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eggbe4thechicken said:
Anyone seen 'grissom's cheeseburger' on YouTube? :lol: Hilarious. :lol:
Oh dear! That was hilarious! :lol: :lol:
"I'm back! - Daddy's home!" :lol:

Didn't someone say that Billy has recently turned to vegetarian?
He was following a vegatarian diet after his health scare awhile back. Jorja Fox introduced him to her vegatarian regimen/lifestyle to help him in losing weight and follow medical advice. Not sure if Billy-boy is still being good though, he was also supposed to quit smoking, the hardest of all but, naughty boy ;) was caught a time or two smoking. Seriously, I do wish him luck in quitting and staying healthy for a good long life with his Gina and a career we can all enjoy.
Just saw a little promo snippet on CBS. It was for another show, but they mentioned that it was on the same night as CSI, so we got a little shot of Billy looking extremely cute. I am really in knots waiting for Thursday! I hope we get lots of Grissom.

And, Egg, "Grissom's Cheeseburger" is hilarious. I've seen it before, but it just doesn't get old. All of those CSI/Veggie Tales vids on youtube are a laugh riot.

And, as someone who lived in England for three years, I am very familiar with this opinion. . .

So unless it's some strange Shakespeare with an American accent, lol, I figure he can do one.

I always find it funny that many people think one needs to have a British accent to do justice to Shakespeare. In fact, the English accent in the 16th century was far closer to the American accent than to the current British accent. Americans preserved a lot of intonations that were Gallicized out of the British accent. (The same, interestingly, is true for the French/Quebecois accent. Canadian French sounds more like 16th century French than modern French.) So, if even if you wanted to preserve the "authentically" English Shakespeare, you'd do better to speak more like a Yank and less like a Brit. ;)

It is my opinion that Shakespeare transcends nation and time (hence the ease with which Shakespeare is placed in different settings--Richard III in 1930s Europe, Much Ado about Nothing in quasi-19th-century fantasy-land Tuscany, Hamlet in modern-day New York), so accent is superfluous. It has more to do with the director's vision than anything that the play or "Shakespeare" requires.

That is long way to say that if Billy were to do Shakespeare with his Chicagoan accent it wouldn't be strange. It would be, as we probably all agree, awesome. :D
Personally, I think that British accent is damn sexy -Ian, on Desperate Housewives, Desmond on Lost -OK that's Australian accent, but still very similar, Hugh Laurie ...

Now if you tell me, Grissom with a British accent ... you can start calling for rescue, 'cause I'm ON FIIIIIRE!
Desmond on Lost -OK that's Australian accent
Ummm, he's scottish. :rolleyes:
Ian, on Desperate Housewives
:eek: Seriously? :eek: He has the most strangest accent, I imdb-ed him and it said that he is scottish, I have heard him in an interview and he has a fabulously strong Scottish accent. :) *drools*

I totally agree with you on Hugh Laurie's English accent, not so sure about his american one, I suppose it's just because it's weird hearing him sound like that. :lol:

he was also supposed to quit smoking, the hardest of all but, naughty boy was caught a time or two smoking.
He still smokes? *sobs* :(

I always find it funny that many people think one needs to have a British accent to do justice to Shakespeare. In fact, the English accent in the 16th century was far closer to the American accent than to the current British accent.
Ooh, I've never heard that. I've only seen Shakespeare at the RSC, so I don't know how it's done anywhere else, no offence was meant, apologies. :rolleyes:

Quick reminder for British folk, TLADILA is on tomorrow night at 12 midnight. Bit confusing, as the listing says Friday at 00:00, but this means thursday night, if you catch my drift, I checked on Sky. ;) So yay! For tight jeans, and total incredible-ness. (That's not a word. :rolleyes:)

ETA: Because I'm an illiterate fool, who should be in school. (That rhymes! :lol:)
hhunter said:
As for what is at a baseball game, hotdogs and peanuts are the traditional foods. I'm sure Billy likes them as well.

