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I have a class tonight at 6pm -I'll be leaving in a minute.

This semester, I miss CSI EVERY Thursday :devil: I have to watch it on Friday morning -if I'm not too tired I watch it at 2am when it's up on the CBS site.

Can't believe I'm gonna miss tonight's epi
ah man....that does suck.....hopefully all will get to see it whether its at the scheduled time, or by recording it
Hey welcome DJRideout haven't seen you around here till lately.. have fun, and make sure you stay, and post your thoughts on the "man" and we always can use great WP fans ;)
i cant wait for tonights ep. 15 minutes. i heard grissom looks hot. im blowin off scrubs to watch it so im hoping...*sigh*
DESERTWIND - Oh I will be understand that many haven't seen the eppy yet..... and mummmms the word on this end...well, in this thread

enjoy the eppy MISSMONK
desertwind said:
Can't you tape it? I'm a taping maniac.. ;)
I don't have a VCR. But I either watch it online at 2am, or the day after ... and I always download it too (AVI file) ;)

So, I watch it, only not the day it airs.
desertwind said:
WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
So is it official that BP will be back for Season 8?

I have a feeling Season 8 will be the final year for CSI. I would love to see CSI hit 200 eps but that would mean at least 9+ years for that to happen.

How do you guys feel about CSI going beyond 8 years? Will it happen? :)

I'd like to see it reach 10.. is that asking to much :eek: thank's for that info WPRMW where'd you hear that from?

I'm asking a question Desertwind. I have no clue. :rolleyes:
I think the majority of television shows last a good 5 - 8 years and then it's time to say good bye.
Keeping the original cast members is a different story. So far CSI has done just that. :D

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow :lol:

I don't want it to ever end lol. I think S8 may also be the last. X Files managed 9 seasons but pretty much sucked by the end. I don't wanna see CSI go the same way. I don't think it will.

Just as long as they don't kill Grissom off, i'll be ok if it ends lol. Well, it depends how they'd finish it.
What did you think of last night's episode?

I liked it. I liked it when Sara said "My date didn't show up" Hehe. Grissom was particularly handsome in that episode -handsome for someone who shaved off his beard that is *damn it!* ;)

What makes me sad, and it's more and more obvious: BP's got less and less screen time :(
Maybe they waiting to show him off in the finale? How long off that are you guys now? Griss goes off for his sabatical next week sniffles i'm gonna miss him!

At least March Madness is over for you guy huh? Bet it feels good to have it back!
GrissomFREAK said:
What did you think of last night's episode?

I liked it. I liked it when Sara said "My date didn't show up" Hehe. Grissom was particularly handsome in that episode -handsome for someone who shaved off his beard that is *damn it!* ;)

What makes me sad, and it's more and more obvious: BP's got less and less screen time :(

Loved it ;) awesome, he looked great it look's like his face is a bit slimmer....riveting ep. from the beginning to the end, and he seems so contented and mellow.. and happy doesn't he? so soft spoken, and more laid back
GrissomFREAK said:I liked it when Sara said "My date didn't show up" Hehe.

Could`ve been one of WPs famous ad libs, couldn`t it? LOL :lol: Oh how I love this men. And honestly: could any girl wish for a better boyfriend? Wiping away her tears and looking sooooo sad. *sigh* I`m jealous. ;)

Grissom was particularly handsome in that episode -handsome for someone who shaved off his beard that is *damn it!* ;)

Yep, he looked awesome and yummy.......I´m still obsessed about the beard though. :rolleyes: I wish he would grow it back......and maybe Sara could shave it again...., but this time without the fading out. :devil:
Nah just let him grow it, he should be arrested for shaving it. ARRESTED I TELLS YA! If Sara shaves my man again i'm gonna swing for her LMAO jkn peoples. But seriously, STEP AWAY FROM THE GRISSOM WITH THE RAZOR!
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