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poppylvsgriss said:
but back to Billy...

he must smell very know i heard that he was a "manwh*re" before he got married...with a lot of different women...:devil:

damn wish i was one of 'em

Amen to that!! :devil: yeah i read that aswell. apparently his mates used to call him Studmo :lol: hee

his mates call him STUDMO! mates call me that ^_^ heavenly!

Thank's for the link Adzix how long ago was this? do you know? and they talked politics.. how cool, bet he knows alot, he's very brilliant.. and if he told them his party affiliation :eek: if I visited his house, I'd ask if I could spend the night,~~~MMM what to do with the wifey~~~ and maybe apply to be his housekeeper ;)
I could be the dog walker! I'm good with animals! :lol:

Whenever I read or watch something with him in it, I am always so suprised. Sometimes he knows the answer to everything, lol, and other times he is excited about learning something new. I just watched an interview with him from late last year, and he was talking about the miniatures, he was fascinated by them, the detail, etc. :D
I just read that blog entry. WOW those students are lucky.
sounds like everyone had a good time. I would LOVE to go to Billy's house for dinner.

They sounded respectful and that's probably why he asked them over.

What a lucky experience for them :)
Good one, the 'dog walker" :lol: OK, so now all we have to do is apply! and he is amazing on interviews, so sure of himself, but shy and a bit withdrawn, he's complicated that's a PISCES for ya' their all the same, yet their all different, I've go two in my family.. :rolleyes: impossible to figure out! he's an enigma hard to understand or explain..mysterious thus lies the mystique ;)
haha...he's a very special guy...but i doubt if you met him in real life you'd struggle to figure him out...many actors feel strange in interveiws...i know i would...somebody poking their nose into stuff that you dont want them to...

but i wonder what he's like in real life...i mean from what ive seen from interveiws he seems a really nice guy... :D

Guys I just saw "Billy´s Full Interview from THIS OLD CUB" on the WPAP, I don't know why I haven't seen this one before, but it's so awesome! He gets so excited. You gotta watch till the end, when they stand up I think he thinks the camera is off, not sure, but :eek:! 'Tis a good-un. :D
I'm not sure if any of you know anything about body language, but it fascinates me, take a look at how both of them stand, move, etc. So masculine. *faints*
eggbe4thechicken said:
Guys I just saw "Billy´s Full Interview from THIS OLD CUB" on the WPAP, I don't know why I haven't seen this one before, but it's so awesome! He gets so excited. You gotta watch till the end, when they stand up I think he thinks the camera is off, not sure, but :eek:! 'Tis a good-un. :D
I'm not sure if any of you know anything about body language, but it fascinates me, take a look at how both of them stand, move, etc. So masculine. *faints*


i NEED! repeate NEED! to watch this...

do you have the link possibly?

because i too know a little about body lang.

:eek: thank you so much egg

okay i watched it!

a few things are springing to my mind

- nice arms
- exited about pizza?
- "back in the summer of 69...ohh yea!" bryan adams ^_^
- nice arms!
- "everyone was willing to buy a beer and give it to ya'.." in translation...i got some booze *wink wink* but dont tell!
- the nice husky "and all of a sudden there they were"
-'s heart got broken :(
- "get off...and stand by the caddy shack" i love his soft voice in this...dreamy!

okay, one last point about it :D

he scratches his "you know what" and say's the F word :eek:
Aw, that interview was so adorable! I love how just talking about Chicago brings out his Chicago accent.

Man, he really is the hottness.
Morganstar omg you met Roy Walker? He is a leg-end!!

About his smell, I bet he smells gooooooooood, I can't imagine him using aftershave, bet he just has natural goodness smell lmao. I can imagine hugging him, bet he's a well 'huggy' person, I imagine him being all warm and me not wanted to let go LOL. I love hugs in general so a Billyhug would kill me!

Watchin the vid, I shall comment as I go along.
- Love his love of sports (I wrote sprouts first time LOL)
- omg he says 'park' UFF! Love it when he says that.
- PIZZA! Best food ever!
- OH MY SWEET LORD, when he puts his arms behind his
- Summmer of 6999999999 *sings*
- Oh yey, he chews this inside of his mouth momentarily! ZEXY!
- Ahhh the pout. Heavenly.
- Sporting heartbreak, I feel his pain. Trust me it's one of the worst kinds lol.
- Awwwhh he goes off into dreamland 'the mess, ohhh the mess'
- ooo the 'fiddle' lucky hand lmao.
- Swearing Billy, damn I love it when he swears!

Thanking you for the linkage Eggy
he scratches his "you know what" and say's the F word

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Do you know how hard I laughed at that?! :lol: :devil: I've just spat me brew across the front room and all over me laptop!! :lol:
britfan said:
he scratches his "you know what" and say's the F word

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Do you know how hard I laughed at that?! :lol: :devil: I've just spat me brew across the front room and all over me laptop!! :lol:

lmao!!! you know how hard i laughed at that

funny stuff!...he's got admirable arms ^_^
eeeeeeee Britfan what are we gonna do with ya eh?! It's understandable, Billy's dangerous around electrical equipment, people are prone to spitting beverages over his royal hotness and therefore, breaking whatever they view his perfection through. Billy, you dangerous, dangerous dude. :devil:

He has adoreable *evvvvverything* ;)

Theres a fair few of us Brits knockin' around here eh? See, there's reason enough for him to come to visit good ol' blighty!

I hadta tell you guys this, we have a gillotine (sp?) at college and I shorted it's name to call him 'Gil' (Lol, yeah i'm a geek!) and today we were being lazy asses and sitting around doing nothing. Now, Gil is sat near me in our studio, (We have a studio becuz we're Art & Design students btw) I find it hard to keep sat in one position for too long so I got up and sat on the gillotine, which made one sentance cross my mind which was too good not to share. 'My my my, i've just sat on Gil.' LOL. ;) Any of you ladies named anything after our fave fella?

--ETA-- Btw Brit peoples, this Sunday is CSI Sunday on Five US, starting at 8. Be there, or, be somewhere else lol.
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