some episodes stand out. Burn Out was great. Leapin Lizards and TGTBATD all were great Grissom episodes IMO.

**I hope Billy gets the Emmy nomination for Burn Out

For Season 8, the beard. I know he likes the cleanshaven look and so does his wife (Gina) but I love the beard.
More episodes like A Bullet Runs Through It and Jackpot and Formalities. They offered glimpes into personal lives not episodes that were focused around them.
desertwind said:
I thought I'd give, and get some ideas and views & opinions and theories of what you all thought of him in S/7, now that's it's winding down! and what you'd like to see in S/8 a brief discourse
Well.. This season, I really liked how Grissom sort of popped out of his shell! He seems alot more confident and interacts alot better with people. And, in my own opinion, I think his relationship with Sara has helped him with all of this. He seems to appreciate life more and is always happy and upbeat!
He does seem a lot happier, and more open than he used to be, more human too.

The fact that he could embrace his feelings for Sara speaks for itself.

She changed him -no doubt about that -Gawwd, she even got him to shave his beard!! :eek: :lol:
*sorry, guys, I realized not long ago that that's the one thing I'll probably never get over about CSI = The Beard
Well, maybe next season *I wish*

Interesting question, Des. As far as Grissom is concerned this season was -VERY different for me. In many ways.
Less screen time.
No Grissom-centered episode.
No more witty and funny one-liners.

I know that will sound kinda weird, but the fact that Griss was always that weird guy with a bug fetish, who spent his nights off at the body farm, and who only lived for his job was kind of comforting for me.
Grissom was like the one constant in CSI. I always thought that it was impossible for him to change, I've always kinda hanged on to that thought. Of course I've always wanted him to be with Sara, but that was it.

It's like, now that he's in a relationship, we got the proof that he's normal after all ... no more wondering who he is -most of our questions about him, about his past, about his feelings, have been answered these past two seasons, and it kinda feels like the end is coming. It's just sad.

I have mixed feelings about the way his character has evolved. Four years ago, I was cursing the writers because things were stagnating, and I was dying to know more about this guy ... but then, this year I sometimes had the feeling that maybe things had gone too fast -they didn't really, but I just couldn't accept the fact that he'd changed, because I loved the Grissom of the early years -say, up to season 5.

On the other hand, this season was more focused on the team itself -I believe that every other character got more screen time than they used to get in the early days of CSI ... which is good, and probably why some might argue this is one of the best seasons so far.
This year it was more about the cases, and the team working its a** to solve them. Together. It was different. Maybe too different. Or maybe that's because I got too attached to the 'old' CSI, where Grissom appeared in just about every scene of every episode.

As much as I hate to admit it, this season was less addictive for me for the simple reason that it wasn't about Grissom anymore -a few years ago, they could have changed the name from "CSI" to "Grissom", it wouldn't have made one hell of a difference. I bet no one would have noticed. I mean, it made sense. He WAS CSI.

I guess what I didn't like is that this year the show tried to prove that it could pretty much continue without Grissom -hence WP's symbolic 'absence' *btw, IMHO, the show's NOTHING without him*

That's why I kind of lost interest. This year felt like Grissom was gone already. And I sure hated that feeling :mad: :(

WOW! That was one hell of a loooong post :lol: :lol: Don't feel compelled to read all of it ... I just had to get that out of my system.
LadyDisdain said:
Egg, though I'm on team bifacial, I think, down deep, I prefer him clean shaven. So much easier to kiss! ;) Also, it reminds me of what he looked like when my crush on him first began, so perhaps there is a bit of nostalgia coloring my preference.[...]
It's just the way I feel ! ;)
I will just add that when he is a little overweight the beard suits him better, I think.

As regards your post, Grissomfreak, I agree with you. I miss the old Grissom. I still watch csi, but I'am always disappointed as regards Grissom's involvment.

He is no more the center of csi since season 6 and maybe it began with season 5.

I miss the old Grissom everytime, but he is still my favourite character on tv and i'am not ready to stop watching csi, I'am very patient. I still hope it may come back.
I'm just curious what you mean by the 'old Grissom" he's still incredible don't ya' think" he's just more mellow not so full of angst and not as cynical,. he's a more calm man, and ever evloving. and changing. nothing stays the same and that's a good thing
WOW! Wasn't the finale spectacular?! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! Mind you, I nearly wet myself a few times :lol: when it got frightening! Billy was great in this epi!
i love how grissom freaked out in the end but i thought it was kind of awkward in the interegation room with natalie. i also liked how they outed the relationship. like it wasnt a bit deal type thing (even though they probably think it is) but as an anti-gsr, it was great. i cant wait till next year. and didnt grissom look GOREGOUS!! my god i just wanna faint and get cpr from him *faints*
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