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Grissom is our guilty pleasure :p :p :p :p

19ams87 said:
Also when there's a re-run on Spike -of an episode where BP still had The Beard, I stroke my TV screen when there's a close-up on Grissom

Guilty. As. Charged. I mean, ahem, i've NEVER done that.'s not like I jumped outta bed and crawled up to within an inch of the screen in the last CSI UK ep when Gman was typing that letter.
:lol: :lol:

hhunter said:
GrissomFREAK said:

Also when there's a re-run on Spike -of an episode where BP still had The Beard, I stroke my TV screen when there's a close-up on Grissom -wishing I was feeling The Beautiful Beard under my fingers :lol:

See, you're not the only one :lol: We're all crazies here! ;)

AAAHH you are not alone there either especially when it involves THE BEARD!!!
Couldn't agree more with that!

Speaking of hottness ... I was just watching Thursday's episode -missed it because I had class- -I stopped just before the opening credits ... struck by the hottness ... Griss and Sara by the pool - OMG! He is SO HAWWWT when he says "Places like this always keep their pool warm ... encourages the girls to swim topless. It's good for business *Sara gives him The Look* So they tell me" :eek: :eek: :lol:

OK, well ... back to watching Ending Happy :D
^That was hilarious. Wasn't it sort of setting up for the 'sex talk' scene? You know saying he wouldn't know about the topless swimming, and then saying later on that he's never paid for sex. He's a good boy. :D Well I hope not too much of a good boy, if you catch my drift. :rolleyes:

Ams you stole the top of the page! :lol:
ANYWAAAAY.. he's now left Vegas.. and is on his way back to either L.A. or Chicago,, didn't call me again to let me know :( baseball season is in it's prime.. so he's probably going to watching the games this weekend!! go CUBS ;)
^That sucks Windy. :( Nevermind eh? Don't forget the nosehairs you could have inhaled? :rolleyes:

I watched Lab Rats today. How awesome was that ep? Incredibly awesome. :lol: I loved, loved, loved how he said "He's got gas." The 'gas' was said sooo Billy like, I could watch that bit over and over again. :lol: Then when he says "I think he's on to us." Pissed myself. Brilliant. :lol:
Oh, one more "and where were you?" and that last look he threw over his shoulder at doc, classic. ;)
He's really good at the humor stuff. Have any of his movies been comedy sorts? I don't think I've seen any. :confused:

Brits: TLADILA is on Sky movies modern greats, 2nd May, 2 am. (i.e. 1st may night, just past midnight, if you catch my drift. Too many times have I missed a movie because I got that wrong. :()
Nothing else for the next two weeks apart from that unfortunately. No repeat of Mulholland Falls either. *sobs*
I'm used to it eggy No one I talked to, saw any of them.. maybe eventually dribbles of gossip will come trickling in, of fans who saw them.. don't know.. it's like they were ghosts.. I've gabbed to many people here. and most didn't even know they were here.. but for now.. OH well, such is life in the big city :eek:,,,,,,,,,,,,, and a comedy movie with him is "HARD PROMISES" he's pretty sensational, and so cute and funny! :lol:
Ams you stole the top of the page!

Oh I just realised. First the top of the page, next, THE WORLD! MWAHAHAHA!

OT - Windy, do you live in LV? How coooool.

Hard Promises is a comedy?! I would LOVE to see Billy do comedy, I think his timing is spot on with some of his one liners in CSI so to see him do a comedy movie would rawk. Go comedic Billster.
OT - Windy, do you live in LV? How coooool.
Did you not think it strange that she was searching for the cast when they were in Vegas? :lol:

I can't wait to see Hard Promises! That's the one where he climbs out of a window right?...jumping over the chairs, the sleeping, oh, it looks like it's such a good movie! :D

*clears throat*Ams I'm offended by your icon. How could you do such a thing. *pout* :p
Dude im on a Nick kick atm. I do apologise. And Windy coulda been on vacation! *pokes Egg rather hard* mwahahaha. You've made me feel like i'm cheating on Grissom lmao.

Yup Hard Promises is that movie. Looks so good, bloody annoyed I can't watch it. Guttted.

What's Mullholland(sp?) Falls about anyone?
*head down in shame* jeez you made me feel bad lmao. So, hope <<< thats a lil better for ya. One of my all time fave Gman pics. I've apologised to Gman, we ok again now. Gonna make it up to him that I mean cook him a mean meal.

Ta for the IMDB. I shall check that out later.

Does anyone know what other films I could order that aren't Region 1? I need a new Bill fix.
YEAH! G's back! That's better. *pats on head* Everyone has a moment of weakness, you will be fine. :lol:

Ams why can't you play them on your computer? You can change the region on your computer. ;)
Another movie, that he's got some cute comedic lines is.."KEEP THE CHANGE" he's a artist who's struggling and sick of his life, and goes back to his roots to claim his Montana! it's a modern day western! his uncle in it is Buck Henry. and the land fight is with movie legend Jack Palance...........and, what is it you find strange about me not finding them in Vegas.. come on over here, and you'll freak at the population and the traffic.. then you'll understand ;)How many times have you Brits seen the Queen? or toured Buckingham Palace.. same thing! or have you :D here's a brief summary of Lake Mead, a man made lake here in this vast city! where some CSI's were reportdly filmed.. so Billy baby has been here ;)

Can we get 'Keep The Change' over here? I think it'll only of been released in America. Which is another blow to us Brits. Sniff sniff. Sounds ace too.

I've been to Buckingham Palace actually lol. Wasn't that exciting, I was more excited by the fact that one of the Bond films had been shot there. Same with The Eden Project in Cornwall.
How many times have you Brits seen the Queen? or toured Buckingham Palace.. same thing!
:lol: True, although, my mum did see the Queen once, she was driving down a street in London, waving out of a window, in the way she does. :lol: I went to Buckingham Palace too! This really important looking women came out of the building as we got there, and she was whisked away in a limo, no idea who she was though. :lol: Oh, and when I get my Gold Duke of Edinburgh award I'll go and see Prince Phillip! :D Have to do the expedition first...I'm going to die. :eek:

Keep the change does sound awesome. Ebay? :lol:

Why did they go to Lake Mead for the finale shooting? *ponders over the possibilities* :eek: Maybe Grissom gets his kit off, and he goes skinny dipping! *prays*
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