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I have quite a lotta shippy dreams which I won't post here in fear of having something sharp thrown at me lol.

You dream about him being a killer?! *runs away from Egg* lol. How freaky deaky eh? My shippy dreams are usually Grissom, wierd ones are usually Billy. I don't think i've drempt (thats how I spell it lol) that i've met Grissom. I think i'd prefer Billy dreams anyways.

Sometimes I wake up (after those dreams) and roll my eyes or sigggggh.
Your welcome 19 on the info. I'm a Billy fanatic, so I've studied & researched everything I can about him, and I've dreamt about him too, he was grinning that delicious grin at me from across the room~~woke up, and alas it was just a dream~~ :( and here's another song thank's eggy for starting this!


I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places
that this heart of mine embraces all day through
in the small cafe, the park across the way
the childrens carousel, the chestnut tree
the wishing well

I'll be seeing you in every lovely summer day
In everything that's light and gay
I'll always think of you that way
I'll find you in the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing you!

Sammy Fain..Irving Kahal

"Burn Out" (air date 11/2/06)
Grissom (William Petersen) attempts to get a confession from a neighborhood pedophile by having him help in locating two missing boys. The sex offender is the main suspect. The investigation is more complex than the team ever thought it would be.

I just want to wish him all the best. I have my fingers crossed that he'll get an Emmy nod this year. :D
It is so unfair he hasn't won and Emmy. He deserves one. :(

^I can't believe I forgot to bring that in here. :lol: I have a question, how many people do the nominations usually get whittled down from? Just so I know his chances. :rolleyes:
I would be so excited if he won a friggin' emmy, he sooo deserves it. Hasn't Marg already won one?
He was great in Burn Out with the perp.
And: "Didn't we talk about this once before, Greg?" That moment was hilarious. :lol:

Oh something else I don't think I've mentioned in here...I forget, I did in the GSR thread, shut me up if I have already, lol. Anyone else think that the best moment in the whole of TGTBTD was when the little girl gave Grissom her bottle? I totally melted. :) Do you think that was meant to happen? I don't think it was, I'm not sure whether a girl that young could be given directions. I remember my little brother a few years ago would just do whatever he felt like. :lol: When he got christened he was the oldest there, so they thought it would be a good idea for him to go first so the others wouldn't be so scared, etc, so when it came to the big moment and my brother was called up, he shouted in a big voice "NO, that girl go first!" Everyone was in fits of laughter.
Where was I...right, so I think it was just more of Billy amazingness. :D

You dream about him being a killer?!
Yeah...twice. :( I'm going to look up what that means...nevermind. :rolleyes:
WP_Rocks_MY_World said:

"Burn Out" (air date 11/2/06)
Grissom (William Petersen) attempts to get a confession from a neighborhood pedophile by having him help in locating two missing boys. The sex offender is the main suspect. The investigation is more complex than the team ever thought it would be.

I just want to wish him all the best. I have my fingers crossed that he'll get an Emmy nod this year. :D
It is so unfair he hasn't won and Emmy. He deserves one. :(
Yeah. 7 years and still nothing. Goddammit people! Are you blind or somthing?

I can't believe Thursday's the last episode already. I'm so excited and so saaaad at the same time :(

Well, all I'm gonna do this summer -in addition to re-watching every single episode of CSI, is pray and pray real hard and cross my fingers and everything else that's huh crossable ... I want The Beard back next season!

You hear me? Beard. Back. Next season :p
Am I seriously the only one that loves him cleanshaven? Well I live with my head in the clouds most of the time about BP, lol. He can't do any wrong. :lol:

ETA: My post was far too short, it was unnatural. :lol:
I can't believe it's the end of the season either. :( The summer is always crappy for tv. Are there ever any shows? I don't remember. :confused:
Y'all remember last years finale? How could you forget. :lol: I hope it will be just as shocking, maybe we might get a shirtless Billy? *kneels down next to Freak and prays* :rolleyes:

That's a better post. :)
Oh yey, good luck to Billy, he deserves some recognition. Apparently he doesn't care about awards etc which is something I admire him for. I really think George Eads deserves some recognition too, especially for Grave Danger & Gum Drops. He's one talented bloke.

Back to Billy, I can't imagine Grissom topless, wierd I know but he doesn't seem like the kinda fella to randomly whip his shirt off lol.

GFreak I'm with you, I want me some beard next season, just not as long as it is in the uk atm lol. I didn't mind it in the last UK ep (the MCSK one) but it's going tnite I think.

I had another Grissom dream last night but I can't for the life of me remember it. Meh.
I hope Billy gets an Emmy as well. That episode [Burn Out] was one of the best this seasson. IMO.

He deserves it!

Good luck Billy, the fangirls here at TALK CSI will be rooting for you. :D

Anyone know when the Emmy Awards are? August???
so true :lol:
and I'm with you GrissomFREAK on the beard
come back for season 8 with the beard PLEASE

I hope Billy wins
that would be great!
eggbe4thechicken said:
Am I seriously the only one that loves him cleanshaven? Well I live with my head in the clouds most of the time about BP, lol. He can't do any wrong. :lol:

ETA: My post was far too short, it was unnatural. :lol:
I can't believe it's the end of the season either. :( The summer is always crappy for tv. Are there ever any shows? I don't remember. :confused:
Y'all remember last years finale? How could you forget. :lol: I hope it will be just as shocking, maybe we might get a shirtless Billy? *kneels down next to Freak and prays* :rolleyes:

That's a better post. :)

I love him clean shaven.. shows that delicious dimple.. He look's great with the beard, but has moved on, and likes the clean shaven look now, and his gal likes it too :p and big accolades to him on his possible nomination' that would be so incredible for him to win, the best actor on TV as far as I'm concerned
Egg, though I'm on team bifacial, I think, down deep, I prefer him clean shaven. So much easier to kiss! ;) Also, it reminds me of what he looked like when my crush on him first began, so perhaps there is a bit of nostalgia coloring my preference.

Hope he gets the Emmy! Although, it's awfully hard to beat Hugh Laurie these days. . .
eggbe4thechicken said:
Anyone else think that the best moment in the whole of TGTBTD was when the little girl gave Grissom her bottle?

That moment was so cute and sweet when Alison handed Grissom her bottle. :D

The "Best Moment" happen at the end for me.
Holding Heather's hand and his beautiful smile. Sweeeet!!

Yay, I am looking forward to the summer break from television. I honestly wish they would make the season a bit shorter with about 20 eps.
Don't you think the seasons are too long? :eek:
I do. :rolleyes:

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