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19ams87 said:
I'm in a pervy mood tday so deal with it :p
You're always in a pervy mood :lol:

On Grissom being cold.. sure, he's a little distant, but I think that his relationship with Sara has made him aware of it.. and it seems like he's trying to work on it.
I hope noone minds me bringing this over here, but in the csi dreams thread MissMonk posted this
i had a dream last night. was kinda weird. we were all just standing around....cept for grissom. he was a blue fairy and was going down a weird water slide.......*contemplates*
and it was quickly becoming a WP thread! So what do y'all think of blue fairy Grissom? :lol: Oh, btw, unfortunetely he wasn't wearing a blue tutu. *grumbles*

it seems like he's trying to work on it.
He certainly is, he is such a romantic. Where can I find a guy like that...
grissoms_gurl said:
19ams87 said:
I'm in a pervy mood tday so deal with it :p
You're always in a pervy mood :lol:

On Grissom being cold.. sure, he's a little distant, but I think that his relationship with Sara has made him aware of it.. and it seems like he's trying to work on it.

Yes, he's so warmed up more lately.. LOVE can do that :p.. and I seriously think ths 'writer' got him and Caruso mixed up, I actually watched CSI/Miami last night to see the 'depth and feeling' from Caurso.. and NOT :eek:, . not bashing him, I just don't see what this guy sees, Grissom, in so many eps. is so kind..warm and generous with much depth. "Feeling The Heat" "I don't get people", well Mr. Scott, I don't get you!!! and so many others.. well, I did write him a stinging letter, so maybe he'll take the time and revauluate our boy!! cause his emotions run the gamut ;)
You're always in a pervy mood

Guilty. As. Charged. *bows* Can you blame me with hotties like Billy on my tv?!

I think the Gman is more 'warm' in the earlier seasons. Espescially in the Pilot with Holly Gribbs, he flirted with her stupidly! I've said it before but I think that was au naturale Billy ozing through Grissom there. (oh my, what a sentance!)
19ams87 said:
You're always in a pervy mood

Guilty. As. Charged. *bows* Can you blame me with hotties like Billy on my tv?!

I think the Gman is more 'warm' in the earlier seasons. Espescially in the Pilot with Holly Gribbs, he flirted with her stupidly! I've said it before but I think that was au naturale Billy ozing through Grissom there. (oh my, what a sentance!)
His behaviour is so out of character, when you watch this pilot after being used to the grissom of the next episodes and the next seasons. :lol:

I love and share all your points of view.

Saying that Grissom is "cold" is so simplistic. I don't think this man watches CSI on a regular basis. So he's got only a superficial view of Grissom.

Otherwise he would have noticed the depth of his character. When you watch regularly CSI, you cannot miss it. Impossible ! :eek:
ams so you are in a pervy mood?? :devil:
Grissom will do that to you :)
especially with the beard ....MMMMMMMMMM... the beard...........
lol. i wish i could read CSI fics. but most of the ones are so out of character, poorly written, or incomplete. boring! so i'll stick to my harry potter fics unless you all can suggest some really nice grissom centered ones that doesnt invlove GSR.
He couldn't have watched, "COMMITTED", his freaking out when Sara was being held by knifepoint , and "GRAVE DANGER" his emotions with Nick.. OMG riveting :eek: and way back to 'GENTLE GENTLE" he almost cried when finding the dead baby..that's not 'depth and feeling? and on and on.. I just think it's really bad journalism,for a writer to spew his views when he knows not what he's talking about!!! and knows jack-s... about this character.... :mad:
Grave Danger, A Bullet Runs Through It, Butterflied any of those would do for the depth of Grissom-ness

and the second half of A Bullet Runs Through It is on tonight. I'm glad CBS ran those episodes to fill the March Madness without Grisoom :lol:
And I can't believe I forgot "FANNYSMACKIN' his tenderness & such compassion and kind words for Greggie in the hospital, brought tears to my eyes.. talk about 'depth and feeling' I guess it infuriates me because he has no clue.. I wrote him and stated for him and his 'staff' to sit down and watch these epicodes, and than do a retraction on his unkind and untrue writings :mad: moron
i just saw an ep of csi tonight that has some great lines (a few are in my siggie) all of tonights were good on spike. i love the Kiss Kiss Bye Bye, i think he did a good job in that. lol and i love how greg indirectly called him ancient *laughs*
I think "Kiss Bye Bye" was my favorite ep. in S/6.. "old' Vegas, and Faye Dunnaway kicked it..WP said when she guest stared on this ep, that as a kid he'd watched her in "Bonnie & Clyde" and was thrilled and honored to have her on CSI..she was so fantastic, when she brought the snacks down to the lab, and Greg was so taken with her, & Greg and Sara finding all that money beneath the carpet.... (wished I'd find some money under my floor, all there is is dirt) and the way she flirted with Grissom big time..and Sam Braun and Cath's mom, getting together for a drink, very awkward, but cute, and at the end, Greg with the fedora, and than Grissom reading "the best is yet to come" ;)if he only knew, how true that was.. and it's happening right now :p the whole ep. was just great!!I loved it ;)
that was a good episode desertwind
Faye Dunaway was fantastic in this episode
she and Grissom had some good chemistry in terms of their acting.

I liked this one too and Cath's mom (Lily) and her Dad (Sam) getting together...

and Greg said he read her book and knew that she was the Double Kiss girl
you couldn't say her name without making your mouth kiss
LOIS O'NEIL ...Greg rocks!!!
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