A hotdog is a must along with peanuts.
And I just gotta have a pretzel too. :D

I see the Rockies and Cubbies are in their usually place.....near or at the bottom of their division. :lol:
I would love for the Cubbies to go to the World Series. :D

Yay, at least the Orioles are doing well so far. :)

I would love to hear WP do Shakespeare. I think he could pull it off.
He pulled of the Irish accent for his recent play, I'm sure he could do it again. :D
I don't find the English accent that sexy because I hear it everyday. Ian on DH is damn fine though but ladies, don't be fooled, most English fellas don't talk like that. Desmond is a hottie too. One English man who has my stomach turning upside down with his voice is Daniel Craig. Great actor, stunning too ;)

I'm more of a sucker for the American accent because its different for me to hear. Love Texan (Sawyer on Lost, Nicky boy etc) and the New York accent.

Billy did an Irish accent? That is kewl, Irish is a smexy accent too. I'd love to see Billy on stage in the flesh. Never been to the theatre so it'd be exciting for that reason too lol.

OT - I found out i'm starting uni on my 20th scary and random! More reason to get drunk I spose.
I don't find the English accent that sexy because I hear it everyday.
Me too! :lol: I find it really dull. You know I still haven't seen James Bond? I'll watch it tonight I think. :)
I'm more of a sucker for the American accent because its different for me to hear.
Makes me melt. Jorja's accent is a mix of loads of places isn't it? :D *thud*
On my way to school everyday (4 times a day on Tuesday and Wednesdays, lol) I walk past Anne Hathaway's cottage, and there are always bus loads of Americans waiting in queue to go in. I always slow down my pace when I get near, lol, although they take up most of the pavement, so sometimes I don't have a choice. :lol:
Billy did an Irish accent? That is kewl, Irish is a smexy accent too.
I would love to hear him do the accent. I was hoping in an interview about the play he might have divulged it, but sadly that wasn't to be. :(
There are parts of Ireland that have really nice accents, but other places not so much, can't remember where though, but the Father Ted accent's nice. (Aren't you glad I didn't say hot? Would have thought I had really lost it if I started calling Father Ted hot! :lol: :rolleyes:)

So yet again, I'm being random. :rolleyes: Ooh! Ams you know what that means? In a few months time you won't be a teenager anymore! :lol: *points and laughs* Mwahahahahahaha :devil:

Apologies *cough*
Egg SHUT UP! My mental state will forever be teenage. I don't wanna turn 20. It means I might actually have to *whispers* mature and grow up. Ewww. Get Casino Royale watched kiddo. Father Ted is fit, Doogles hotter though...lmao.

I asked before but nobody answered (how dare you ;) lol) does Billy have another forum anywhere? Just centred around him? I ain't planning on leaving don't arrange a party just yet :p

Oh Eggy - I watched that Grissom Cheeseburger thang, HILARIOUS. So stupid, I like stuff like that. Tar.
Egg SHUT UP! My mental state will forever be teenage. I don't wanna turn 20.
:eek: Your heading into baby making territory! :eek:
Father Ted is fit, Doogles hotter though...lmao.
For those that don't know... :lol: Shit! He died. :eek:
How did I not know this? I loved Father Ted. :(
Doogle is umm...cute. ;)

Anyone seen part two of G's Cheeseburger? Brilliant stuff. :lol:

BLACK TIE AFFAIR has a Billy/Grissom forum
Ams please don't run off there! I can't show my face there, I will get slaughtered! :eek: *gulp*
Please? *bats eyelids* Just stay here. :)
I love the English accent.. charming.. here's an in depth interview from our "man" was back from Sept. 2006.. but still holds water, on what he wants for his future.. he talks about many things.. CSI..GSR, his plays! and how much he loves the CUBS and the SOX.. and funny at the end, he actually watches "Deal Or NO deal" unless he's putting everyone on :lol:
he's brilliant..& so intelligent!

From the Chicago Tribune "The Watcher"

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