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GrissomFREAK said:
This said, I liked the mystery/darkness that surrounded his character in the old days of CSI.

Which doesn't mean I don't like him now ;) I'll always like him.

The mysterious Grissom is what I loved best. And it's gone. :(
Look, I know people changed, for better or for worse. I get that. :D
I would love to see Grissom change back to the bearded Grissom though. :D

OT: I just need to 2 more finales to go and then I'm done for the season. Yay!

So far only 1 finale has made me say "Wow!" :D
All my shows did ok this season.

Wooohooo 2 hours of Jack Bauer tonight!

desertwind I can't get the video to work on that site. :eek: Can someone PM me the YouTube version?

SO, I go away for the weekend and I come back to the hotness.
I have to say, I'm more of a beard fan, but in these last two episodes he was extreme HOT :D

Thanks for the info gals and...WELCOME NEWBIES we are all a little BILLY PETERSEN NUTS ;)
hhunter you can't get to play the vid off the GSR site?

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
GrissomFREAK said:
This said, I liked the mystery/darkness that surrounded his character in the old days of CSI.

Which doesn't mean I don't like him now ;) I'll always like him.

The mysterious Grissom is what I loved best. And it's gone. :(
Look, I know people changed, for better or for worse. I get that. :D
I would love to see Grissom change back to the bearded Grissom though. :D
You're readin my mind, aren't ya? :D I agree with all that.
Hell! I'd pay him to grow The Beard back -I would! :D
no, GrissomFREAK somehow that site and my computer don't work together. :lol: :eek:
I did get the video of the interview. It was great. Thanks eggy ;)

I agree with you guys on the Bearded Grissom. WHHOOO HHHOO
Yes, people change, their outlooks change.
I think [my personal opinion] is that his job doesn't mean that much to him anymore. I think he's done what he wants to do with the LVPD and wants to move on.

Does anyone else get that idea?
The mysterious Grissom is what I loved best. And it's gone.
Look, I know people changed, for better or for worse. I get that.
I would love to see Grissom change back to the bearded Grissom though.
You're readin my mind, aren't ya? I agree with all that.
Hell! I'd pay him to grow The Beard back -I would!
I agree with you guys on the Bearded Grissom
:( Where have all the cleanshaven fans gone. Where's Adz? I swear there were more on the team....*pulls out Choco's list*


Come on any lurkers, help me out. It's the best, safest way. ;)

Crap, the light's just gone out, and I have an exam tomorrow, how will I revise I wonder, have to go for that osmosis thing I suppose, well it is a biology exam. :rolleyes:

Where was I?
Right so here is proof that beards are dangerous... (dear god, watch your self when searching for beard burn. :eek:)

:lol: Look at what I just found: Did you know that the average man's beard hairs have the same tensile strength as copper wire? It's a fact. So maybe it's not so surprising that in remote antiquity most mature men resembled a badger peering out of a hedge! Why? Simple - their beards stubbornly refused to stop growing and they had nothing sharp or tough enough to cut them with! :lol:

:lol: Look what I found on Yahoo answers:
Help - Beard Burn - What products can be applied to take the red away?
Very sensitive skin. I know there's gotta be something out there that can quickly bring my skin back to normal -no redness. Dig deep people and help me out.

Don't think there's anything to help you out. Just cover with a light makeup and wait a couple days for it to go away

See? Dangerous. Billy shouldn't be dangerous. :)

I think [my personal opinion] is that his job doesn't mean that much to him anymore. I think he's done what he wants to do with the LVPD and wants to move on.
Totally, he used to get so consumed by his work, Catherine said to Nick that he goes home on time now, isn't that better? Although he was making a MCS in his spare time, which sort of contradicts what I just said. :rolleyes:

But yeah. :)

Thanks eggy
Mwa. :D
eggbe4thechicken said:
Where was I?
Right so here is proof that beards are dangerous... (dear god, watch your self when searching for beard burn. :eek:)

:lol: Look at what I just found: Did you know that the average man's beard hairs have the same tensile strength as copper wire? It's a fact. So maybe it's not so surprising that in remote antiquity most mature men resembled a badger peering out of a hedge! Why? Simple - their beards stubbornly refused to stop growing and they had nothing sharp or tough enough to cut them with! :lol:
:lol: :lol:

And I found proof that The Beard does make the man. Found that on Wikipedia under the entry "beard"

He that hath no beard is less than a man, and he that is less than a man, I am not for him… -William Shakespeare - Excerpt from 'Much Ado About Nothing' – Act 2, Scene I
Now who will dare say that Shakespeare was wrong on that one, huh? ;)

