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Jackpot the film -wouldn't that be great?


I would buy Gunshy (i've already seen it btw) but I have a feeling it won't work on my dvd player because it's Region 1 (USA) which blows. I want Kiss The Sky aswel but it's also Region 1. Boooo.

Egg I agree mate, most of English TV is awful. You know i'm as wierd as you. Billy's never made me cringe either. Don't think anyone on CSI has. Apart from Ecklie, but that's just because he's a poohead lmao. He's a good actor though, just an annoying role. I usualy like 'the bad guy' but something about Ecklie urks me.

Question - does Billy have a forum anywhere other than this? Not that i'm trying to get away from y'all lmao.

I wouldn't mind giving Billy a game of baseball although it's not really my sport. Would love to take him on at basketball. I'd like to introduce him to English football, my other love! ;)
19ams87 said:
I wouldn't mind giving Billy a game of baseball although it's not really my sport. Would love to take him on at basketball. I'd like to introduce him to English football, my other love! ;)

Baseball can get a bit boring on television, but in person, that's a totally different story. :D
I think half the time I don't pay attention to what's going on in the field. :lol:
But I think it would be so cool to go to a Cubbie game in Chicago. :D
Imagine sitting next to BP? Wow! :p

I bet he's the kind of guy that enjoys all kinds of sports.

Baseball isn't my thing eiter (mainly because the Mariners BLOW this year) but if I'm with Billy, it would be totally different. I love how he's so animated, he'd make watching fun. :D

I'd also love to go to a football game with him. THAT would be fun
I'd watch more baseball cuz I think it's really addictive but its hardly on here (boo hiss) and when it is on, it's like 2am lol.

I don't think Billy would like English Football, not many Americans do apparently! I'm the same with American Football, I do not understand that AT ALL! Like rugby but its all stop and start! *confuzzled*

If I sat next to Billy I hope he'd be up for sharing his snacks, i'm one of those annoying people whose always nibbling other people's food, it tastes better than your own!
I'd love to go to a baseball game with Billy!! -as long as it was the cubs, red sox or yankees :lol: and we'd have good old ball park hotdogs :lol: those are the best!

Has anyone ever been to any of the games that Billy has sung or pitched at??
This has nothing to do with Baseball or anything we're talking about but LOL Grissoms_gurl I lurve your 'location'

My other fave words for Grissom to say - park, car, Amy mwhahaha. He has a loverly voice.

We don't even have a baseball league over here, let alone a baseball park. :(
Egg I agree mate, most of English TV is awful.
Does anyone seriously watch any of it? I only watch Doctor Who, but only because it's Doctor Who, and well...*whispers*David Tennant's zexy...:rolleyes:

I've never seen a baseball game. I will YouTube it. I've played rounders though, I was in the school team I'll have you know. (for a term. :lol:) Is it anything like rounders? ...So I got bored, and I googled it, lol. :lol: Rounders started in 16th Century and Americans came over, nicked it and morphed it into baseball by 1825. It seems like a better game, the sound the ball makes when it hits the bat is nicer, like a ping noise.
Looksie what I found.
Rounders compared with Baseball:
The bat is much shorter and is usually swung one-handed
misses/strikes aren't called, so there are no walks or strike-outs - each batter receives only one good ball and must run whether they hit it or not.
Posts (which should be wooden, preferably encased in plastic sheaths) mark the bases.
The lay-out of the pitch is different, especially the location of home base.

So it sounds pretty much the same. I could play, although I would prefer to go riding with him, no wait the best sport to play with Billy is swimming of course! :lol:

I have no clue about the rules of Rugby either, I just watch for the obvious reasons. :rolleyes:

I'm going to watch that Cubs interview thing, that was the best interview ever. *sigh*

I love Billy. :)
Nooo, Dr Who is pants. Lmao. Life On Mars was ok but it clashed with CSI so I never really got to watch it. Only Brit things I really watch are the comedy shows. (Little Britian, Mock The Week, Vicar of Dibley, Ab Fab etc etc)

Can you imagine Billy with a British accent? Be well wierd.

