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you most certainly will. your liver will be exercised and ready to go by the time you get to uni! trust me- you'll need it! :lol:

manhunter was at 41. pretty low if you ask me, and hardly any billy on it! like i said to britfan - he IS the film!!!!!! :lol:
you most certainly will. your liver will be exercised and ready to go by the time you get to uni! trust me- you'll need it!
I've drooped now though, feeling the wrath of my weekend. And i'm going out again I insane? Answers on a postcard adressed to PO Box Crazyland lol.

manhunter was at 41. pretty low if you ask me, and hardly any billy on it! like i said to britfan - he IS the film!!!!!!
I didn't think it'd be very high up to be honest, it's nice for it just to be there though. :D Some recognition for our boy! Woo.
poppylvsgriss said:
manhunter was at 41. pretty low if you ask me, and hardly any billy on it! like i said to britfan - He IS the film !!! :lol:
So true ! ;) He is almost in every scene and after watching this film (and toladila) you regret he has not done more movies !

Where was this show, on english TV ? And who chose ? Sorry for so many questions ! :D
Hello everyone! :)

Destiny has kindly asked me to create the new thread for William/Grissom Page 11. The new thread is now up and running, and is located here. So, please continue discussion over there.

Enjoy. :)
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