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I almost died when I first saw The Beard. OMG.

I don't know why BP decided to grow a beard in the fist place -tired of shaving?- but :cool: Smart career move ;)
Just seen Grissoms return...not impressed with the new growth. Puts ten years on him, thank god it leaves after a while.

I'm all depressed, gonna be for days. I miss Keppybaby...don't kill me. *cries*

I'm bloody happy Gmansback though. Sounded like he had a blocked nose when he talked, cutiepie.

I think i'm gonna drown my sorrows in a couple "Grissom cocktails" *sniff sniff*

He needs the normal beard back! I vote for that! Cmon Billy, treat us boyo.
LD Linda Goodman, [Sun Signs] didn't put this describing a Pisces.. the man Shakespeare said it.. it prefaces it with him saying "before you get involved with a PISCES man.. yada..yada.. as I posted Willie baby is a Taurus.. stubborn....on another subject about him.. I wonder if Billy likes fish, I've never met a Pisces that didn't ;)
ams you KNOW how much I love the beard, but you are right, when he came back in Law of Gravity It was too much for me. He was too scruffy. :eek:
I love astrology to bits, but (with apologies to Linda Goodman) in no way did Shakespeare intend this to describe a Pisces. I gave a quick scan of the play, and, indeed, this is Brutus trying to stir Cassius to fight at Philippi. I'll give the quote its context:

BRUTUS. Good reasons must of force give place to better.
The people 'twixt Philippi and this ground
Do stand but in a forced affection,
For they have grudged us contribution.
The enemy, marching along by them,
By them shall make a fuller number up,
Come on refresh'd, new-added, and encouraged;
From which advantage shall we cut him off
If at Philippi we do face him there,
These people at our back.

CASSIUS. Hear me, good brother.

BRUTUS. Under your pardon. You must note beside
That we have tried the utmost of our friends,
Our legions are brim-full, our cause is ripe:
The enemy increaseth every day;
We, at the height, are ready to decline.
There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which taken at the flood leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.

CASSIUS. Then, with your will, go on;
We'll along ourselves and meet them at Philippi.

It's from the fourth act of Julius Caesar. I still think the quote has relevance to Grissom (as I mentioned above), but it isn't about being Pisces (Shakespeare certainly gives it no such index). I think Goodman is assigning something to this quote that it and its context don't support. The quote is a truism, applicable to all mankind, and has no specific relevance to any character type, so to say there is something peculiarly "Pisces-like" about it doesn't make much sense to me. I think she was just skimming through Bartlett's for quotes relevant to water and threw in this one, without really reading it carefully or in context. But that's just my opinion as a Shakespeare-mad, astrology-loving CSI-oholic. As always, YMMV.

I took a gander at the promo photos for "Leapin' Lizards" in the Season 7 photo thread, and, if you don't mind being spoiled, there are some tasty ones in there. I can't wait for Thursday. Looks like he's going to be just as smoking as he was last week!

Edited to make the Shakespeare easier to read, and to agree with you, desertwind, that all Pisces seem to like fish. My sister is a Pisces and she is obsessed with all things aquatic. I wonder if Billy has an aquarium? ;)
Well, that sounds good and I guess she's printing false writings in her book.. I re-read it and it does say "Shakespeare" said "before getting involved with a PISCES man.. so you'll have to debate with her :D but it does sound like him.. and thank's for posting all of it!!

PISCES "their all different.. but all the same" and ain't that the truth.. I've got two Pisces daughters.. weird people.. it's impossible to figure them out and they both love fish. I've also had many Pisces friends, and also impossible to understand. they change like the wind :eek: I'll bet he does have an Aquarium.. and I know he does go fishing! ~~runs to pic thread~~
hhunter said:

I watched Assume Nothing/All for Country last night and man... He is totally fine with the beard.
And he winked at Cath, so cute :D ;)

ITA with the beard and the wink Hh, very yummy! :D

As for the hat coming back, I'm sorry ladies but Grissom needs to burn it and stick with a baseball cap. :rolleyes:
Seriously! :)
Look, I know it's protecting him from the sunlight. Buuut.... no thanks. :(

Noooo! Another hat hater. :( Did I mention that I love the hat? :rolleyes: Oh, and Sara's glasses. Awesome too. ;)

I'm an aries and I like fish. :D Especially prawns, yummy, could eat them all day. :lol: Seriously.
What does being an aries mean? You like...ram? :lol:
I think his hat is very... Grissom :lol: It's wierd and different in a ..cute.. kind of way!
and OT, but I laughed the first time I saw Sara's glasses - but I've grown to adore them ;)
Ok, the hat can go along with the glasses. They did crack me up to :D

Grissom, you need a wardrobe consultant. Anyone want the job?
he he he :lol:
He's got Sara and they are brilliant, they have their own geeky style. :)
So Ggurl does that mean you like the glasses? :eek:

ETA: *breaks into song* I'm on top of the world looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find....*whistles because she can't remember the rest of the words* :rolleyes:
I lurve the hat. So geekily cute. I actually want one though, coulda got one back in Kavos in summer but I didn't know Billy Petersen exsisted back then...sorry Billy lol.

Those glasses are awful awful! Take up half her face, it looks like she was trying to pull off 'im an A list CSI and I don't want anyone to recognise me' Its up there with that fugly moustache George Eads grew in S6. What WAS that?

Egg, top of the page again huh?! You top page stealerer.

I'm a Virgo, apparently means i'm 'virginal'
eggbe4thechicken said:
Noooo! Another hat hater. :( Did I mention that I love the hat?

I'm afraid so. The hat is a no no. :(
It looked fine with the beard though. :D
But now......I see 60-70 old men wearing hats like that and it just makes him look so old. :eek:

Give me a backward baseball any day. :p
I would love to see Grissom wear a Cubs cap. :lol: Just for the hell of it. :lol:


LADY HEATHER: "Honey, there are a lot of things you can give a man -- your body, your time, even your heart. But the one thing you can never, ever, ever let go of is your power."
eggbe4thechicken said:
So Ggurl does that mean you like the glasses? :eek: that me? :lol: I sometimes can't tell if someone is referring to me :lol:
but if so.. ya! I've become quite attached to them!
OK, the hat was a BIG no-no at first, but I admit I got to like it :D

The GLASSES?? Now THAT is a HUUUGE no-no for me. I mean, she looks like a fly :lol:

His glasses? OK. Anytime. He's so hot with those :D
But hers? No thank you.
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