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That guy you quoted, Des he preferred Horatio over Grissom?? Man, that's really screwed up if you ask me.

Every single time I see Horatio's face on TV *and I'm not kidding, ask my roommate*, I want to either smash my TV -but hey she didn't do anything wrong, or just smash him -since he's not in the room with me, the TV takes it all *poor TV* I HATE him, I really do. Antipathetic character.

*no offense meant to the David Caruso fans out here, but pfewww, it feels good to let off steam ;)

I only have eyes for my Griss-ly bear :p
Some of my favorites are just Billy getting have a little fun with our favorite entemologist.

Crate N' Burial
Sara: "Hey Grissom! Tape me up?"
Grissom: looks at Catherine, "I love my job"
Catherine "It shows"
Then he practically gallops down the hall to join Sara in the garage.
I love that scene! (Tell me that wasn't a bit of early GSR, hmmm? :devil:)

Evaluation Day
Warrick:[Sitting uncomfortable in a rollercoaster] "Hey I thought we were gonna get a beer"
Grissom:[grinning like a fox] "We are, after this. [adjusts Warricks chest harness]
Warrick: "No man this is your thing"
Grissom: "Every nine years and seven days, I feel like sharing, you'll like it, it cleanses you"
Warrick:"Cleanses me, huh? What about my evaluation?"
Grissom: "You're sitttin' in it"
The coaster takes off as they both laugh and yell at the top of their lungs.
Showed a lighter, more playful side to Grissom for us to delight in. :D
I ain't watched much of Miami but I kinda like Horatio *hides* no way is he better than G though.

I finally saw Gunshy last night. OH. MY. GAWD. Words dont do it justice so im just going to bask in its glory. Oooo Jake is one of his best characters. :) Made it hard to sleep afterwards!
Told you Gunshy was a good one :D

I'm glad you guys are's been kinda lonely here without the rest of the Grissom FanGirls :lol:
GrissomFREAK said:
That guy you quoted, Des he preferred Horatio over Grissom?? Man, that's really screwed up if you ask me.

Every single time I see Horatio's face on TV *and I'm not kidding, ask my roommate*, I want to either smash my TV -but hey she didn't do anything wrong, or just smash him -since he's not in the room with me, the TV takes it all *poor TV* I HATE him, I really do. Antipathetic character.

*no offense meant to the David Caruso fans out here, but pfewww, it feels good to let off steam ;)

I only have eyes for my Griss-ly bear :p

Well, you said it :( I feel the same. but I don't think we're allowed to dice and slice another CSI character, although I could say plenty.. but won't (trying to be nice) but I wrote a letter back, stating that "you apparently got these two CSI men mixed up :eek: he's a idiot
I agree. Horatio might be okay.. but I agree desertwind I think he got the two mixed up...
and I want to read your letter back :devil:
Well I look at it this way, everyone is entitled to their opinion as fans are entitled to disagree with it, doesn't necessairly mean either are right or wrong, just that its their opinion.
Well I look at it this way, everyone is entitled to their opinion as fans are entitled to disagree with it, doesn't necessairly mean either are right or wrong, just that its their opinion.
Yeah...but our opinion is the right one. :lol: :lol: (only joking ;) )

I'm having serious WP withdrawal symtoms. Two nights ago I watched Living Legends, and he was real hot, but I need to see him in a recent episode. *sobs* I have played the promo for EE over and over again, so much so that I can now say all the lines.
Is it 29th yet? Well actually 30th is when I get to see screencaps, clips, etc, so I will have to wait 8 more days until the beautiful man will grace my computer screen, that's one more day than when it is shown, and like 3 months until I can see the whole episode. Feel sorry for me. :(
I hate living in England. It snowed yesterday, how messed up is that? Stupid country can't even get the weather right. What we need to do is all put our money together, and buy the episodes, so we can watch them sooner. (Us Brits of course) Scrap that, let's buy Billy! :devil: Can't think what we could possibly do with him... :lol:
i know exactly what you mean! how long is this month taking? like you said egg, its worse enough in the UK, i dread to think what you lot in US are going thru!

i'm def having WP withdrawal symptons aswell! my dvd's are having the playing of their lives at the min! :lol: i'm with you on pooling the money to buy the epi's. its the only way forward think! :lol: maybe if we bought them in bulk, they'd throw in billy :devil: for us all for being such lovely WP luvvers! :lol:
i'm with you on pooling the money to buy the epi's.
SkyOne has bought 'lost' recently and we watch that a week after it is shown in the US. So what we need is to get SkyOne to buy it, ;) , then we would see Billy sooner. I really want to see Fallen Idols, it looks like such a good ep, but it will be like 3 months until we see it.
Billy covered in the shaving foam gets me all hot and bothered. :devil:
eggbe4thechicken said:
Well I look at it this way, everyone is entitled to their opinion as fans are entitled to disagree with it, doesn't necessairly mean either are right or wrong, just that its their opinion.
Yeah...but our opinion is the right one. :lol: :lol: (only joking ;) )
:lol: :lol:
What we need to do is all put our money together, and buy the episodes, so we can watch them sooner. (Us Brits of course) Scrap that, let's buy Billy! :devil: Can't think what we could possibly do with him... :lol:

:rolleyes: Gee, I wonder what we could possibly do with him... :lol:
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