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They usually have everything on IMDB, from the biggest role to the minutest smallest apperance. IMDB is the holy grail, love it.

*takes off bullet proof jacket* :) Cheers for the clarification Tallyho. I'm easily confused lmao.

I have a new Billy obbsession, the back of his head, those little curls, awwwwhhh! I posted some pics in the other thread, veeery nice imo lol.

I'm debating wheather or not to just order Gunshy and see if it works...hmmm. To Gunshy or not to Gunshy, the eternal question!
IMDB, is in fact the 'holy grail' you can find pretty much everything, about everybody and our admirable Mr. Petersen and all you want to know!!
19ams87 said:
I'm debating wheather or not to just order Gunshy and see if it works...hmmm. To Gunshy or not to Gunshy, the eternal question!
To Gunshy! To Gunshy!

That's weird because it works on my regular DVD player, but not on either of my PCs :confused: So I can't take screencaps, and THIS really sucks, because he's really very very VERY hot in this movie. It's a HUUUGE hottness fest LOL Jackpot the film ;) -wouldn't that be great?

Where is our Grissom centric episode? :( :(
What I mean by that is Jackpot Reloaded = Grissom, alone, in the woods -preferably, but I'm not picky, rain -that would be nice, wet t-shirt and all if you see what I mean ;), jeans, vest, backward cap, The Beard ...

We didn't have any of that this season :( Hopefully season 8 will have all of that.
desertwind said: Glad to post this..& your welcome, this site is real old, but it sill does have all his movies. listed.. ;) WPAP does as well, but this is cool because it has a little pic next to all his movies. ;) How many of his movies do you have?
Gunshy, Fear, Toladila, Manhunter, Cousins, the contender, passed aways, hard promises in dvd, kiss the sky, long gone and amazing chuck and grace in vhs.

I prefer Toladila, Manhunter, Cousins, Fear and Hard Promises ! :)

Too bad this site is not up to date, I love it because I learn a lot about him, but luckily now we've got the WPAP, for pictures, articles and news ! ;)
GrissomFREAK said: Where is our Grissom centric episode? :( :(
What I mean by that is Jackpot Reloaded = Grissom, alone, in the woods -preferably, but I'm not picky, rain -that would be nice, wet t-shirt and all if you see what I mean ;), jeans, vest, backward cap, The Beard ...

We didn't have any of that this season :( Hopefully season 8 will have all of that.
I would love to have an episode such as "Jackpot" ! :p
the final and the episode with Lady Heather will be Grissom centric episodes ?
but they seem to be drama, I would prefer something less tragic.

*EDITED: Future ep discussions are considered Spoilers and should be done in the "Spoiler Lab" located at the top of this forum. Therefore I have put in a spoiler box.*
ams go for Gunshy good movie, great chemistry with Diane Lane.
Go for it :)
and congrats getting into uni :D
eggb4 sorry for your horse accident, hope you are ok. :)

as for his movies.. all the way.. they are the best in listing EVERYTHING an actor has done.

Jackpot Reload LMAO on that one.. :lol: yes, more backwards cap, jeans episodes PLEASE! with the beard preferably :devil:
I just watched LoG. Strange ep. Good though. Not how I expected him to die at all.
Grissom's beard...:eek: I'd seen a few clips, but nothing compares to seeing the weasel in action! :lol:
He was so cute in that scene with Sara, loved it. :D So cheeky and flirty. It's nice seeing this side of Grissom don't you think? Even non-GSR shippers have to admit the light hearted side of G is awesome, right? :)

I don't know what anyone else thought of the scene where he went to Warrick's crime scene, and asked what he where he wanted him, but it was a strange role reversal. Warrick even slightly hesitated, maybe I was imagining it, I don't know. :rolleyes:
It really seems as though G is taking a back seat now. :(

I'm all for a Grissom-centric ep. :D

eggb4 sorry for your horse accident, hope you are ok.
*hugs* I'm mostly good, my arse and my neck hurts but that is all. Oh, and I have a bruise on my leg where my horse tripped over me as he was charging off, silly idiot. :lol:
So...Yay for horse ownership, you too can break your neck. :lol:
Heres' another site that has his movies listed.. he seems to be everywhere. Mr popularity
and "Mullholand Falls" is listed"
Glad to know you're not too badly hurt, egg! :)

As for LoG, I'm glad Grissom acted that way. He recognized that Warrick was the lead on that case and acted accordingly. He may be supervisor, but he was only there to lend a hand to his CSI, not take over. As stated before by Catherine, Grissom doesn't "micromanage" his team. He trusts them, and that is definitely a sign of good leadership. :D I'd like to have him as my supervisor: an intelligent man! Not to mention a good looking one! :lol: Quite unlike my actual boss... ;)
Yeah I think we all would love a boss like him. :lol: also thanks GG! :D *hugs*

I was looking around on wiki (thanks windy ;)), and it says he went to Bishop Kelly High School, which (under the click) is a private school. In England a private school is a fee paying school, is it the same in America? :confused:
Here is where he went to school Isn't that so cool! *Imagines a young Billy playing kiss chase* :lol:
desertwind said:
Heres' another site that has his movies listed.. he seems to be everywhere. Mr popularity
and "Mullholand Falls" is listed"
This part was interesting:

"Because his role in Manhunter was so emotionally exhausting, he did everything he could to rid himself of Will Graham after finishing principal photography. He shaved off his beard, cut his hair and dyed it blonde. He also claims to have done this because, while rehearsing for a play in Chicago, his dialogue was always coming out Will Graham; he dyed his hair so he could look in the mirror and see a different person."

That really shows how passionate and dedicated he is in his acting. *sigh*
I read that too, about Manhunter
Just goes to show you what a talented and devoted actor he is :D

BUT, WP please grow back the beard!
I think his statement about acting, says that is his passion.. and that "he'd do CSI, while it was still provacative and new, and held his interest", & the play in Rhode Island..[Dublin Carol} great reviews.. he's a fine actor above all else..his timing so precise, the way he delivers his dialogue so perfect! "BUTTTERFLIED" come to mind the last scene..amazing
and his other passion..sports wise the CUBS.. ;)
Imagine going to a ballgame with Mr. Petersen?
Would you even watch the game? :lol:
I think the majority would pay more close attention to BP. :D

Go Rockies, Go Cubbies, Go Orioles!!

You know I was thinking.
You know (I use that phrase too much :rolleyes:) when you watch a really bad actor, like school plays, speech and drama, soaps, casualty, holby city, English programmes in general, lol, it makes you cringe?
I can't bear that feeling.
When I went to school I used to hide out in the toilets or somewhere else whenever there was 'house drama', or some other compulsory watching of a school play! :lol: I can't watch, it's terrible. I can't watch English soaps or dramas, they tend to be the worst, make me want to curl up and die. *shudder*
Generally most actors/actresses I have seen have made me cringe at one point or another, but Billy never once has! :eek: Quite something really, has happened in CSI a few times though. I won't name names or anything, but never our Billy. :lol:

Anyone else as wierd as me? :rolleyes:
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