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do you really want an answer to that question? :devil: this is a PG board
how about search him for his bug tattoo, you know he has one :lol:
yes! iim way excited. well, not really for the episode itself. im not a sara fan and everyone says its a sara-centered ep. but im just excited for a new episode. though i might end up missing it, so i'll have to ask dad to dvr it..ok. thats enough. though im very glad to see grissoml...he's just getting hotter and hotter this season. does anyone eles notice that he's looking much...i dont know..healthier or happier or somethin? he's differnt.
grissoms_gurl said:
What we need to do is all put our money together, and buy the episodes, so we can watch them sooner. (Us Brits of course) Scrap that, let's buy Billy! :devil: Can't think what we could possibly do with him... :lol:

:rolleyes: Gee, I wonder what we could possibly do with him... :lol:
Oh, I know EXACTLY what I'd do with him.
Peanut butter ... and huh silk. Yes. Silk sounds good :p
UMMM I think I have a few ideas too
I do like the silk and peanut butter ... HHHMMM

**achem keeping it clean*** achem** :devil: :D
im sure you can find them somewhere the internet to watch them.........its REALLLY easy. thats what i do..i..find them...and then i buy the seasons when they are relased. i cant wait for them to be released to watch the current season again.
I can imagine I would just sit there all red faced and scared as hell to speak. And feel very, very, very ugly! It would be 'I am not worthy...' boooo
These are professional beautiful people after all. It just increases his attractiveness like 1 billion % when he can acts so well....

Or I would die of heart failure. I have a heart condition so this would be relatively likely even if I passed him in the street! It might even happen if he took his shirt off on the show..... especially if he was all wet..... drifts of into fantasy land..... thud

(must keep alive for season 8 and beyond...) :lol: :lol:
MissMonk said:
im sure you can find them somewhere the internet to watch them.........its REALLLY easy. thats what i do..i..find them...and then i buy the seasons when they are relased. i cant wait for them to be released to watch the current season again.
That's exactly what I do :cool:

And yeah, it's child's play to find the episodes online.
if he took his shirt off on the show..... especially if he was all wet..... drifts of into fantasy land..... thud

*dies* you just said my fantasy, hmmmm.

I'm trying to naughtily find Gunshy on the net but to no avail. Sniffles.
I am so stoked about the spoiler ladies!!! And to keep on topic im a little bit hyper so
And ..........breathe :lol:
I know im going mental right now too! UBER excited!! It's gonna be ages till us Brits get it though. He hasn't gone for sabatical yet, let alone come back with what can only be described as a small animal hanging from his chin. LMAO! Sorry Billy baby...
WHOA, sorry about you guys that far behind.. no problem.. now you have to go on the 4 epsiodes with that Liev character :( and you'll love the letter he writes, while he's gone!!! no spoiler here.. wait and see ;)
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