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I can imagine hugging him, bet he's a well 'huggy' person, I imagine him being all warm and me not wanted to let go LOL.
He does look warm doesn't he? :rolleyes:

he scratches his "you know what" and say's the F word
:lol: That is what I was getting at with the whole body language thing, he was competing for attention with the other men, totally winning, look at the other guy in the shot, arms crossed, mimicking him, totally defensive. Billy is just too masculine for him to handle! Most zexy thing on earth. *dies*

He has adoreable *evvvvverything*
Seriously. Everyone has seen the scene right?
Any of you ladies named anything after our fave fella?
Almost named my Hamster Grissom, but my parents wouldn't let me. :( So instead he is called Gus Gus. ;) *mumbles*Although I have been known to call his Griss Griss on the odd occasion. :rolleyes: I posted a pic of him in the pets thread a few days ago. :D

CSI Sunday! I am so excited you have no idea! *jumps up and down* :D :D :D
*laughed harder* :lol:

in england we have "gilette" razors...and i was in the bath the other day and i just shouted

"arghhhh!...Gil just in the bath!!!"

and after i was like :eek: i wish!
LOL LOL! Gilette razors! Me and Egg are both British btw Morgan. Gil in the bath *swoon*

I love saying "I just need Gil a minute" at college. And hell yeah, I do need him lol.

Egg I checked the TV Listing for Sunday and it isn't anything exciting. They did CSI Sunday once with a CSI documentary on before the eps. This Sunday its just two episodes (Fur & Loathing & Jackpot I *think*)

And I bet he is well warm to hug. All big and warm and cuddly. Awwwh I want a Billyhug! Y'all know what to get me for my 20th ;)
^ Hadn't thought of that one! :lol:

I was doing something on the internet today (too long winded to explain) and underneath a box where I had to put a title was Do not write in Catital letters. E.g. Billy not BILLY Pissed myself! :lol: He comes up so often during my day, although usually just in my thoughts. :rolleyes: That sentence didn't come out like I meant it too. :eek:

Take a look here again Look at the TLADILA one. You see a young Billy, he's making a joke about counterfeit money, and he looks :eek:! He's also really 'mellow' (don't think I've ever used that word before...) and cool, if you catch my drift, and :eek: did I mention :eek:! There is also older Billy being his gourgeous self. *swoons*

Egg I checked the TV Listing for Sunday and it isn't anything exciting. They did CSI Sunday once with a CSI documentary on before the eps. This Sunday its just two episodes (Fur & Loathing & Jackpot I *think*)
:( You know how many times I have watched those eps? :lol: I thought they might go back over Season 7, you know, the ones they have already shown? That would be cool. :)

ETA: Guys check out this Hours of fun!
LMFAO - Grissombot rocks!!

"Are you serious? Don't call me "Baby" LMAO... :devil:
"Why don't you just download me?" Oh if I could baby, I would!
"I've been waiting for you." Why, i've been waiting for you too...

Reminds me, I was watching Futurama earlier and there was this scene were the main dude (cant remember his name, dont watch it much) went to this celeb dating agency and you could make any celeb go out with you. Ahhh the thought lol.

The TL&DILA vid.
Gawd I love that scene where he's walkin out of the bar all cocky, then throws his ciggy down on the floor like a big fit man (lol, my vocabulary is immense) And tight jean fest, usually a no no, but witwoo, he pulls it off. That football jersey is so hot too. LOL he sounds so cute when he goes 'He did it, he did it' eee by gum, he was a badboy in his day eh? ;) Oh my, he say's 'backside' *step awaaaay from the smut Ams* Jeezus, he was so fit when he was young, still is but hot damn! ooooh, and he's strong 'he smashed the breifcase' yum. Omg another smut quote 'we were really stripped down...' :devil:

Thanks for the link dudette. I'm sure those extra's aint on my dvd. *puzzled*
The best interview I've ever seen with him and I think I've seen them all. him and Regis.. they wore the same jacket.. and joked about it! ET.."This Old Cub" etc. is "The HBO "Bob Costas" interview (he's a sports caster) he's so charming. and laid back, they discuss everything CSI,the CUBS, his early movies, and he laughs alot, a few quick clips form 'TLADILA' and "Long Gone" (my fav) and about the dead bodies on CSI, he got a big kick out of that :D he's just delightful!
:eek: JACKPOT!!! :eek:

my fave eppy :D

thanks for the info!

I'm looking forward to Jackpot myself. :p
Of course Fur and Loathing too.
Wooohoo Friday April 20th for both eps. :D

And I'm looking forward to new episodes..I like the past eps. from S/4, and others of course.. but can't wait for the remainder of S/7 it has been riveting!! and that this character Grissom, has so evolved and moved forward, to the heights he's come to now, he's HAPPY ;)&, and collected. He's got a personal life now, and is more gentle with his staff, and is even showing his comical side.. that he risen to new heights is the wonderment of WP, and changed him for the better. I'd sure hate to see him ever go back to the past, and be 80 yrs. old wandering around with his gloves..kit..flashlight and magnifying glass examining bugs on corpses.. and that he doesn't linger in the past.. which makes him the captivating character we all love!
Spoken like a true Billy lover, Des :cool:

This being said, I'd give ANYTHING -my shirt, anyone? :D- to go back 3 years ago, say hmmmm season 4, when Griss had The Beard ;)
i think i prefere the season 4 beard

and the season 3 or 7 hair

and the season 1 arms :D

and the season 2 lips :devil:

i could go on and on :)
OK, the beard... the beard... the beard!

Although he was cute in the earlier seasons without it, it's the beard and tbe tan. MMMM
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