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Have we heard Billy whistle before? I'm not sure if I have or not. Well 'twas awesome nonetheless.

Thanks for answering for me btw Eggy. I don't remember him whistling, but he's cracked his neck before. I can't remember the ep or the season but its just before Cath comes up to him because she's scared about Lindsey, think she's been hitchhiking and he says 'theres a difference between scaring her and preparing her', well yeah, before Cath comes along, he cracks his neck, 'orrible but I can do it too!

Welcome back Des.

Oh and remembered something funny today. Last year on the bus I was talking to my mate about 'older' guys we fancied. I didn't watch CSI at the time so I didn't know about Billy, anyways, my mate said 'theres this girl upstairs who's in love with that Grissom bloke off CSI. She's always showing pics of him on her phone to everyone!' LOL how funny's that. Unfortunatly I don't get that bus anymore or I woulda befriended her.
I loved the LH storyline last night.
And the ending was so sweet between Grissom/Heather/Jerome and Alison. Wow!! :D

Ssssssh, don't spoil it s'much, isn't over here for ages yet so I don't wanna know! *sings* lalala ;)

Can't wait for that eppy though woot woot.
I'm sorry ams :( but once it airs in the US, it becomes fair game.
We don't need spoiler boxes. :)

Anyway, I came away happy.

I know I know lol. I know most of the spoilers anyways :( i'm gonna try not to next season but that means i'll hardly be able to post here which blows. Theres a website I can watch up to Leapin' Lizards, i'm very tempted. Sick of waiting lol, i'm impatient. Y'all always get things first. *cries* btw, was I on about the right Pink Flyod album?
I don't remember him whistling, but he's cracked his neck before.
I vaguely remember that. :confused: I can crack my neck too. I do it when I'm nervous. :rolleyes:

Right so guys, I friggin' nearly had a stroke. I watched KtS. :eek:
People should have warned me about the multiple sex scenes. :eek:
I was ready to watch the threesome one, I knew that was coming, but not all the others. :eek: Serious :eek:-ing going on.
I can't believe his character, Jeff, he was such an arse.
How could someone just up and leave there family? I don't understand, he had kids and everything. :confused: Well, we got zex scenes, so I can't complain too much. :lol:
I shall continue outside the box, lol. Anyone else notice the little head shake/bob/wobble thing he does? It's particularly noticible at around 2 mins 45 secs. It's terribly cute. :)
His character was sooo different from Grissom, such a flirt, oh, the swearing. :lol:
Oooh, there was a hat, and it looks rather similar to the the hat. Slight twist to it as well, made me chuckle. :D
One of my most favourite lines was "Fascinating, let's go upstairs and pick out our girls." Hilarious. :lol:
Oh, but the best line, made my mouth drop. "<insert non-PG-13 words here> flappin' in the breeze." So strange hearing those words come out of Billy's mouth, no?
One last thing, I found it rather odd that Andy had a slight australian accent, yet kept mentioning repeatedly how she went to Oxford. :confused:

Bloody broke my heart when he was crying on the phone. *sobs* Even though he had been an utter arse, still got the welling. :(
Oh, and a the end of the movie how much like the Season 7/present Billy did he look? Well it was only 8 years ago, so he can't have changed that much really, but he really did, maybe it had something to do with the speechless-ness, which happens to G rather often. :rolleyes:

So those are my little thoughts of KtS. :lol: You enjoy? :D

On to TGTBTD. Wow what an ep. I loved when he came into sight with the cup of tea, love a bit of continuity. :lol:
Is it just me, or is he wearing less bulky clothes in the first scene with Greg?
Also the fact that he's friggin' building a model of his own office. The mini glass jars were brilliant. :lol: He looked well pleased with himself too. Oh, and he was wearing the glasses that I adore so much. :D

Man this is one long post. Sorry about that, I'll stop rambling incoherant nonsense now. :rolleyes:

Man, go back and count how many times I used 'oh'...that's terrible. *shakes head*

You're an 'oh fanatic' dude.

I like the little headshake he does sometimes, he did it in CSI one time when he walked into the morgue and Doc Robbins was RAAAWKIN' out! So damn cute. I think the 'hand' thing has to be a fave too, it's so quirky. Bless 'im.

