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I have to say, I'm not sure if they (the stars of CSI) can go to these sites, I thought it was in their contracts not visit fan sites, or something like that.

but, if they did read fan fiction, I think Billy would certainly get an eye full :eek: :rolleyes: considering I've read some pretty interesting ones :D ;)
hey wouldn't it be cool if a member of the las vegas cast did a csifiles live chat (preferably billy of course) because as far as i remember so far it's been new york
and yep i've read some of those fics too :devil:
I agree they should do a 'live chat'

Although they did pick the right person to have a chat with
Eddie Cahill is TO DIE FOR!!!!

and of course preferrably Billy :D ;)
hhunter said:
I have to say, I'm not sure if they (the stars of CSI) can go to these sites, I thought it was in their contracts not visit fan sites, or something like that.

but, if they did read fan fiction, I think Billy would certainly get an eye full :eek: :rolleyes: considering I've read some pretty interesting ones :D ;)

I've wondered that as well, that's why I try to stay positive, and not say something that might offend him.. ya' never know, like say he reads something, and goes "GAWD, I never want to meet that person" :mad: I think he's on the set all week, and on weekends is a sports hound, but maybe his wifey reads this stuff :eek: I read that Jorja, does tool around and check out fan-sites, I don't know if this is one of them ;) He knows he's "HOTT" and popular. he's got like 50 fan-sites dedicated to him.. so which one would he go to! if any?
so which one would he go to! if any?
Surely he must know he has an appreciation page? Isn't that like quite a big thing? I don't know. I feel such an idiot right now. *shakes head* Good point about his wife dw if I ever had a famous boyfriend (one at all would be nice ;)) I would want to know what others were saying about him, just out of curiousity.
I'm sure they can check out fan sites, but they prolly can't post. I mean seriously, how would they get caught anyways?
well I think it says you can't say you are someone you are not, so if Billy did sign up how often do you think he'd get PM'd??? like every other minute
Oh I got a question for the Billy lovers.

I was debating whether or not to buy the Hannibal box set today, which featured Manhunter, Silence of the Lambs, and Hannibal. Without giving anything away, how is Manhunter? Do you just like it cause WP is in it or is it truly a good movie??
'MANHUNTER" is one of his classics, he's gorgeous, but to me, he squelches his natural charm, not that he should be cracking one liners, in a murder film, but he's way to serious. the movie well, that depends on who you ask, it's very dark and creepy, and so long.. he's hunting for a serial killer, also in it is Dennis Farina, another Chicago boy. and Joan Allen, who played with him in "THE CONTENDER" every Billy fan should see this.. and that sounds like a great deal you've got ;).. if you get it, let us all know what you review on it is
Oh he is hunting for the serial killer, I was under the impression he was the serial killer. I've never seen any of the Hannibal movies but I've been interested in them, I guess I'll have to get used to the people eating people thing, that is one thing CSI hasn't desensatized me on yet.
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