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no, just emphasising that Mommy wanted to see Grissom before I put in my daughters movie.

No diggs I promise :)
*dies* I love his bowlegged walk. Oh, to see it in real life!
LadyBox! It's you! Welcome! Welcome! *hugs*
We have a new thing we would do to Billy if we met him! I would sit and stare silently, while ams asked him why, and LadyBox would walk (behind) him with a stick, so as to watch him walk, oh and feeding him peanut butter just out of the jar! :devil: I guess I could hold the jar, but no wait, he might touch me, which would be :eek:, but I might go :eek:, and keel over and die. *gulp* No better that I just stare, dw can hold the jar. ;) Everyone else, what could you do?
No diggs I promise
Sure, I believe you. ;)
eggbe4thechicken said:
We have a new thing we would do to Billy if we met him! I would sit and stare silently, while ams asked him why, and LadyBox would walk (behind) him with a stick, so as to watch him walk, oh and feeding him peanut butter just out of the jar! :devil: I guess I could hold the jar, but no wait, he might touch me, which would be :eek:, but I might go :eek:, and keel over and die. *gulp* No better that I just stare, dw can hold the jar. ;) Everyone else, what could you do?
Oooh! I want in on this action^ :D
I'll just walk beside him and compliment him on everything he does.
for example:
Billy walks into a convenient store.
me: Wow Billy! You sure walked through that door with style! And.. have you been working out?!
grissoms gurl have you seen the video where Billy does the voice-over for the 2016 Olympic bid for Chicago?

Oh I sure have hhunter!! I listened to it about a thousand times.. hurray for the word "park" :lol: *sigh* another thanks to des who posted that a while ago!!
*waves to Egg *

I just had to start posting in this thread. I have been in love with Billy Petersen since I was, like, 10. I don't care if he's more than twenty years older than I am. The man is freaking foxy!

I like to think that I would be the one walking behind Billy, checking him out stalker style. I'll leave the peanut butter to you, Egg.

Does not the man have the most gorgeous mouth? Although I like him both with and without the beard, I do find beardlessness gives the mouth greater visibility. This is both good and bad. Good, because the mouth is luscious. Bad, because I just stare at his lips, and miss what's going on in the show. I can't imagine how Sara gets through the day without kissing Grissom. I mean, the mouth is there! All day!
eggbe4thechicken said:
*cough*grissom french voice*cough*youtube*cough* I'm not sure if it's real or not though. No pictures. :(
What about it? You find it sexy? :D :devil: Hmmm Now that I think about it, yeah. It is.

eggbe4thechicken said:
I can't help myself but turn it around to dirt, must be a disease.
Sexual innuenditis.
Symptom: Inability to control oneself when faced with the oppurtunity for a sexual innuendo.
Yeah, well, I think I have that one too -along with GHS (Grissom Hottness Syndrome) and ABA (Acute Beard Addiction) :lol: ;)

I'm watching And Then There Were None on Spike right now.

The one liner just before the credits is great: "Dangerous? Yes. Women? Nooo."
The way he says that is just SO damn kiuuuute
Beard or not, made me fall for our G-Man all over again *sigh*
The sound of his voice alone is *speechless* :eek:
LadyDisdain said:
*waves to Egg *

I just had to start posting in this thread. I have been in love with Billy Petersen since I was, like, 10. I don't care if he's more than twenty years older than I am. The man is freaking foxy!

I like to think that I would be the one walking behind Billy, checking him out stalker style. I'll leave the peanut butter to you, Egg.

Does not the man have the most gorgeous mouth? Although I like him both with and without the beard, I do find beardlessness gives the mouth greater visibility. This is both good and bad. Good, because the mouth is luscious. Bad, because I just stare at his lips, and miss what's going on in the show. I can't imagine how Sara gets through the day without kissing Grissom. I mean, the mouth is there! All day!

His mouth/lips are symmentricaly perfect, the size, and the shape and what he does with them

***EDITED. Please use the dedicated W/G Pics thread to post images.***
Egg I can't believe I got that wrong...Season 4 was Jackpot. *scolds herself* Bad Billy Fan.

Lol I was joking about just asking him why, that was a stunt to keep him talking!

If I ever met him i'd wanna buy him a beer (depending on where we met LOL, couldn't buy him a beer in a Laudromat!) To be honest I think i'd be really intimidated by him, i'd probs crack a joke or two to make me feel comfortable, he'd probs think I was wierd (correctomondo!) i'd just make an ass out of myself and then worry about it for years to come!
me: Wow Billy! You sure walked through that door with style! And.. have you been working out?!
If I ever met him i'd wanna buy him a beer
Awesome! :cool:
So what do we have now...
I stand and stare.
Ams asks why whilst getting him drunk.
LadyBox walks behind him with a stick keeping him walking, although could prove difficult after a few beers from ams.
Dw holds a jar of peanut butter in front of him (oh, I must PM Britfan)
and g_gurl compliments repeatedly.

Anyone else?

My. Friggin'. Dad. Deleted. TLADILA. *cries* It was on at midnight, and he was up and he stopped it recording. Asshole. :(
annnnd it's not on for ages again. *sobs*

I do find beardlessness gives the mouth greater visibility
That's what I've been saying, it gives his filtrum better view or access, depending on how close you are. ;) :devil: (I'll post the filtrum pic in the pics thread.) *runs to photobucket*
LOL, oh we sould so write a short story on here about if we all met him in the same day! LOL! *tempted to write a fic about it*

Oh no, oh no HE DIDN'T! Surely thats illegal. The sexy police will be on his case any minute.
We should see if pressure from all of us could pressure him to have a meet and greet with Talk CSI members. I bet he'd do it, I'm sure he likes the attention.
And we should use that pressue to make him come to good ol' blighty and see the British folks who want his babies lmao.

I wonder if TPTB ever wander around this forum, I know they look at the crappy official one. Nice thought even though I know Billy doesn't :(
Dreams_of_him (sure she won't mind me talking about her ;)) and a group of others wrote to him,well his PA, no PA is the wrong word, I forget, and she arranged a meet! They met him after they went to see Dublin Carol, they even gave Rambo a ticket to the play as he couldn't get hold of a ticket! All they did was write! How awesome is that?

I know that JF has been on here! She said in an interview (the csifiles one ;)) that she came on here to find out what peeps thought of GE's moustache. Which kind of terrifies me slightly! :eek:
I do know that the writers don't read fanfiction, heard it in a radio interview, they said that they could be sued or whatever if someone claimed to have had their story taken, so they refrain from reading. Which is a shame. :( How awesome would it be if the writers commented on people's stories!

see the British folks who want his babies
*raises hand*

Although if there was going to be a meet, with peeps from this forum then I would try and fork up some money to get over there. I couldn't miss out on that. :)
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