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Nope haven't seen or heard of it. Bad Billy fan, BAD Billy fan. We need to investigate.

I tried to watch Young Guns II today but you needed the pin no. and I dont know it, I died a little bit inside knowing some Billyness was on the other side of the tv and I was unable to watch it. Boo hiss!

Channel 4 rawks, DH/Lost/ER all rawk too.

And Sky got that right, Modern Greats. Think those words describe Billy pretty well ;)

*high fives Egg* Nice one for emailing them all, can't wait for Young Guns II, I shall be taping that one. Ride 'um cowboy Billy!
Great article des!
Although, I don't think he's "pudgy", I think he's cuddly! :lol:
It's true, when they say "he's as big of a draw as Greg..and much bigger draw then Nick and Warrick" Although the others are truly hot as well - Grissom seems to have a large fanbase! (*points to all of you*) :lol:
grissoms_gurl said:
Great article des!
Although, I don't think he's "pudgy", I think he's cuddly! :lol:
It's true, when they say "he's as big of a draw as Greg..and much bigger draw then Nick and Warrick" Although the others are truly hot as well - Grissom seems to have a large fanbase! (*points to all of you*) :lol:

I hate that they call him "pudgy as well, he's 5'11 and husky and hunky :p those are the words I'd use!! He's the star of CSI, no doubt.. and that's a fact!! I love the whole cast as well.. Nick so all American and so handsome and sensitive.. Warrick so intense and sexy.. Greg.. so adorable and funny.. Brass.. well, what can one say about him :lol:.. Doc.. rocks.. and the girls fantastic ;) what a great team, no one like them ever to me.. and Hi Adzix thank's as well, and how's school? here's one for you
desertwind said:

Thought you'd like to see this.. it's been posted before, but I don't think you were here then.. and you can check out all his movies ;)

Thanks for the link ! ;) I used to go to this site, but I lost the link when I had issues with my computer. What I like the most on this site, is that there are great articles throughout his career, until 2001, it's really a mine of information ! thank you :)
I don't agree with the "pudgy" either :p He's my Griss-ly bear ... but he's not PUDGY! :eek: Evil EVIL writer!! :devil:
They just don't know what's hot. Too bad for them.

I wish Sci-Fi showed The Beast again :( :(
But pudgy is hot! :rolleyes:

So Mulholland Falls is on on Tuesday for us Brits. I imdb-d it and he hasn't got a very big part. :(

I think this might be my shortest post of all time. :lol:

ETA: Not gonna be such a short post anymore. :lol: Take a look It's from september 2004. :confused:
grissoms_gurl said:
Great article des!
Although, I don't think he's "pudgy", I think he's cuddly! :lol:
It's true, when they say "he's as big of a draw as Greg..and much bigger draw then Nick and Warrick" Although the others are truly hot as well - Grissom seems to have a large fanbase! (*points to all of you*) :lol:

I wonder when this was taken? Darlin' Billy did have to lose /some/ weight because of his health scare awhile ago and he does not seem to have gained it back. He just carried a few extra pounds and it made his adorable baby-faced self even cuter! Gah! Fashion and weight guardians are going drive us all to drink! :lol:
I agree about Grissom's quiet reticence, he usually only loses it when someone is in pain, wether that was a victim or Sara. Also due to his choice of careers would not be one a lot of women would find 'sexy' and his drive to to his very best in his work and investigations, this can make a romantic relationship suffer when a lady wants the attention of her man but, even if he loves her dearly, work can often come first. I think one of Grissom's biggest fears was dealt with once his hearing disorder was corrected. It may become a point between he and Sara if they contemplate having children sometime.
Pudgy? How dare they, he's cuddly and awwwhh huggable.

I dunno why but I can't imagine Grissom as a daddy, a husband maybe, but a daddy, I dunno, I don't think he'd suit it.

I know this is off topic but I just wanted to let everyone know I found out I got into uni today on an unconditional place, which means, I could fail my course and still be able to go. I'm so HAPPY its unreal. :D Sorry mods for the off topicness but it's just easier to let a lotta people know this way. Don't hurt me! :D
Were not going to hurt you lol, going a bit off topic is one thing as long as you get back on it and not stay off it. Which is one reason TallyHo and I thought it was a good idea to step in and make that statement. ;)
alienor said:
desertwind said:

Thought you'd like to see this.. it's been posted before, but I don't think you were here then.. and you can check out all his movies ;)

Thanks for the link ! ;) I used to go to this site, but I lost the link when I had issues with my computer. What I like the most on this site, is that there are great articles throughout his career, until 2001, it's really a mine of information ! thank you :)

Glad to post this..& your welcome, this site is real old, but it sill does have all his movies. listed.. ;) WPAP does as well, but this is cool because it has a little pic next to all his movies. ;) How many of his movies do you have?
I dunno why but I can't imagine Grissom as a daddy, a husband maybe, but a daddy, I dunno, I don't think he'd suit it.
The first few Grissom-with-child fanfics I read I didn't think so either, but 50 of them later and they are my favorite kind...apart from the other kind. ;)
but it sill does have all his movies. listed
It doesn't have Mulholland Falls on it. :rolleyes:

(Looks like you can take off that Bullet Proof vest now, Ams. :lol:)
In "Mullholand Falls" hs was in it like 5 minutes.. and then they shot him, so maybe this movie-site didn't feel it warranted this listing.. don't know, you'd have to ask them :( not one of his greater roles :rolleyes: Also, if anyone wants, you can GOOGLE his name and put all his movies in, and they'll all come up!
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