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Hey, alrighty then...thanks you two. I know that most is just rumors and/or teasers....but its always interesting to read.....I will check both out.

Thanks again
Hey guys lets remember that we are spoiler free in here for the sake of all those who don't want to know. If your interested in the LH part there is a news item located on the CSI Files news part. ;)
I Birthdayd you on the "confetti" birthday thread.. but Happy Birthday here too!!
and from Billy too.. cheers
Hope you had a good 'un Egg. Drunk yet?! You should be hun! Have a beer on me *passes a pint* many happy returns kiddo. You can have Billy for a night, treat him nice lol.
~ CSI Blackburn - "ey up laddy, what hast thou got thasel' into? 'ey Cafrin, check out thwed bloodspatter pattern will thas?" ~

ams - that is the funniest thing I have read for ages!

Didn't you know Billy had joined me and poppylvsgriss in CSI Sheffield? I would pay good money to hear him say,

'Hey up cocker. What's this then? Has sumbdy spilled theer guts on't cobbles? Nahr, that's what tha calls spatter pattern! Oi! Caff! Is tha feelin' a bit queer, like?'

That would so make my day! :lol: :lol: :lol:
jeanmacgreen said:
Happy Belated birthday Egg!
The same goes for me! :D Sorry I couldn't be here for your big day, but I was celebrating my granddaughter's first anniversary! :D

Hoping all your Billy wishes come true... :devil:
'Hey up cocker. What's this then? Has sumbdy spilled theer guts on't cobbles? Nahr, that's what tha calls spatter pattern! Oi! Caff! Is tha feelin' a bit queer, like?'

LMFAO! That's quality! Last bit is my fave. Oh i'd love common British Grissom.

CSI: Buckinghamshire "I grant you a joyus eve fellow CSIs, for what do we encountour upon this glorious summer night? Aha, I see Nicky my dear friend has already undertaken the pre-lim, by golly gee wizz that is spiffing news!"

Oh I have way too much time on my hands, I blame half term! ;)
19ams87 said:
'Hey up cocker. What's this then? Has sumbdy spilled theer guts on't cobbles? Nahr, that's what tha calls spatter pattern! Oi! Caff! Is tha feelin' a bit queer, like?'

LMFAO! That's quality! Last bit is my fave. Oh i'd love common British Grissom.

CSI: Buckinghamshire "I grant you a joyus eve fellow CSIs, for what do we encountour upon this glorious summer night? Aha, I see Nicky my dear friend has already undertaken the pre-lim, by golly gee wizz that is spiffing news!"

Oh I have way too much time on my hands, I blame half term! ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol: I love this new game! Billy in our own town CSI!! :lol: :lol:

And can you imagine him in CSI:London?

'Nah then, Nicky, me cockney sparrah. Take Caffy ere up them apples and pears into Bedfordshire. I want tha plates o meat and mince pies workin... make no mistake. Like all deffs unda Bow Bells, it's all abaht Faaaaaaaaaamly!!!!'

Eastenders will have signed Billy up by the end of the first episode!!

Leaving Las Vegas tonight, here... *sobs* Grissoms gurl, I may need a I Heart Billy handkerchief to mop up my copious tears... *boo hoo wah wah*

Thank the sweet lord I chose to go to New York in a Grissom free episode next week!
CSI Ay Ay - Spain (I got it from something else before you think im *that* witty!)

"Ey el gringos! Niko, swabo el chicos mouth, muchas gracias!"

CSI Chav Town - "Oooooh, umcha umcha, you startin, you startin?! I'll get ma chocolate covered White Lightening Cider on ya, umcha umcha!" LMAO that'll make more sense to the Brits.

Yup LLV tnite, well, the sooner he goes away, the sooner he's back so to speak. He needs a rest anyway, he's looking/acting all tierd and fed up. Poor baba!
I think I have just wet myself laughing at that!! :lol: :lol: :lol: 'Swabo el chicos gobbo!!' Hee hee!!

Chavy Billy! Top to toe in Burberry... topped off with CSI Chav Town Burberry ball cap!! (on backwards for all the ladies out there, obviously... :devil: That is hilarious!
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