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mrb105 said:
Is anyone else frustrated with the lack of Grissom in the past few months. It seems like ever since he returned from his sabbatical, he hasn't even been a factor [...] Hopefully as the end of the season comes about they will be more Grissom
My thoughts exactly. You're not the only one. The show's changed so much.

I know that CSI is not only about Grissom -and don't get me wrong, less Grissom means more of the other 'secondary' characters, which is good, but still: it's Grissom for Chrissake. He's the soul of CSI, and without him, well :p :p it's just not as interesting IMO.

Destiny said:
I even noticed his witty one liners at the beginning of the show have dwindled
Yep. I've noticed that too. I loved his one liners. Used to really crack me up. They don't anymore.

As luch as I hate to admit it, I'm afraid that my interest for the show is starting to dwindle too :( :(

He has much less screen time than he used to.

Bring back our Grissom!!! :devil: :mad: :mad:
Grissom+witty one liners= #1 hit show CSI at it's best
not to be biased but the grissom centered eps are by far some of the best with the exception of Gum drops whic i think was great too but eps like Jackpot were the bomb
We should start a petition letter to the writers. And I agree with you, Grissom centric episodes are the best, with the exception of Gum Drops like you said, as well as Grave Danger, which I think is a Nick centric, but then again you could have put Ecklie in that situation and it still would have been good.
Sonce he returned fro his sabbatical, he's been in all of them exclusively.. are we watching the same CSI? I think he's every bit as great as always.. MMMM, what am I missing, his last statement to Greg, was one of his best.. and he's just changing like everyoe does.. I loved him back when too, but I think he's still awesome..and better than ever. and trust me, if I saw a hugh difference in his aura, I'd certainly be the first one to comment! the thing is, he's a bit older and wiser, and like I said previously that's a good thing ;) to me anyway..
oh don't get me wrong im loving this season too and think he's getting great with age it's just i mss him doing the quirky openers. And let's be honest who on this thread wouldn't die for another Jackpot lol
im in the uk and we've just seen him leave for his sabbatical so thanks for that info.. it gives me something to look forward too :D
Well I kinda see what you are saying, but myabe it is just that when he returned from his sabbatical we expected more from him then what he is giving us. I know I expected him to come back refreshed and make a big impact on the episodes since then, and he really hasn't. The science from him has become obsolete.
This is how I see it/him, while gone on his hiatus, he missed his guys as he said upon returning "I missed you guys" to Warrick, so maybe with lots of time to think, his priorties changed, and when he came back, he had a new fresh perspective ;) and that's what we're seeing now, a kinder, nicer more tender Grissom, although he was a bit short with Greg, last week, on "it's part of the job" (poor Greg, he so admires him} so the biting edge is still there, maybe just not as much :cool:
Ya maybe he just understands his status now. He is getting older, and close to leaving his job, and just wants his relationship with Sara to go smoothly. I don't really know, the only thing I do know is that he is different, and I'm not enjoying him as much.
I understand what you guys are saying. Sure, I still love the show -always have and always will. Lots of other great things about it ... but I miss the "old" Grissom.

There used to be a time when missing an episode was like :eek: the end of the world :D *it was* But not anymore. He's the one who kept me hooked for all these years, and now it just smells like the end.

Bring us a Grissom centric epi like Jackpot, just to prove all the CSI/Grissom die-hard fans that the show hasn't lost its appeal, that it's still as good as in the old days.

I mean seeing where the show is going right now ... I wonder what season 8's gonna look like :confused: :eek:

If you ask me, it all started going down when Griss lost the beard (that is season 7) :D
So I say grow it back *and fast*, and everything will go back to normal -and I'll feel MUCH better too :lol: Guaranteed success. Ratings up. Drooling fans will triple.

OK this said -my little rant is over don't worry ;)

GF, you can't know how much I agree with everything you said! I too miss the "old" Grissom, the one we came to know and love during the first seasons. And I guess another Jackpot is too much to ask to TPTB... Unfortunately, they forgot what made CSI such a success and that makes me care less about the show. I still watch it, but not as intensely as before. And, contrarily to the other seasons, I've decided not to buy this one's DVDs when they'll be available, that would be squandering my money.
Britfan sniff sniff, my comedy dialect partner has left me to go to NY. I am jelously personified right now. I love NY. *humph*

egg Nooooo, I missed all those movies. Booooo hiss. Heres hoping for repeats.

Ok, heres my two cents on the whole S7 debate. I've only seen whats been shown in UK (up to Leaving Las Vegas) but I can safely say that Grissom is not the man who he used to be. Someone said on another thread that is it not character development, its like character reversal which I liked. I mean, compare him to S1 Grissom, he's totally different. Again, not character development IMO. He doesn't have the same interactions with characters too, especially Cath IMO, thought they were suppost to be best friends of going on 20 years?! I think he's just distant, and yes, where have his one liners gone?! *cries*
desertwind said:
y.. are we watching the same CSI?
:lol: apparantly not :lol:

I think Grissom has become more involved and more emotional when it comes to his team and cases. He's still the same Grissom.. but different :lol: He seems like he's caring a lot more and sort of preparing his team for the future... just my thoughts :D
I'm from Chicago....we're not that bad, most of us anyway if you don't count the fact that the mayor is crooked, the new breed of cops are 'interesting' (said about the 'new breed' cause Dad is from the old school just like Billy's wife Gina's family).....but the city has its charm, we recognize stars but don't normally stalk them. There is such a diverse lifestyle and there is always something to do around here.....and it does take some getting used to if you're not from here. :mad:
Ummm I don't know where this Chicago subject comes from, but anyways, about the beard, I look at him differently. I feel like with the beard, and without he is two different people. Ya call it weird but whatever. I'm really hoping that come the end of the season, we get a lot more of Grissom, and I really want him to get emotionally involved in the Mini Killer, because if not the storyline will be a waste. I've thought all along it would be a way to get Gris out of the rut he is in, he has gotta take charge and show once again he is the boss, because as of now you can look at anyone of the team (minus Greg, sorry lovers) and say they have the ability to lead it.
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