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Nice eggy that is by George & Ira Gershwin old time song writers, and I got the tape with Rod Stewart singing it! and another one off this tape dedicated to Billy baby

It had to be you, it had to be you
I wandered around and finally found the somebody
Who could make me be true, could make me be blue
And even glad just to be sad thinking of you
Some others I've seen might never be mean
Might never be cross, or try to be bossed
But they wouldn't do
For nobody else gave me a thrill
with all your faults I love you still
It had to be you, wonderful you
It had to be you!

Gus Kahn and Isaiah Jones
Anyone heard of Timbaland?
Heard of him...yes. But, nothing else. :rolleyes: :lol: That's awesome ams.

Anyone watch Eurovision song contest? :lol: The UK didn't come last peeps! Isn't that incredible? :lol: Well second last, but still, not last place like Ireland. :lol: *points and laughs* (Before anyone accuses me of anything, I'm part-irish. ;))

Nice eggy that is by George & Ira Gershwin old time song writers, and I got the tape with Rod Stewart singing it!
I haven't heard Rod sing it. I have a copy of Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong though, got a Louis instrumental in the middle. :D Robbie Williams has covered it as well, lol, who hasn't though? :lol:

when he's on about 'TAAAAR' oh so zexy.
I love how you spelled out how he says it. :lol: It's also baaad. :lol: Is there anyone else that speaks like him, or is he unique?
NOPE, don't know, but whats-her-face on the WPAP would probably know, and my guess is he's back in hot-humid Chicago, now he's he's done filming S/7.. what I love about him the Grissom character, is how he's evolved, and come to the pinnacle of his career on this show ;) he's rested, happy in his personal life, everything is copious with his team mates, and if he finally catches the MCSK, things will be good ;) and continue in S/8.. BTW, Ickly Ecklie aka Marc Vann was on "WAT" last week, as a different character.I was going "WHAT" so is he not on CSI anymore?
Is Chicago hot? I was under the impression that it was cold. That is where ER is set right? :confused:

I just ran Billy through the facial recognition thingy on (it was the one from Gunshy when he's holding the glass, black and white shot, hottness. Look who I got:
Demi Moore 76%
Greta Garbo 74%
Mel Gibson 73%
Kareena Kapor 73%
Tim Curry 73%
Karolina Kurkova 72%
Dustin Hoffman 70%
Gary Cooper 70%
Jawahariel Nehru 70% (?) :lol:
Eoro Heinonen 68%

Is Chicago hot? I was under the impression that it was cold. That is where ER is set right?

I was under the same expression. It's called 'the windy city' and its always bloody snowy on ER lol.

Jeez that list you posted, I only know like 4 of them lol.

Egg dude, you need to empty your inbox, I wrote you a massive PM then couldn't send it because your bloody box was full *anger* btw can you tell me how to use emule properlly too please? Sorry for the OTness but I couldn't PM her lol.

I've never heard anyone with Billy's accent before. I like the way he pronounces his Rs, it's wierd, its kinda like my accent in American, us Lancashirans over pronounce our Rs (apparently!) I always get ribbed for my accent. Boo hiss.
I was under the same expression. It's called 'the windy city' and its always bloody snowy on ER lol.
I know. Let's wait for an American. ;)

Jeez that list you posted, I only know like 4 of them lol.
Me too. :lol: Some of them you might recognise by face though. Like Karolina Kurkova, she's a victorias secret model. :rolleyes:

Egg dude, you need to empty your inbox, I wrote you a massive PM then couldn't send it because your bloody box was full
Sorry. 'Tis done. :rolleyes: I'm in demand all of a sudden. :lol:

I always get ribbed for my accent.
*ribs* :lol: I say Grarse (Grass) and Barth (Bath), etc. I pronounce all my t's as well. Not in a posh way though, I have a monotone voice. :rolleyes: Oh, and everyone says that I pronouce my a's too strongly in 'family' and 'sandwich', apparently I sound american. :rolleyes: Maybe it's from watching too much CSI. :lol:
This guy is from Chicago He's a similar age, but sounds nothing like Billy. :lol:
You see I miss most of my Ts out. What can I say, i'm from Lancashire, I have no defence! I also pronounce the number 3 as 'free' I have a coupla vids on YT and Myspace that have me on, gloriously womanly accent...yeah rite.

Excuse my Billy ignorance but I just realised, is he actually from Chicago or does he just live there? I mean, where was he born? Don't shoot me for being a bad Billy fan, I just never 'researched' that lol.
The weather in Chicago today is 65F and 13 mph winds, and 31% humidity.. [weather channel] it wil be HOTT as summer approaches, and he was born in Evanston, Illnois.. not far from Chicago, he has a home there as well as in Hancock Park [ritzy area of L.A.] while filming CSI!
Woo woo, thanks for that windy. It always bugged me that I didn't know but now I do.

I had a Billy dream last night. I went to this meet and greet CSI thing where u met all the cast (but I only met Billy & only saw Marg) and *snigger* Billy did kareoke, sang AND danced. I was embarresed for him LMAO. And for some odd reason he was in a dressing gown. How odd. Then we went to an indoor jungle jim (indoor playground thingy!) which was fun. Billy was soooo nice in my dream lmao. I love Billy/CSI dreams.
ams I had a Grissom dream last year.
I had a dream that Sara and I were sitting at the table in the conference room and I got to sit and chat with her.
I chatted with Sara first, kinda gushed over her some then Grissom came in behind me and she pointed to him and I totally lost it and 'fangirled' all over Grissom too.

Kinda weird but I guess he has that affect on us right?? :lol:
Damn right he does hhunter

I drempt I met him and Gina in a musuem bar (do they exist?! lol) and I followed him to the bathroom and waited for him to come out (like ya do!). He smiled as if he knew I was waiting for him. I handed him a napkin I randomly had and he signed it and invited me to have a drink with him and Gina! He was well friendly and he played with my hair SWOOOON! I nearly died when I woke up omg it was the best dream in the history of dreams! :lol:
ok, I have another dream.. sheesh this is weird, but hey it's Grissom, RIGHT??

I had a dream along the same lines as you ams but this time it was Billy and I met him a a bar in Vegas at the Paris Casino.
He was chatting about Chicago, LA and Vegas and I told him I was from Chicago (I'm NOT really) and I had to call my friends parents (who ARE from Chicago) to find out what he was talking about. :lol:
You lied to Billy Hhunter?! Lol! I had another were he saved me from a bomb blast on the set of CSI which was loverly. :devil: Another were Cath and him were in a sewer, bit shipperish so i'll ssssh. It involved mayonaise and celery LOL! And another were him and Cath were hells angels and terrorised the neighbourhood LOL. Very amusing, I woke up actually laughing. Grissom, as a hells angel?! Naaaaaw!
OMG! Everyone dreamt(sp?) about G? I dreamt(still don't know how to spell it) that he was wearing ladies underwear, I don't remember how I knew, and then he was going to kill me. I forgot to warn you that it was a nightmare, oh, and no interpretation of the dream thanks. :lol: God I just remembered that I have dreamt(I'm going to look it up...I was spelling it right. :lol:) about Billy/Grissom (can't remember which. :rolleyes:) murdering quite a lot. Feel free to interpret that one, I have no clue. :confused: :lol:

I love it when you wake up laughing. *sigh*

No one can beat the certain dream I've had though. ;) :lol:
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