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egg also has a Billy/Grissom forum I believe
Egg, I don't know if the following forum has been mentioned or if you already know it
*nudges Ams* People seem to have us confused! :lol:
For starters, I'm not going anywhere, ams is the traitor. :( Secondly, doesn't have a forum, she has said that it takes too much time and effort, so yeah. Lastly, I've never come across that forum alienor, I saw I liked, and have registered, lol, but it doesn't seem so active, so...yeah. I love TalkCSI! :D

Thanks for the link Windy! :) I don't understand what the fuss was about Billy's contract now, it says in that article: "Petersen will still have time left on his contract with CBS, which runs out in 2008." Which means that of course he will be back for season 8. :confused:
It's Jorja's that everyone is worrying about. Hers runs out in a month or something, or so I've heard. :rolleyes:

I've never watched Deal or No deal. I don't like Noel Edmonds, he irritates me so I haven't really even tried to watch it. :rolleyes: Is it popular in America?
Ooh, I've never heard that. I've only seen Shakespeare at the RSC, so I don't know how it's done anywhere else, no offence was meant, apologies.

I wasn't at all offended, Egg. Sorry if I sounded grumpy! Chalk it up to my experiences while a student in England, being told by my peers that they would rather I read Shakespeare in a put-on English accent than in my native accent. Add to that the embarassing fact that my English accent is sooooooo Masterpiece Theater (I was told that I did sound English, but like I had been at public school all my life), and the resentment is perhaps understandable. Fellow members of the MCR would tell me things like my grammar was wrong when I was using American grammatical conventions. They laughed when I said it was "different" and not "wrong." Maybe that's just Oxonian conservatism/nationalism? Anyway, my dons were always cool with my submitting papers with American orthography, punctuation, and usage.

Soooo, topic! I hope we get a good amount of Grissom tonight. He was looking hot in that (too brief) shot in the promo, so I will have the smelling salts nearby tonight, lest I faint.

And Billy doing an Irish accent? Lovely. I wish I could hear it someday. (Although the Chicago-isms are so adorable, I think I'd miss them.)

ETA: Oh, and "Deal or No Deal" is lame. Howie Mandell (who now has no hair) has people decide whether to hold onto certain money or prizes, or choose to eliminate certain suitcases held by scantily clad women, in the hopes that suitcase remaining has a million dollars in it. Contestants need only have a pulse to play. Maybe Grissom would find it interesting as a study of human foibles confronted by mathematical probability? Seems a stretch, but that's the only interest a thinking person could have in the show.
my apologies to both egg and ams I really didn't mean to confuse you two! :eek:

anyway, Billy was a smash with his Irish accent in his play. I thinks it's hilarious that Billy watches Deal or No Deal :lol:
:eek: LadyBox you use big words. :lol: I like words like 'it'. :lol: Maybe your words will diffuse into my brain one day. :rolleyes:
Where did you study?
If you think about how far away America is from England, of course it's going to be different, that's what makes it so great. If we were all the same, how boring would that be?

I can't wait to find out what happens tonight. Hopefully some utter hottness. :D Well the ep is called ending happy, so hopefully we will end the show happy, right? ;)

my apologies to both egg and ams I really didn't mean to confuse you two!
Oh, no worries! :D I think it got confused because of my obsessive quoting. :lol:
The Hottness returns TONIGHT!

How long has it been? 2 weeks? 3 weeks? I don't remember, but it was too long, that's for sure.
he he he you go for the hat girl :lol:
I personally would rather see Gris in a baseball hat than the straw hat...
Goodness gracious, was Billy looking fine last night! He was so superflirty with everything and everyone. (He flirted with Doris, for crying out loud!) Man, when he gets all impish like that, I simply cannot resist him. Adorable. He is so delicious when he smiles, and he smiled a lot in "Ending Happy." When Grissom says that Sara makes him happy, I believe it! And, also, yay! Because Billy in a good humor is zexy in the extreme.

Oh, and in answer to your question, Egg, I was at Oxford. One year as an undergrad studying abroad, two years as an MPhil student. I loved living there. I wish I could afford to go back!

Also, when I saw the hat, I swear the first thing I thought of was, "Egg is going to flip!" :D
Egg & Hhunter I aint planning to go anywhere I was just curious! And i'm already a member at BTA, it's my little refuge lol.

