The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

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Re: The Great Ship Debate

Well, of course I think my ships are the best. I can be selfish with it, just like everyone else. Having said that...I CAN'T and DON'T want to see Nick or Greg with anyone else.

I hope that TPTB would at least keep them single, so as not to cause a conflict.

Those things the last two of you said "I hit the nail on he head," lmao, goes for CatNip as well.

If you're such Catherine fans, you'd realize how much she likes Warrick. Again, not your or my opinion. It's basically canon, even though they're not together. Catherine said she LIKED him. She said it. I mean seriously...duh.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

You want me to freaking bash your ships don't you? I don't like Yobling. Your NEVER going to get me to like it! I'm not going to sit here and say she likes him when I don't beleive she does. I don't see chemistry! Warrick obviously doesn't either, he got married! and 2) if he loved Catherine as MUCH as you freaking say he does, then why in the hell isn't he with HER??? He'll make her look SECOND best if he goes to her now! and you freaking know it!
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Again, this is NOT YOUR opinion or MY opinion.

The SHOW wants to make them canon!

SHE said she liked him. Clear at freaking day!!!

Whether or not they end up together, she likes him.

I'm not asking you to like it. I don't give to craps if you're happy or not.

Seriously, relationships that "are never going to happen" get more respect than slash relationships, that also might never happen and it PISSES me off.

You ARE NOT entitled.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I have to agree with CathStokes and Adzix. I don't bash your ships. If you like Nick with Greg, that's fine, but don't bash our shippers if we like Sara with Nick or Greg. Snickers fan and Sandles fan see what they want to see.

We all know Sara is not going to be with Nick and Greg. Sara came for Grissom, not Nick or Greg. Greg chasing Sara, but Sara doesn't chase him, she chase Grissom. Nick flirt with Sara, so it Sara, but I think they stop flirting after the teams break up (Mea Culpa.)

We all GSR fan think Sara got together with Grissom either Nesting Dolls or Graves Danger.

I remember Catherine like Nick better then Warrick beginning. She never like Warrick beginning and now she does (Down The Drain) like Warrick now. I think Catherine is atracttion to Warrick and I don't think she is in love with him.

That my opinion who our favorite shippers. My favorite shippers are Snickers, GSR, Catnip, Grillows and Greg/Sofia.

I don't much care about Sandles, The Love, Yobling and Sonic.

If you like your shippers, that's fine. Don't bash our and will bash your.

Please don't argue with us or the mod. will closed this board if we bash our shippers.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I'm not entitled to what?

I'm not anti slash ships. I happen to ship alot of slash ships.

Obviously, you don't respect my ship, so why in the hell should I respect yours?

ETA I love NicknGrissom -- You are such a sweetheart, I swear.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Well, don't get flattered here. I'm not talking directly to you.

It's just making me get pissed over everything that pisses me off.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I have to agree with CathStokes, we should respect our shippers, if you don't respect our and why should we respect your? It two way street.

Like I said, I'm not anti-gay person. I respect your shippers and you can respect our.

Thanks CathStokes, I love you too.

I do respect Sandles and other shippers, but I don't go in there and I do read it.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

we all get pissed.. and some of us, are peacemakers.

We can go all day long, nothings going to change my mind on what I think or feel on my ships. Just like you have your own ships to like. I'm not anti slash. I'm just not into yours. You can list points on how you see it, but I'm not going to. same with Yobling. if thats the case, Z and Aaronlisa and Rissa could've turned me by now. Alot of people don't agree. They don't agree with my ships, like you. and I ship weird slash ships and hardly anyone agrees with me there. Bitches

We just learn to deal.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

For some reason I just want to say this. LMFAO

If anyone messes with The Love.

I have Archie on my side.

Ready Archie!?

"Go Galatic!"

I also have the Dope Ass Warrior.

"I'm the Dope Ass Warrior. I can fly on Dragons!"

Stop singing Eric!!!

We'll mess you up. lmao

Okay, off topic. :)
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I'm so going to step my foot in the puddle of mud here! Sorry...but Catherine NEVER said she liked Warrick! Liking and fantasizing are really two different things. For starters, people fantasize about people all the time. Heck, and its a normal thing to fantasize about people you know aren't right for you. There were small moments of yobling I won't deny that, but to me it was demolished the moment Warrick married someone else.

