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Oh I think i'm gonna like that Liev fella, if he's bad then i'll like him. What i've seen on him I like sooo, im eager to see him in action properlly. We just had the episode with the amazingly good actor Roger Daltry. Excelent episode. I love mob/mafia stuff so was great for me.

I'm not GSR so the whole letter/shaving/cacoon etc is blah to me lol. No offence. I love spoilers lol, i'm wrecking it for myself so i'm gonna stop with the stuff I know.
19ams87 said:
Oh I think i'm gonna like that Liev fella, if he's bad then i'll like him. What i've seen on him I like sooo, im eager to see him in action properlly. We just had the episode with the amazingly good actor Roger Daltry. Excelent episode. I love mob/mafia stuff so was great for me.

I'm not GSR so the whole letter/shaving/cacoon etc is blah to me lol. No offence. I love spoilers lol, i'm wrecking it for myself so i'm gonna stop with the stuff I know.

That's cool, if you like Liev.. he totally turned me off. but to each his own, and I like a bit of romance on CSI, the other two CSI's have it going on..that's why "GA" is kicking our butts, in the ratings.. because they got all kinds of kissy-kissy, huggy-huggy going on.. so why not our Vegas/CSI? just a tid-bit, now and then, tempting to me.. and intriguing.. it seems they've chosen one another, this "couple" and I don't think a recuring character from the past, will alter or change that.. my opinion ;)

And Roger Daltry, was incredible in "LL" all the different characters he portrayed, really excellent acting job.. and he looked great for an old timer!!
I think TPTB are treding lightly with the whole GSR thing because quite a lotta fans actually don't dig it much, and i'm not having a pop at GSR at all there. They just can't risk pissing too many people off so they taking it slow IMO. CSI is known mostly for the cases, not the personal lives of the CSIs so I think thats another reason.

I was really suprised at how good he was. He played an awesome character, I love the bad guys!
19ams87 said:
I think TPTB are treding lightly with the whole GSR thing because quite a lotta fans actually don't dig it much, and i'm not having a pop at GSR at all there. They just can't risk pissing too many people off so they taking it slow IMO. CSI is known mostly for the cases, not the personal lives of the CSIs so I think thats another reason.

I was really suprised at how good he was. He played an awesome character, I love the bad guys!

sorry, sweetheart.. that's way off the mark.. on a poll on them 88 percent were for it.. that's here in the U.S, more want it then don't.. but not to dwell on the 'ship' side, I think WP knows what he's doing..and the writers and directors and other honches..listen to him.. big time.. they did let him go do his play,, how many other actors got 6 week's off from their show? he was asked how he did that, and he said "it's a secret", ask Les Moonves" so he's got alot of clout. on what happens and what doesn't and he wants this.. but things do change. and time will tell, we're in ep 18 coming up and there's 23, apparently the finale to be on May 10th..

Quote from WP on Sara


Galaxie Magazine--2005
gags. i'm seriously hoping anginst this. i like knowing their past lives. especially grissom which im presuming we dont now much about, and i love going into peoples personal lives. but this whole GSR crap is just that. a load of crap. im extreamly glad its not really being shoved in our faces but at this rate CSI will turn out just like every other show. near the end of its run it HAS to put someone on a "team" together. its nausiating. at least they could have had a differnt couple.
MissMonk said:
gags. i'm seriously hoping anginst this. i like knowing their past lives. especially grissom which im presuming we dont now much about, and i love going into peoples personal lives. but this whole GSR crap is just that. a load of crap. im extreamly glad its not really being shoved in our faces but at this rate CSI will turn out just like every other show. near the end of its run it HAS to put someone on a "team" together. its nausiating. at least they could have had a differnt couple.

Sorry you feel that way..this is what he wants!!! I love that their together..& the reason I admire Sara, is that she's crazy about him, and so am I.. so I can relate to her.. their the perfect couple :p..have everything in common. & their together.. and beings this is not the proper thread to discuss this..which I just did.. back to Billy on a lighter note about him.. bet he's watching basketball, March Madness, he played it when he was in high school, Mr. sportsman ;) and that's on CBS right now.. go Billy
gags. i'm seriously hoping anginst this. i like knowing their past lives. especially grissom which im presuming we dont now much about, and i love going into peoples personal lives. but this whole GSR crap is just that. a load of crap. im extreamly glad its not really being shoved in our faces but at this rate CSI will turn out just like every other show. near the end of its run it HAS to put someone on a "team" together. its nausiating. at least they could have had a differnt couple.
What you must be mad!! :eek: :eek:

that is real red flags to lady bulls in this forum!

I agree that CSI is popular because of its plot lines. Twisty ending and dark themes too perhaps. I am a fan of criminal minds too - but CSI LV is the orginal and is hard to beat.

I think you cannot keep an audience totally watching case files without some feeling of empathy or involvement with the characters. It would quickly get the reputation of wooden and 2dimensional.

I have theory that one reason women in particular, read and write a lot of murder-mysteries (Agatha Christe, Dorothy L. Sayer, P D James, Naigo Marsh - well everyone nearly except Conan-Doyle) is because the plots involve discovering and unraveling the, usually hidden, secrets and passions of the victim and suspects. It all about human life and interactions.

With CSI the add the logic and puzzle solving aspect and an investigator(s) with brilliant abilities. And have an absolute dish as the lead character!

