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Did I?! *looks around unknowingly* :devil:

S1/4/5 are my faves, loved S1 Grissom, s4 was the season that that glorious beard was shown to the world, and S5, simply because of Jackpot. I hope I got that right, I always forget whats from where.

desertwind Nice story, I don't think i'd remain to cool and calm if I saw Billy walking down the strip, especially with jeans and a cap on ;)
EXCATLY.. the thing she's not a fan.. likes Keifer Sutherland.. no offense, but he's always so angry and pissed off. I know that's his role.. but anyway, he's NO Billy Petersen :( that's why she didn't go off the handle.. she takes care of a infirmed lady in my complex. and actually told me this story about 6 months nonchalantly. like "no biggie" to her... I was going "WHAT" and oooing and aahhing, as she told me this little story & me who'd die to see him, and ran around looking for him back in August when they were filming "BTK' and never saw anybody.. life is stange.. so ironic :confused: I'd just showed her the TV Guide issue I go "are you sure it was him" and she goes "yeah, I checked out his bowlegs, pretty cute walk"
ran around looking for him
I can imagine! I would have been right there with you. If I hadn't been 3000 miles away I would have anyway. We could have set up walkie talkies and split up to cover more area! Like the SAS! Only less dangerous. ;)
desertwind I'd be like... Billy Petersen.. you know from CSI... he's great if that person were telling me that story :)
Jan, her name actually watched "EMPTY EYES" and made some remarks about Sara, all good, and 'BIG SHOTS" I threatned her :mad: (really gave her some free samples of my cosmetics}, she said OK, he's good-looking" I go how about his acting"? she goes "he's good" ~~~brainwashing to the max~~~ :lol:
woohoo way to go desertwind i remember braain washing my friend too :lol: it makes you feel great lol
now she's an avid viewer and has more of his movies than i do! :eek:
gave her some free samples of my cosmetics
Ooh! Anymore going? :lol: (kidding)
woohoo way to go desertwind i remember braain washing my friend too it makes you feel great lol
now she's an avid viewer and has more of his movies than i do!
And why isn't she in here? I think more brainwashing is in order. ;) :lol:
Jeez man. Any spoiler whores head over to YTDAW pronto. *whistles*
ok more brainwashing, I was putting in a movie for my 5-year-old and I FORGOT that Slaves of Las Vegas was on SPIKE.. anyway my daughter immediatly said...
"there's Grissom!"
and during a Sara scene she said "there's Sara, she has brown eyes like me."

Talk about brainwashing! :lol:
ok more brainwashing, I was putting in a movie for my 5-year-old and I FORGOT that Slaves of Las Vegas was on SPIKE.. anyway my daughter immediatly said...
"there's Grissom!"
and during a Sara scene she said "there's Sara, she has brown eyes like me."
Well they should start at a young age. Think of what she is learning!
Grissom=good man, sexy and good, who Mummy likes and everything Mummy says is right.
Murderers=bad men, unsexy and bad, who Mummy dislikes strongly and everything Mummy says is right.

This way she will never go wrong. ;)

What I found hilarious about your story btw was that originally you were putting on a movie for your daughter, but strangely you got from a Grissom scene to a Sara scene. Curious that? :lol:
Well Slaves went from a Grissom scene to a Sara scene and I waited to put in the movie so MOMMY could see Grissom :lol:
yeah, I checked out his bowlegs, pretty cute walk

*dies* I love his bowlegged walk. Oh, to see it in real life!

I, too, am hoping for lots o' Grissom in the final episodes. I love him. I have particularly loved him the past two seasons, with this season being the Grissomy best for me. If the finale was, oh, 50-75% Grissom? I wouldn't complain.
so MOMMY could see Grissom
Of course and what was the movie? Amazing Grace and Chuck? :lol: You know that was the only one I could find that was suitable for a child! Bad Billy! :devil: Although Good Billy for us! :lol:
Also, was the capitals of 'mommy' a dig at my English spelling? *hands on hips*
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