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Oh, and when I get my Gold Duke of Edinburgh award I'll go and see Prince Phillip! Have to do the expedition first...I'm going to die

Yes dude, you will die. Trust, i've done both my practise and my final Gold expos. Enjoooooy lol.

Even if you got it off Ebay it still wouldnt work would it? Think it depends on how nice your dvd player is lol.

Why did they go to Lake Mead for the finale shooting? *ponders over the possibilities* Maybe Grissom gets his kit off, and he goes skinny dipping! *prays*

Ooooh intruiging. Hmmm. Wonder whats gonna happen. Im so curious but I dont wanna spoil it. Spoilt most of this season for myself. Meh.
Yes dude, you will die. Trust, i've done both my practise and my final Gold expos. Enjoooooy lol
*gulp* :eek: I'm going to the peak district next weekend for the practice. Hopefully it'll be warm. :( I hate being cold, it's the worst part. I will take a stock of Billy pics with me, and I will be good to go...sort of. :(

Even if you got it off Ebay it still wouldnt work would it? Think it depends on how nice your dvd player is lol
Is the computer a no go then?
Ooooh intruiging. Hmmm. Wonder whats gonna happen. Im so curious but I dont wanna spoil it. Spoilt most of this season for myself. Meh.
I think I'm better off watching the eps after I know what majorly happens. Like the most recent ep, for example, I totally, and completely freaked out about the sex talk, like unable to function, so if I had watched it mid-ep for the first time, I would have been lost as to what was happening in the ep. I'm half way through watching the new one, and got through the sex scene (lol) with no heart attacks. I'm all good. :)
Girls, your not reading this correctly :( I didn't say they filmed here this time I said, "some CSI's were filmed at Lake Mead" the ep. where Nick and Sara found the girls dead body at the bottom of the lake.. and the one where Cath and Gris found the lady in the lake when her motor boat sunk..etc.. I sure some real title fans will remember these! really it was Castaic Lake [Lake Mead look-a-like] up above Santa Clarita, where the studios used to be..
Oh, well nevermind eh? :)
I remember those eps. Pledging Mr Johnson with the severed leg found in the lake annndd Feeling the Heat with Nick and Sara. That ep was so sad, at the end, when you find out that the parents killed their baby for no reason, horrible. I know they shouldn't have killed the baby in the first place, but you know, makes it worse, I feel for them. :(
Here's a G quote from that ep.

Catherine: What are you thinking?
Grissom: I don't get people.

So stereotypically Grissom. :lol:

Also a funny scene from Pledging Mr Johnson:

Catherine: New pet?
Grissom: The African Red Baboon Tarantula---the most feared of all arachnids. But basically harmless.
Catherine: Yeah, well just keep the lid on it, okay?
Grissom: I think you scared him. All his hairs are standing up.
Catherine: If you're through amusing yourself I have some news on the boat...

So mean to him. :( I love it when G talks bugs. :D

NB: Of course I searched, lol, I'm not that crazy that I remember all the eps. *cough* :rolleyes:
Just a brief description of his horoscope he's a PISCES

William Shakespeare was a Taurus, but he left this message for anyone who's considering becoming involved with a Pisces man!!

There is a tide in the affairs of men:
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune:
Omitted, all the voyage of their life:
Is bound in shallows and in miseries:
desertwind said:
Just a brief description of his horoscope he's a PISCES

William Shakespeare was a Taurus, but he left this message for anyone who's considering becoming involved with a Pisces man!!

There is a tide in the affairs of men:
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune:
Omitted, all the voyage of their life:
Is bound in shallows and in miseries:

I think what Shakespere was trying to say is that a person should not be afraid of the upheavals in life and learn to work with them. By doing this, one's own life can be enriched for the experience, rather than 'sitting in the shallows' being fearful of the 'what-ifs' in life, which cause a person to miss out on much of life's sweetness as well as it's sadness. Leaving one empty of any kind of life.
Does that make any sense, I hope? :confused:
hey guys. i don't know if you already talked about it but apparently there is Billy's dog in a new promo. i don't know i haven't seen it, cuz i'm spoiler-free but that what WPAP says.

if you ask me, it's the most adorable thing EVER to put your own dog on a promo.

i love Billy. seriously, lol.
Yeah, man, Bruno! Bruno the Boxer. :lol: That guy is awesome. :D
We kind of briefly chatted in the Hot pics thread about it, but since it's a spoiler, well you know...*draws imaginery zipper across mouth*

How dya work out that one Adz? :lol:
it was on WPAP's news page.

to be honest i've never been so excited to see a dog on TV, lol.
Yeah, knowing it's Billy's dog changes everything lol

He's so kiuuuute

You know, we have a saying in France that goes "Tel maitre, tel chien", which basically means "Like master, like dog" :lol: :D
Yeah, jean it does.. I got this quote from Sun Signs by Linda Goodman, and there's a whole like 20 pages of the description of a PISCES man, it does say in part their 'restless' and never really satisfied, and impossible to figure out.. that does make sense, I think that's why hes' so electryfying, he's ever changing, and does NOT bore one.. if any one else can find more of the PISCES man feel free to post it!

Enigma..hard to understand or explain..mysterious

and on his WPAP site, Marg once said "just when you think you know Biily, the next day you realize you don't" maybe not an exact quote, but close enough! fascinating
Desertwind, that bit of Shakespeare comes from Julius Caesar. It's from one of Brutus's speeches. He is exhorting someone (Cassius?) to take advantage of an opportunity (I think for some battle, but I don't really remember. I haven't read the play for yonks.)

Basically, those lines mean this: "There comes a time in all of our lives when we have a certain chance to do something. If we hit it at the right time we prosper. If we miss that window of opportunity, we struggle and fail." It's far more elegant in Shakespeare's language, given the lovely metaphor of the boat on the tide, but, such are the failings of paraphrase!

I have absolutely no idea why this woman thinks this befits a Pisces, except for the fact that it mentions water and Pisces is a water sign. Seems pretty tenuous to me.

Anyway, at least the Shakespeare is appropriate for Grissom! And, actually, so is the sentiment. He had a window of opportunity to venture all and find romantic happiness with Sara, a full tide he might, at one point, have thought was at an ebb. Luckily, he seized his chances when they were at flood, leading on to good "fortune," and did not find himself run aground in the "shallows," static and miserable.
Grissom: I don't get people.

^^ Thats on my MSN name!

Thats hit own doggy? Omg how ADORABLE! Awwwhhh thats so cute, bless. Maybe the doggy just jumped up on the bed and they thought, what the hell, lets put him in. Awwh Brunos such a cudiepie.

It's so wierd that he's a Pisces and I lurves him. Basically every guy i've ever liked has been a Pisces and at the start of this year, my horoscope said 'You will fall for a Pisces' LOL, not that I really believe in that kinda thing. But still :)

Here's something I found on Myspace, you put your name in and it tells you how to make a 'you' so I put Grissom in (naturally lol) and heres what we need to make one ;)
How to make a Grissom
3 parts competetiveness
1 part courage
1 part empathy
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Serve with a slice of fitness and a pinch of salt. Yum!

I kinda think that works, love the bit about 'fitness' mwahaha. And the 'empathy' thing works well too. Anyone for a Grissom on me?!
ams that is hilarious :lol:
yes we will need ice to cool us down

I watched Assume Nothing/All for Country last night and man... He is totally fine with the beard.
And he winked at Cath, so cute :D ;)
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