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HEY WP fans, if you want to see a real treat, go and watch this video, with our man.. he's so quick and so sharp, and so sure of him self- and so confident! he talk's about the 'cliffhanger' and how he doesn't really like them.. but tells why this had to be!..also are Marg..George..Gary and Jorja. I posted this over on the "Living Doll' thread, but for those of you who haven't seen it it's great. they all talk about the finale, and his revelation of his feelings, and their all so charming, the one that surprised me the most, was Gary, he's a blast, so different form CSI, funny he laughs and is so animated, and George, a bit of his Texas twang comes out, he's adorbable, and Jorja, her hair is perfectly straight,& NO make-up and is still pretty! & if she's leaving, it sure doesn't seem so on this video! she's so pleasant.. and Marg, look's great too! seems the only one, who's still kinda of the same as she is on CSI, their one cheerful bunch so 'HAPPY' and so delightful, I love them all! ;) ENJOY
MissMonk said:
hmmm...well...i already have manhunter...(love the crazy insane lets pretend we are serial killer billy) the gunshy is a good suggestion, i heard nice things about that..but thats 2 votes for to live and die in la.....*thinks*
Now 3 votes for Toladila ! :D

Don't hesitate ! He portrays an angry, cocky, tough character, a pretty bad boy. ;) It's my favourite film with William Petersen, he is amazing in it. Futhermore all the other actors are very good, and the plot is very surprising sometimes. A must see ! ;)

Thank you Desertwind for the link ! I love them all. I particularly love to see WP being interviewed ! :)
^Man thanks Windy! *stares at icon*

My computer is strongly disliking the streaming thing....Ok, I found it on YouTube. :) *sigh* That was awesome. He's so clever...I love that guy. :D
eggbe4thechicken said:
^Man thanks Windy! *stares at icon*

My computer is strongly disliking the streaming thing....Ok, I found it on YouTube. :) *sigh* That was awesome. He's so clever...I love that guy. :D

Thank's eggy your welcome to it..& yes, clever good word! I'll pm you and give you the site ;) and fans, what was your favorite scene for "LD' so many , the one that sticks out, is in the nightclub, with him and Cath, and watching that nut-case with the creepy talking doll, his expressions, :rolleyes: like 'whatever' and her's too! he so knows how to play the camera!
desertwind said:
I'm just curious what you mean by the 'old Grissom" he's still incredible don't ya' think" he's just more mellow not so full of angst and not as cynical,. he's a more calm man, and ever evloving. and changing. nothing stays the same and that's a good thing
It's just my opinion, but I think that he became a little dull.

He is less involved in managing the team, he does not speak a lot, (WP has few lines now) :(, and there is not a lot of interaction with other csi. We don't see him anymore doing strange experiments, he does not talk anymore of bugs and science. He is no more the weird scientist that we used to know.

And what I miss the more is when his colleagues, especially Catherine used to titillate him, to make comments on his awkward behaviour. With their comments, they brought out how weird and anti social he was. I don't know... he seemed so lost or lonely sometimes ! It just made me love him more. :)

It's just my opinion but I don't see the necessity to make him evolve. He could have become a mythical character.

I can't get enough of Grissom of Seasons 1 to 4. I love my mad scientist ;)
Different opinions makes the world go round' ;)but I'd never use the word DULL, in conjunction to him :( I think he's more exciting than ever, like the 'cat that swallowed the mouse' he's happier and more calm/mellow, and this MCSK has been so unique, and compelling that left him transfixed, and overwhelmed by it.. a different scererio, and away from the 'bugs' the science was still there! he was enthralled by this, and it showed another side of this incredible character! and I loved him back when too, but he's moved on from that person, and if he was the same, I'd be bored, he was in this finale almost throughout the whole ep. and had some killer lines :eek: that were Emmy worthy , I think.. one of his most stellar performances ever on CSI!
^^ Me too Windy! :lol: Me and you seem to be the only optimistic ones around here. :lol: Like I loved the cliffhanger, it was different for CSI, really exciting.
I think G is pretty much the same, what about when in Fallen Idols when he was talking about chastity belts with Catherine and she was all "You are so creepy sometimes." :lol: That was the sorts of scenes they had in season 1, was it not?
I just think that we know more about him now. Not just that he is a rather odd fountain of knowledge, we also know his weaknesses, strengths, habits. He's still the same guy. :D
^Thanks for that video link des!!
His finale performance definitely was spectacular!! He said every line with the perfect emotion! YAY BILLY! *standing ovation!*
eggbe4thechicken said:
Dear god guys. :eek:
I've been in hibernation because...well I hadn't seen the finale, and my computer doesn't matter. Point is we saw Grissom have sex. :eek: (Arm sex) My life is complete, shove the degree, I can die happy now.
I literally burst out laughing when I read your post egg :lol:
First I was like WTF??!! Sex? Where? I want to see that epi where Griss has sex LOL
"Arm sex" LMAO True though, that was a very intimate scene.