If year-in-year out there is no impact of the investigators own lives on the series it would just not be credible. And I for one just love the fact that they are:

1. Showing that the most likely people to get together in their line of work are the only people who could understand it and were drawn to the same line of work ie their co-workers. Nowadays most people met their partners through work.

2. They are for ONCE showing a mature and not a angst ridden rocky relationship just to get more story lines out of the relationship. What they show is perfect. Little hints and glances to those who care and not enough that it intrudes on anything else. Pretty well like it would be in real life. If professional co-workers were together like them they would not be snogging in the break room or having personnel arguments in front of everyone. They are playing this well I think. WP's instinct are correct. For the opposite look at Grey's anatomy! Christ I would not want such unprofessional doctors looking after me or mine! But it makes smut tv light enough for peak viewing times, but it will never be a landmark show like CSI. You could watch it with the sound down - just look at the pretty buttocks and lovely torsos.

3. They are giving WP more scope to put his considerable acting talent to.

4. Finally, I like all the thought of Grissom being happy. He deserves it! He's The Man - we can all wish to be there for him!! :devil: :devil:
Easy on the 'shipper stuff, please. If ya'll want to to continue this particular 'shipper slant then please take it on over to Shipper Central.

Thank you.
RocketScientist said:
gags. i'm seriously hoping anginst this. i like knowing their past lives. especially grissom which im presuming we dont now much about, and i love going into peoples personal lives. but this whole GSR crap is just that. a load of crap. im extreamly glad its not really being shoved in our faces but at this rate CSI will turn out just like every other show. near the end of its run it HAS to put someone on a "team" together. its nausiating. at least they could have had a differnt couple.
What you must be mad!! :eek: :eek:

that is real red flags to lady bulls in this forum!

I agree that CSI is popular because of its plot lines. Twisty ending and dark themes too perhaps. I am a fan of criminal minds too - but CSI LV is the orginal and is hard to beat.

I think you cannot keep an audience totally watching case files without some feeling of empathy or involvement with the characters. It would quickly get the reputation of wooden and 2dimensional.

I have theory that one reason women in particular, read and write a lot of murder-mysteries (Agatha Christe, Dorothy L. Sayer, P D James, Naigo Marsh - well everyone nearly except Conan-Doyle) is because the plots involve discovering and unraveling the, usually hidden, secrets and passions of the victim and suspects. It all about human life and interactions.

With CSI the add the logic and puzzle solving aspect and an investigator(s) with brilliant abilities. And have an absolute dish as the lead character!

If year-in-year out there is no impact of the investigators own lives on the series it would just not be credible. And I for one just love the fact that they are:

1. Showing that the most likely people to get together in their line of work are the only people who could understand it and were drawn to the same line of work ie their co-workers. Nowadays most people met their partners through work.

2. They are for ONCE showing a mature and not a angst ridden rocky relationship just to get more story lines out of the relationship. What they show is perfect. Little hints and glances to those who care and not enough that it intrudes on anything else. Pretty well like it would be in real life. If professional co-workers were together like them they would not be snogging in the break room or having personnel arguments in front of everyone. They are playing this well I think. WP's instinct are correct. For the opposite look at Grey's anatomy! Christ I would not want such unprofessional doctors looking after me or mine! But it makes smut tv light enough for peak viewing times, but it will never be a landmark show like CSI. You could watch it with the sound down - just look at the pretty buttocks and lovely torsos.

3. They are giving WP more scope to put his considerable acting talent to.

4. Finally, I like all the thought of Grissom being happy. He deserves it! He's The Man - we can all wish to be there for him!! :devil: :devil:

WOW!! good analysis, on this.. big so hit it on the head
the "wooden and 2 dimentional.. right on..excatly.. enjoyed reading this, and so agree with you!!
Whoa! Rocket! Nicely said!

I am GSR. I love the idea that Griss is getting a little bit of TLC.

But I feel that it doesn't matter who you feel he should be with - just put yourself in Sara's place and imagine him speaking to you that way, growling 'intimately' in your ear, chasing you down the corridor when you stink like poo, writing you Shakespeare's sonnets etc etc etc.

It's WP/Grissom and we love him. We can be Sara/Cath/Sophia/LH. The power of imagination and suggestion is compelling.

Oooh, sorry about that. That was a bit grown up of me. Smuttiness will ensue shortly. :devil:

By the way - big announcement! Poppylvsgriss and I were in the pub last week and we have come to an agreement... we are going spoiler free until the end of the season! We agreed, then started laughing, then started biting the bar under the stress we put ourselves under!! So, can we do an Adzix?

Can you put spoilers in the little blue boxes please?!?

This is SO gonna kill us! :lol: We are already weakening!!

And I have laryingitis and you wouldn't want me to shout silently at you, would you now?! ;)
britfan said: Can you put spoilers in the little blue boxes please?!?
There should be no spoilers in this thread to begin with this is why we created the "Spoiler Lab" and "Spoiler Pictures" threads, to keep the main Actor/Character threads spoiler free. :)
Destiny said:
britfan said: Can you put spoilers in the little blue boxes please?!?
There should be no spoilers in this thread to begin with this is why we created the "Spoiler Lab" and "Spoiler Pictures" threads, to keep the main Actor/Character threads spoiler free. :)

Cheers. destiny. Didn't know that. Poo. We may have to disappear until the finale!! This pact is going to be a nightmare... :lol:

MissMonk - we all think WP/GG is hot! That's why we worship at the Shrine of Billyhotness! That's why I say it doesn't matter who you ship... it Billy and YOU right there in that split second... *drools*
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