The obvious reason to watch rubgy - Ben Cohen
The obvious reason to watch cricket - Luke Sutton (go google them!)

The best sport to play with Billy would definatly be English Football, cuz I could probably beat him LOL.

Does anyone know what Billy's fav food is? I'm hungry and curious!
19ams87 said:
This has nothing to do with Baseball or anything we're talking about but LOL Grissoms_gurl I lurve your 'location'

My other fave words for Grissom to say - park, car, Amy mwhahaha. He has a loverly voice.
why thank you ams! :D
He has a very lovely accent - it's really evident in some of the words he says.
Can you imagine Billy with a British accent? Be well wierd
I read that he did some shakespeare in Spain. So unless it's some strange Shakespeare with an American accent, lol, I figure he can do one. *prays for him to come to the RSC*
My other fave words for Grissom to say - park, car, Amy mwhahaha. He has a loverly voice.
Don't forget Bad. ;) :lol:

Does anyone know what Billy's fav food is? I'm hungry and curious!
No idea. What is the tradition to eat at a baseball match?
I just meant whats his fav food in general? *prays for anything Italian, espesh pasta, my fave*

Billy seems to have a nice range of accents, he does Texan (I think) in The Skulls, so he must be pretty versitile. Well done Billster *high fives imaginary Billy*

I think hot dogs, tortias etc are the norm at baseball matches, gawd knows though, someone correct me.

Baaaad - yeah Eggy, that works. Basically any word he can elongate the AAAA sound works.
I completely understand the 'cringe factor' in a lot of what passes for even mediocre efforts in film and TV. Even though I admit to enjoying a lot of the 'so bad, it's good' type of movies. Sit up late with a bowl of popcorn and just giggle all the way through several 1960's Godzilla movies or better yet, all those Italian made, Hercules movies! Just good, clean, fun. :D
I think some of Billy's favorite foods are Cheeseburgers. I read that on the WPAP.
He's married to an Italian woman so I'm sure he eats pasta too.

As for what is at a baseball game, hotdogs and peanuts are the traditional foods. I'm sure Billy likes them as well.
grissoms_gurl said:
I'd love to go to a baseball game with Billy!! -as long as it was the cubs, red sox or yankees :lol: and we'd have good old ball park hotdogs :lol: those are the best!

Has anyone ever been to any of the games that Billy has sung or pitched at??

Nope, my only claim to fame is I saw the CUBS play the San Diego Padres with my grandson John, and we saw Sammy Sosa, when he was still with the Cubs, and they wiped out the Padres.. great game! and I read that him and Gary Dourdan go see the L.A. Dodgers while he' in L.A.. so he's also a Dodger fan!! the thing also about him, is he's a football fan, he plays golf, fishes, and rides a mean horse :eek: so he's an all around sportsman ~~admiration big time~~~ :eek: I've always wondered what type of car he drives? a sports car.. SUV a Van, or something else.. any ideas on that?
I completely understand the 'cringe factor' in a lot of what passes for even mediocre efforts in film and TV. Even though I admit to enjoying a lot of the 'so bad, it's good' type of movies.
You see, sometimes I can't watch, I feel actually sick. I blush as's dreadful. :(

I've always wondered what type of car he drives? a sports car.. SUV a Van, or somehting else.. any ideas on that?
I have no idea. Although it's difficult to picture him driving. We've seen Grissom drive the Denali a few times, but Billy's different, I don't know. Something black and sexy though, tinted windows. :rolleyes:

I think some of Billy's favorite foods are Cheeseburgers.
Anyone seen 'grissom's cheeseburger' on YouTube? :lol: Hilarious. :lol:

In other news. :( Stupid sky broke. I lost the first part of CSI, *sniff* and damn Mulholland Falls, which started at the same time. *blows nose* Battlestar Galactica was also on at that time (for my mum), so I probably wouldn't have been able to tape the movie anyway. *sobs*

I will check the listing tomorrow for what is coming up for the brits, I should be in bed, I have an exam tomorrow (mock), oh who am I kidding, I'm not going to turn up for that. :lol: :rolleyes:
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