Speaking of which, if Natalie could notice that, and pick up on the fact that Grissom and Sara were more than just colleagues, I can't imagine that no one from the team started having suspicions :rolleyes: I'm sure Brass knows.

desertwind said:
I think he's more exciting than ever, like the 'cat that swallowed the mouse' he's happier and more calm/mellow
I agree with you. It's like he's finally found happiness, and his life makes sense now that he has Sara. He's not the bug guy anymore, the guy who liked to spend his nights at the body farm. He's finally in sync with his emotions.

This said, I liked the mystery/darkness that surrounded his character in the old days of CSI.

Which doesn't mean I don't like him now ;) I'll always like him.

Oh and Des , thanks for talking about these cast interviews. I don't always remember to check the GSR site, so I'd have missed them :cool:
I like that GrissomFREAK "finally in sync with his emotions" excatly! it's been a turbulent ride for him, and on that 'interview' he put deep insight into the character Grissom,. and it all fits together/and all makes sense! I've never seem him so full of rage and anger. pertaining to a personal situation, except maybe with Nick in "GD" but this is concerning his gal.. and he's so protective of her ;) EMMY coming
And your so welcome grissom_gurl wasn't he darling in the video. a mind like a steel trap! and eggy we're not the only ones thank gawd..
Hey Ladies ! I still love him even if he is not the same ! :)

I'am not ready to say goodbye. ;)

I need my Grissom fix.
Huh? What's happened to channel 5? Did they run out of money? How odd. You noticed how Channel 4 has bought GA? Peculiar. *raises eyebrow*

No I mean, when we got S7 it was in the new year, and most programmes we get from America (Lost, Desperate Housewives, ER etc etc) usually start in the new year, so, if you don't stream the vids, us Brits won't get S8 until the new year. Get me?!

I wouldn't say S7 Grissom is dull so to speak, I just don't think he's who he used to be. I dunno, maybe its just he doesn't get as much screen time as he used to. I just think this season has been more enjoyable for GSR's (and I don't mean any offence by that, I love y'all!) I don't think the season has been weak by any stretch of the imagination, been some really strong episodes, i'd just like S1 Grissom back lol.

I literally burst out laughing when I read your post egg
First I was like WTF??!! Sex? Where? I want to see that epi where Griss has sex LOL

Same here, you got me excited Eggy! I just pretended that he was touching my arm lmao. So did Natille know about GSR then?! Yeah I take it?
I literally burst out laughing when I read your post egg
Same here, you got me excited Eggy!
:lol: Got me all excited too. :lol: *stares at Windy's icon* Seriously, I've calmed down now, but DAMN, that was hot, is hot...*goes to 14 mins 58 secs*

Oooh, I have something else to say about the ep. Anyone else laugh their arses off when he says "I googled him" ? Funny stuff. :lol:

Man I just watched the pain in my sawdust song sung by the doll, and Billy played that scene so perfectly, he's so awesome. :D ....great now I'm all creeped out by the "can I tell the story Daddy?" line. *shudder* God. That. Doll. Is. Creepy. :eek: "It was a sunny day in june, and my sister who couldn't hold a tune..." *cowers in corner*

I like how they tied in the bleach. I'm doing that commentary thing again....:rolleyes:

The reveal scene was classic Grissom wasn't it? :lol:

No I mean, when we got S7 it was in the new year, and most programmes we get from America (Lost, Desperate Housewives, ER etc etc) usually start in the new year, so, if you don't stream the vids, us Brits won't get S8 until the new year. Get me?!
Oh, I got you, guess I was a little out of it yesterday. :rolleyes:

eggy we're not the only ones thank gawd..
Whoot! :D *stares at icon*

ETA: I just watched the interview scene, and G says that when he was obsessed with chess he could see the chess pieces moving all around the board. Three guesses what I see when I close my eyes. :rolleyes: Minds out of the gutter people. ;)
Oooh, I have something else to say about the ep. Anyone else laugh their arses off when he says "I googled him" ? Funny stuff.

I did cuz I say it all the time. I was rather impressed, Grissom and me have the same vocabulary.

Man I just watched the pain in my sawdust song sung by the doll.
Dude, you think thats scary? It cracks me up, I mean, reeally makes me laugh. *sings* SAAAWDUST! LMAO, oh its funny. I dunno why it just makes me laugh so much. Just watched it again, and affirmative, it's just funny.

The reveal scene was classic Grissom wasn't it?
Reveal? Was hardly a reveal but yeah, typical Grissom, drop a bomb and then walk away. I'm hoping someone will run after him and demand a bloody explanation!
Hey 19 watch the video, they all explain it, as well as him.. it puts in all in place! he's just been discreet and secretive where his personal life is concerned, but the "cats out of the bag' and he's the one who blurted it out!! under pressure, & worried sick, couldn't help himself! no turning back now ~~~S/8 should be great~~ ;) "The only one I ever loved" WOW :eek: earth shattering..
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