Deal or no Deal ROCKS! Lol. I hardly get to watch it though, not home from college until half 5 *boo hiss*

When does he don the hat again? This season? *jumps* he's back in the UK eps next week but Keppler is gone sniffles. Can't wait to have him back though.

I did something funny today, while watching my S6 dvd, I sang the theme using only the words 'Billy Petersen' LOL it fits so well, I recommend it! LMAO! "Bill, bill, bill bill aka who, who, who who?" LOL. *crawls embarresily back into her hole...*
19ams87 said:I did something funny today, while watching my S6 dvd, I sang the theme using only the words 'Billy Petersen' LOL it fits so well, I recommend it! LMAO! "Bill, bill, bill bill aka who, who, who who?" LOL. *crawls embarresily back into her hole...*
:lol: :lol: Don't worry, we all have our little secrets. I can't help but do my little dance every time I watch CSI opening credits -my roommate thinks I'm nuts. She might be right. I'm nuts ... about CSI LOL :D

Also when there's a re-run on Spike -of an episode where BP still had The Beard, I stroke my TV screen when there's a close-up on Grissom -wishing I was feeling The Beautiful Beard under my fingers :lol:

See, you're not the only one :lol: We're all crazies here! ;)
Well Oxford explains the snottiness. :rolleyes: I go to a selective school at the moment, uhh, the bitches there. :mad: I can't begin to imagine what it's like at a places as selective as oxbridge, etc. :lol:

Soooo, what's better than Grissom sex talk? :lol: Almost nothing. I am sooo happy! :D I repeat: :D

Egg & Hhunter I aint planning to go anywhere I was just curious!
Just curious is good. Although don't forget that it killed the cat. ;)

When does he don the hat again? This season?
Ending Happy! Go check YouTube. :D

I did something funny today, while watching my S6 dvd, I sang the theme using only the words 'Billy Petersen' LOL it fits so well, I recommend it! LMAO! "Bill, bill, bill bill aka who, who, who who?" LOL. *crawls embarresily back into her hole...*
You know what's even worse, I know at what part of the song JF comes onto the screen. If I'm not watching the screen, it gets to that bit, and I always say 'Jorja Fox', just as the words come onto the screen. :rolleyes: Can't believe I just shared that. :lol:

CSI so has the best opening credits of all the shows I watch. Although, Lost is quite awesome, short, so that you go straight to the programme. ;) ER's used to be brill, when Carter was still there and all that lot, I don't really like the new cast. :( I remember way back when Elizabeth Mitchell was on it. *drools* But she's in Lost now, so it's all good, oh and Gia! :eek: *thud*
That was sooo O/T, apologies. :rolleyes:

*cough* So yes, Billy :)
Also when there's a re-run on Spike -of an episode where BP still had The Beard, I stroke my TV screen when there's a close-up on Grissom

Guilty. As. Charged. I mean, ahem, i've NEVER done that.'s not like I jumped outta bed and crawled up to within an inch of the screen in the last CSI UK ep when Gman was typing that letter. What can I, I miss our boy.

I also strum my air guitar at all of the CSI themes. I love The Who! Funny OT story about an air guitar, my old RE teacher said a friend of his bought an album which said on the front 'free air guitar included!' and she went back and asked the casier where her free air guitar was, all in a huff LMAO.

*pokes Egg* Yes, the ER creds used to rock, used to love Bentons bit were he punched the air, I did that *everytime* I watched it. I don't mind the new cast but it isn't what it used to be. Gotta love Luka. Witwoo.

Please can someone PM the link for that promo? I canna find it. Tar.
On his love of baseball, when he's in L.A. filmming, he attends the Dodgers baseball team, at Dodger Stadium with Gary Dourdan.. so last weekend two of my daughters, rabid Dodger fans went [they played opposite the Giants] and I go, "did you see Billy Petersen" she goes, "yeah we hung out with him all day, and drank beer with him" smart A.. :D wonder what brand of beer he drinks?
LOL at your daughter DW. Smart ass remark that woulda sounded at home coming out of my mouth. Bet shes around my age too aint she? 19 btw lol.

I can see him being a Bud kinda guy, I dunno why I just think the bottle would look at home in those perfect hands of his.
GrissomFREAK said:

Also when there's a re-run on Spike -of an episode where BP still had The Beard, I stroke my TV screen when there's a close-up on Grissom -wishing I was feeling The Beautiful Beard under my fingers :lol:

See, you're not the only one :lol: We're all crazies here! ;)

AAAHH you are not alone there either especially when it involves THE BEARD!!!
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