As far as slash ships go...I'll be honest I never really thought of Greg and Nick as a couple. I have seen too many moments that proves otherwise to me. Though...I do think Nick has a great friendship with Greg. It's not because I'm anti gay/anti slash and frankly I'm sick of hearing that crap. People ship couples for their own reasons, and I'm not about to hate on non-catnip supporters. What is the point? I love catnip...and if others don't see it...there is no issue there as far as I'm concerned. It's a ship I adore...and I know I'm not alone there.

People see chemistry different...doesn't mean they are wrong with what they's their preference. If anyone wants to call someone out and say their ships are dumb or that what they are seeing with their couple is nuts...well then guess what take a freakin look in the mirror. Because your ship does the same crap. You want to say the Love doesn't have moments where the fans see something then goes nuts because Nick's arm rubbed Greg's arm as they walked by or what not...that stuff happens in every ship. Besides this thread is to debate ships...and not rag on what others like.

As far as Sandle...and know what...just because people prefer these couples doesn't mean they are not good fans to JF. THat is bunch of crap. Again...this is getting more personal instead of debating ships. All these characters are fictional...they aren't real...this is supposed to be all in fun--so calling people out like this to me is rude and inconsiderate of their opinions. before anyone thinks...I'm not even a GSR, Sandle or Snicker fan...I'm actually unbiased towards it. But I will be damned if someone wants to tell me my thoughts are dumb...I suggest we don't even go there!
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I think we're getting mixed up here between acknowledging that the show has geared two characters towards a relationship... and actually liking said ship. The former does not imply the latter. Nor should it.

For example, GSR? Is canon. There is just no ands, ifs, or buts about it. However, everybody in the world is free to either love it or hate it. If GSR makes you want to puke, and you spend your days writing Sandles or Snickers fanfiction and wistfully daydreaming how good they would have been together... hey, why not, especially if it makes the show more enjoyable for you? That doesn't make a person stupid, or pigheaded, or blind, or any of the other insults that often get unjustly hurled at shippers.

I'm a GSR-defender to the core. I think the characters work, the actors have chemistry, and that the show has done a good job at hinting at a love story between the various and sundry bits and pieces that have appeared in the last seven seasons without miring us all down in relationship drama. I think a person would have to be seriously fooling themselves to say that GSR is not canon at all, or that the show is fooling us, or that Grissom or Sara secretly hate the other one and are really yearning to be with Insert-Your-Character-Here. But the thing is, you can acknowledge that GSR is canon and still hate it. I think that's what twins is getting at, if I'm not mistaken (and forgive me for putting words in your mouth, if I'm wrong). The poster is not speaking about those who acknowledge that GSR or Yo!Bling might have canon relationship moments, but still hate the ships and prefer their own because it makes more sense to them. I think the poster is talking about people who, even after all this time, argue that there really is no canon for those ships... that people who acknowledge them as canon are somehow deluded. It's hard to argue against "Butterflied" being about GSR, or that Catherine and Warrick nearly kissed in "Down the Drain"... but that doesn't stop some people from trying. Hell, there are posters on the boards who are even now desperately twisting Grissom's words from last episode around so that they can claim that he really doesn't love Sara at all.

It's that kind of behavior that twins abhors, I think... and I agree. You can hate GSR all you want; you can burn Sara and Grissom in effigy, for all I care. It's your perspective, and you're entitled to it, and if you can argue your case intelligently using canon to support your argument, I might even concede that you have a point. (I've got a soft spot for Sandle, for instance.)

But when you try to argue that "Butterflied" was really about Grissom's feelings for another female character, or that the near-kiss between Catherine and Warrick means nothing (and I'm not even into that ship at all), then you lose me. That crosses the line from seeing the wonderful possibilities of other ships and championing storylines that you might have preferred to the canon ones, to willfully deluding yourself as to the events that have actually happened on screen and have vocally been supported by the cast and crew of the show. And I'm just not down with that.

As for The Love... sorry, but I'm still not sold yet. I understand the points you're making, twins, and you may be right - I'm open to it. However, for myself, I think I'd have to see something a bit more substantial onscreen before I get on board.

