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I think as this season gets deeper and deeper, it will get more and more Grissom-centric, I just have that feeling
We can hope! We need some more Grissom episodes. Haven't been many as of yet. Maybe the finale will be Grissom centric. I have a feeling it will be.
We all love Grissom. I think this season has been different from the previous ones. Some say it's his 'relationship' or whatever we all have our different opinions of our favorite character.

As for WP, I love the fact that he's a sports nut too. I would LOVE to talk to him about football, baseball.. meh, but I could fake it real easy :D ;) :p
Spunky? No comment. (Didn't you just know I would pick up on that? :lol:)
I'am sorry, I looked for some extracts on the internet but didn't find anything where you can hear him speaking french.
Ahh, that's a shame. Thanks for trying though. ;) Bet it's all deep and sexy. :devil: Am I right? *wishes*
hhunter said:

As for WP, I love the fact that he's a sports nut too. I would LOVE to talk to him about football, baseball.. meh, but I could fake it real easy :D ;) :p

I wouldn't talk at all. I'd just kick back and listen to his sexy voice. :lol:

Gooooo Jr!!!

I'd like to introduce him to the delight that is English football. I think he'd like it. He loves the Lakers though, bah, I don't simply because of Kobe. Boo hiss at him lol.

Yes egg, SPUNKY! Isn't it just the most fabulosa word to describe our boy? Ohhh Billy, he so spunkeeeee!

Try Youtube, you may find something on there ;)
I'd just say why? after everything he said to keep him a-talkin! Can you imagine?

Billy: So Amy my love (lol!) which of my roles do you best enjoy?
Amy: Why?


Egg I believe you're taking my useage of 'spunky' too literally, I mean he's, ballsy...oh man, right I mean, he's, he's confident. See, confident just doesn't have the same effect as 'spunky'
Egg I believe you're taking my useage of 'spunky' too literally, I mean he's, ballsy...oh man, right I mean, he's, he's confident. See, confident just doesn't have the same effect as 'spunky'
Sorry I took it too far. :rolleyes: I did understand, I'm just, well a dirty egg...:devil:

*cough*grissom french voice*cough*youtube*cough* I'm not sure if it's real or not though. No pictures. :(
Billy, he brings the dirtyness out in us all. And we love it.

Aha, egg my dear friend, do you now understand the marvels of Mr Petersens spunkyness?! :p
do you now understand the marvels of Mr Petersens spunkyness?!
Sadly not. :devil: and also :(. (Perhaps I should add that I do thoroughly understand, otherwise this could go on for a while. :lol:)
I can't help myself but turn it around to dirt, must be a disease.
Sexual innuenditis.
Symptom: Inability to control oneself when faced with the oppurtunity for a sexual innuendo.

My challenge for the next post will be no innuendos. ;)
Ooo sounds like a HARD challenge to me.

Well, let me explain Billy's 'spunkitus' for you. He has this sexy confidence when he walks with those legs of his. His voice oozes hotness, it's like smooth honey that i'd love a taste of. His eyes are stunningly blue. I think that about covers it.

Oh, and he has 'all the tickle' he needs to please a woman....
A friend of mine, saw him about two years ago, walking on the STRIP, in front of the PARIS hotel.. she thought some camera/crew guys, and he was wearing a baseball cap and jeans, and she and her friend walked by and the other girl goes OMG I think that's the guy from they both looked around and he nodded and smiled, and kept walking, and was looking like he was pleased that they didn't attack him.. she goes "I wished I had of had my camera"..... and S/7 is to me up there with S/4.. sensational stories :eek: , I love it, not that thrilled with S/6.. although their were a couple that were outstanding.. I like the fact that he's changing, it would be, boring to have him be the same.. redundant/stale.. that's just me, I guess. well, and millions of others ;)
I liked season 4 too, and season 5
some of season 6 was ok

but every body does change whether we like it or not. We just have to roll with it

and desertwind that's a great story about your friend :p
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