Gawd, KtS sounds awesome. Grrrrrrrr I need to watch. Speshly if he's swearing in it. Droolmania. Nice commentary Eggy. *runs over to emule* naughty Ams, naughty.
You're an 'oh fanatic' dude.
:lol: It's because I write as I think, so I am literally going "oh" sometimes even out loud. :lol:
I like the little headshake he does sometimes, he did it in CSI one time when he walked into the morgue and Doc Robbins was RAAAWKIN' out!
It's more of a twitch, lol. It happens most when he is standing up though. The longer the sentences the more he does it. Adorable. Also the quirky way he walks too. :lol: I love Billy. He's awesome.
Speshly if he's swearing in it.
Like you wouldn't believe. :eek:
Nice commentary Eggy.
:lol: Imagine if I actually gave you a commentary as I went through the movie, ok, and the belt buckles undone...It would be interesting. :lol: I think it would be better if you just read some of Scullyseviltwin's fanfics. ;)
Yeah he has an awesome walk. Kinda like a swagger. Confident, me likes very much so. Was one of the first things I noticed about him.

It's because I write as I think, so I am literally going "oh" sometimes even out loud.

I'm a more of a 'oooooh' kinda gal myself but yeah I know what you mean lol.

*cough* i'm downloading Gunshy as we speak *cough* I hope this works!! Gunshy is one of my fave Billy flicks. TL&DILA is still the best. Not just because of *the scene* in general, it just kicks ass. In love Richard Chance. He's a beast. Hmmmm *drifts off to Chance land*
He whistles in 'SUCKERS' at the end when he's walking out of that scam artists/boss' office, and he's doing the theme from the 'MIKADO' earlier in the wherehouse he was singing it, with a dismayed Nick and Sara going "OK" ;) and it'll be interesting on your Brits take on last nights ep. very weird.. I won't say anything else SHHHHH :cool:
I won't say anything else SHHHHH

Much appreciated. I've pretty much spoiled this season for myself anyways which id'a stayed away from spoilers. Tsk at myself. *slaps own wrist*

Ohhhh my gawd how could I forget that whistling! I laughed so hard when I heard him doing that. Suckers, is that the one about that Japanese antiques or something? I can never remember which episode is which. Why can't they just be like friends and have it like 'The one with the fake Japanese antiques' LOL, be so much easier!!
Yeah he has an awesome walk. Kinda like a swagger. Confident, me likes very much so. Was one of the first things I noticed about him.
In lab rats when he's walking behind Dave and Doc Rob classic moment, oh, and his accent is super strong too. :D

I remember the whistling in Suckers, that was such a great episode. I loved that grin after he opened the the safe door, so pleased with himself. :lol: Words can't describe how awesome he is can they?

Suckers, is that the one about that Japanese antiques or something?
That's the one. :) The thing about the friends eps, is that I could never remember which one was the one, I always remembered them from something else.
...that made no sense. :confused:
SUCKERS was from S/4.. my all time fav. season.. it is about the bogus/fake Japanese artwork. a great ep. and some funny moments as well! Your notions though many, aren't worth a penny
:lol: Having a funny moment, lol. I was just listening to Jazz, as you do, and 'They can't take that away from me' came on, you prob know the first line, but I'll spell it out for you:

"The way you wear your hat...
the way you sip your tea,
The memory of all that,
No, no, they can't take that away from me.
The way your smile just beams,
the way you sing off key *cough*
the way you haunt my dreams *blush*
No, no, they can't take that away from me.

We may never, never meet again (or ever :()
on the bumpy road to love,
still I'll always, always keep the memory of...

The way you hold your knife,
the way we dance till 3 (well that's never happened, although think back to dream line. :rolleyes:)
the way you've changed my life (so true. :lol:)
No, no they can't take that away from me...."

Then it repeats, how hilarious is that, especially the hat and the tea references. :lol:
I like me a bitta Jazz musak. Miles Davies and Sonny Rolins are kewl beans.

I loved his strong accent in the beggining of Nesting Dolls, when he's on about 'TAAAAR' oh so zexy. I lurve a strong accent, if it's a nice one mind lmao.

OT - Anyone heard of Timbaland? He's one of my fav artists and I met him in Selfridges today, he's touring with JT in Manc soon, was SOOO happy. I have a blurry pic of him. I wanted one with him but he was ill (apparently) so he wasn't up for that. Anyway, i'm now exstatic for the next 10 years. I love the guy.
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