ROCK ON Team Bearded!!
Here's the deal on how I feel HMMM, rhymes.. I loved the beard too, BUT, how about what he likes and wants :eek:that's how I'm looking at this tiny controversy, he likes it off, and when CSI first started for 3 years he didn't have on.. guess I'm bi-facial, I just like him hairy or hairless.. he's handsome and weather he's got a beard or not I LUV this guy!
and on that site I posted I couldn't get it to work either, till I took their suggestion and downloaded the ACROBAT that's offered on the top of their video area.. and it took like two minutes, and then the videos played ;) here's an article about him being in "SWEET HOME CHICAGO'


Thanks Windy!
"CSI cast members such as William Petersen (Gil Grissom) will "virtually" welcome guests to the exhibit and lead them through the process."
Virtual Billy! :lol: I wanna see virtual Billy. *sobs* Nevermind, I have my dreams. :rolleyes:

Now who will dare say that Shakespeare was wrong on that one, huh?
Well Shakey was a bit crazy, I mean, he put a curse on the church that he's buried in.

Good friend for Jesus sake forbear
To dig the dust enclosed here!
Blest be the man that spares these stones,
And curst be he that moves my bones.

Although you can't tell what it says anymore, lol, as people trod all over it. They've got a barrier around it now though. :rolleyes:

how about what he likes and wants that's how I'm looking at this tiny controversy, he likes it off
Exactly. :p
(Plus beards are dangerous)
oooh great article des!! I liked the part 'Judicial Process'.. go Canada! :lol:

as for this little bearded/non-bearded debate.. I, personally, am attached to the beard. But I don't think we'll ever all agree on just one way! We all have different opinions.. but either way, he's still the great man we all believe him to be!
And I found proof that The Beard does make the man. Found that on Wikipedia under the entry "beard"


He that hath no beard is less than a man, and he that is less than a man, I am not for him… -William Shakespeare - Excerpt from 'Much Ado About Nothing' – Act 2, Scene I


Now who will dare say that Shakespeare was wrong on that one, huh?

Coming from a nerdy English teacher, I won't disagree! Benedick shaved the beard to show Beatrice he is a different man... recognise the concept from Fallen Idols? :lol:

So much to tell you about since going spoiler free til I saw the finale (just done it btw - and there was controversy in the Britfan household! poppylvsgriss and I hard numerous heart attacks!! ;))

I've just read about your Billy dreams - and I had a cracker which I'll share with you when I'm not knackered and hyper - and the leaving book my Y11's made for me - all totally and utterly Billy/Grissom related!!
britfan glad to see you back ;)

I'm with you on the beard. Yes, he was totally adorable without it ( I watched To Halve and to Hold) but OOOOOO the beard.
right. i don't think i've recovered from seeing the finale last night. my heart is still having palpatations!! :lol:

and the beard - who are we to disagree with shakepeare eh?
man. i think i lost my mind. i know i saw the finale but i dont remember anything that happend in it! gah! so iim going to have to watch it again.

and i decided to buy TLADILA or whatever it is.....billy is just a very talented actory. i wanna see virtural billy too! is it just a temporary thing or are they gonna make it more permantnt? cause i ahve no idear when i'll ever get to get er....did you say chicago?? i dont sweet billy dreams! nite nite
so iim going to have to watch it again.
Such a shame isn't it. Like I forgot what G was wearing in his first scene, so I had to watch the whole thing again. Terrible, took up all my day, whatever is a gal to do? :rolleyes:

^Miss were you ok when you wrote that post? You're usually quite to the point. :lol: Notice I've named you? Wonder how long it will take for this one to catch on....but it sounds like sort of teachery name, you know? I've never said that though, I always think it sounds like out of a porn movie...not that I watch that sort of thing, just....and not that you...*digs hole*

right. i don't think i've recovered from seeing the finale last night. my heart is still having palpatations!!
You'll be fine today, takes a day to get back to normal, I probably should have refrained from posting straight after watching it though, strange things were said. Apologies. :rolleyes:

Yes, he was totally adorable without it
She's caving. ;)

One last thing:
Beards are Dangerous :p
I have been a very good girl all my life... clean living (but not necessarily clean minded, I'll admit!) I've been good to my mum, I brush my teeth before bed, and even chuck mucky washing in the laundry bag...

I never ask for a lot. Never had much in the first place...

And as a reward, I want to see Billy in Chicago at the Cubs game on 30th May - day before my birthday... During the half term holidays...It's is destiny and fate for me to be there...

*starts to sob* but it costs £700 for flights, 2 nights accom and then the Wrigley Field tickets on top...

*sobs uncontrollably* Wah Wah! This is so unfair!!

*sobs some more and dribbles a bit of snot* BILLLEEE!! Why can't you support Rotherham United??!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

And I've just read that Billy will be on the font page of TV Guide MY BIRTHDAY WEEK!! WHEN I COULD BE IN CHICAGO!!! WEEING MYSELF WITH EXCITEMENT!!!! ARGHH!

See?! I should be in Chicago next week! Could it be any clearer?! So sad...

I'm going off to have a nervous breakdown! *whimpers a little bit*
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