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where would we be without imagination? right now mine has grissom............ok, back to reality. does anyone have any good billy sites that has like, articles and stuff. other then and (which wont work on melvin btw pooey)
Jeez what did I start! I wasn't havin a go Desertwind, just my opinion and what i've heard from around the boards thats all! I heard it was 60/40% so I dunno. I'm still not convinced, anyways its just opinion at the end of the day, be boring if we all felt the same right!

Britfan - Too right it doesn't matter who you ship! I get so much grief over on the official CSI forum, its BS! It's good to know it isn't like that over here. :)

My imgination and Billy mix very well, keeps me going when im bored at college lmao. Anyone else use Billy to amuse themselves in boring situations?!
19ams87 said:
My imgination and Billy mix very well, keeps me going when im bored at college lmao. Anyone else use Billy to amuse themselves in boring situations?!

Are you serious? ALL THE TIME! I used my imagination a lot when I was driving, at the dentist, at school (yes I'm in school ;) ). while cooking. I think you get the idea.

And, I think we can all agree, it doesn't matter who you ship Grissom with, it's his HOTNESS that counts! Right ladies!!!! :devil:
Right on Hhunter. How old are you? I thought u were older than me. Im 19 btw.

I use him when im at college/work/bed(lmao when i cant sleep)/all the time. Honestly, he's all I think about, it's unhealthy. But I love it ;) Do u think about Billy or Grissom?! It's Billy for me ;)
aahhh lets just say I'm almost 40!!! YIKES :eek:
and it's about Grissom. His Beard, his eyes... OMG his eyes!!!
his hands...

btw-Vartann is now in my thoughts too :eek:
Hhunter- your nearly 40 but in school? You a teacher or are you back in school learning?

Vartann omg he's hot...but thats for another thread lol.

Good point Egg, I just to think about him in general, all his roles, wondering what he's really like ahhh *dreamland*
eggbe4thechicken said:
Do u think about Billy or Grissom?!
Grissom, simply because we don't know Billy like at all, except from interviews and such, but we have known Grissom for like 6/7 years! :lol:

Totally agree, chuck. Grissom is such a deep charcter, we will never know him but it's fab trying to work him out weekly. William Petersen is only really known as Grissom over here, so we know very little about the man... but I sure would like to find out for myself! :devil:

He comes across as quite smiley and flirty on interviews I've seen of him on the WPAP sites.
ahh. i use grissom imagination 24/7/366. (cant forget the imaginary day of febuary the 33rd!) i have no idea what i'd do if grissom wasnt there to entertain me...i'd probably...bored. i tell ya though. i HATE watching tv, i made it point for the past 5 years to only watch 2 shows (gilmore girls and stargate) but im EXTREAMLY happy i found CSI. i dont mind watching so much tv a day to be able to see his lovelyness.
Hiya thank you for your kind support gals higher up the page!

So I am not alone! Me too. 25/7 daydreaming if I could. And I am 41!
I so agree with you britfan (hope your laryingitis gets better soon), it is Grissom in my dreams. You don't know Billy at all except his interviews. Seems a lovely guy though. I like very much that he is good marriage. Speaks well of him. But as you say you can imagine your the there in the place of whoever Grissom is attacted to. I mean wouldn't you just die happy if it was you that he looked at like this! [Sorry hubby darling, you too kiss, kiss! :devil: :devil: :devil:]

missmonk we must have similar tastes I was a fan of Stargate, I loved the Jack ONeill character.

It is so hard to get through this Grissomless March after he was already away for 6 weeks or so around Xmas!! Serious lack of fix!!
Funny, when I think of His Hottness, I think of WP, and not GG... I like to imagine how and where we could meet, what we would do... I better stop here if I don't want to get modslapped... ;)

Edit: Well, it seems I missed the beginning of this page! :lol: I was too busy thinking about him, I guess... ;) And speaking of the beard, I'm very flattered that someone (I don't know who) posted the montage I made of To Beard or Not to Beard on the CSI Wiki!!! :D Does anyone know who did it? I need to thank him or her for that! :D
Congratulations on your 'promotion' britfan would you like to be his 'lab technician'? silly question right? here's an article from a ways back on his love for the CUBS.. Chicago his home town ;)


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