And for the record, slash never did made sense to me before - why ship two same-sex characters that are canonically hetero? (I mean canonically hetero, as in actively shown on screen to be hetero - not a prevailing heterocentric attitude that all characters must be straight until proven gay.) Then I watched Smallville... and I saw the light. Clark and Lex? Are the Godiva of slash. ;) So I can totally understand slash shipping now, regardless of orientation. However, while I might enjoy the possibility of Nick and Greg (and I do, definitely more so than before), the hetero characterization I've seen from them is still too strong for me to accept their pairing as canon, despite the good arguments that have been made here. However, I'm enjoying the points everyone is making, and my mind's not set in stone. Y'all can keep trying. :)
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Well MissDee...I didn't see it like that. To me the topic of how some ship fans take a scene that didn't amount to much and MAKE a huge deal over it. The thing is every SHIP does that. Including GSR regardless if they are canon or not. It happens.

If you're such Catherine fans, you'd realize how much she likes Warrick. Again, not your or my opinion. It's basically canon, even though they're not together. Catherine said she LIKED him. She said it. I mean seriously...duh.

Comments like this is what festers agruements. That is ridiculous. Quit telling me what the freak to realize. I hate when people do that. I don't tell GSR fans what to realize...just using an example...and I especially don't attack Catherine or Sara fans...and tell them they aren't good fans because they don't ship them with the appropriate person... :rolleyes: That is my point. That statement above doesn't amount to's almost like burying the point you are trying to make in a deeper hole. The same with character bashing...if you feel the need to character bash a certain character in order to state why your couple is superior...again that is a mute point. To me that isn't validating crap. And that has happened just recently. WHen that me it makes that ship look that much worse.

On to other things: I have never denied Yobling. They had their moments, but honestly...I think they are over. Let's not forget Warrick married someone else...and the moment that happened the chemistry between Catherine and Warrick changed drastically. It went out the door... Do I think their is a chance yobling can become canon...yeah of course...anything is possible. Its just as possible that GSR becomes decanonized. But honestly...Catnip has just as much chance at becoming canon as yobling does. They were in fact supposed to be canon from the getgo...which to me means that TPTB see a chemistry with this couple as well.

To me this thread is about debating a ship...and not debating about whether someone's views on a couple is wrong or inappropriate. That's my point.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Catherine (as I recall) as never directly, or indirectly stated that she liked Warrick.

If you'd like to get totally technical..

Catherine and Warrick almost kissed in DTD.

Catherine and NICK had a pilot making out (Which got cut) So..

They were canon from the start :) (At least, kind of..)

I have never, and will never ship YoBling. I also will never see "The Love" getting together.

While I don't deny YoBling having chemistry - they sure do, but then again - Warrick can have chemistry with a Limestone if needed be.

Telling us that if we were true Catherine fans, we should know she loves Warrick is a little, well, with lack or better terms - Stupid. Just like saying that if anyone were true Sara fans they'd realize that she had feelings for Grissom, and only Grissom. I am, of course a GSR fan. But, while one fan may see the love, and the chemistry between the two - a Sandles fan may not, and will see the chemistry between those two.. You can not say a fan isn't a true one, just because they ship a certain ship.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Honestly, I still think this goes back to what I said before - you can show people all the signs, you can prove it up, down, left, right and center. You can have statements from TPTB and the actors.

It still can't make anyone like it, and it can't make anyone see the chemistry.

Catherine told Warrick that she liked him. When you fantasize about someone, and you are sad that they're married, you like them.

I don't think it made them have chemistry, to me. I still think that their chemistry is bland at best. But I admit that there was an implied canon crush there.

I don't see that with either Catherine and Grissom or Sara and Nick.

Do both sets have fantastic chemistry? I think so. Has anything outside of a friendship been implied on either side? Other than the high ramblings of Catherine's jealous, cheating ex-husband who was pissed off that he was being thrown out of CSI... no.

And even then, both of them laughed it off.

They have great chemistry - but as friends, because canon-wise, that is all that anyone has implied about either pair.

Nick and Greg... I love The Love. In an ideal world, this would be a "real" ship, but as it is, these two are just so much fun together that reading more into it is also a lot of fun. They're cute, they flirt, they smile, they wink, but... nothing has actually ever been implied.

And I think this is the problem of objective chemistry vs. hard canon.

Like I said before, had they intended Catherine and Grissom to ever be together romantically, these two would've been hot. If they had ever intended Sara and Nick to be together, it would've been really sweet.

The actors have that potential, and I think I likely would've enjoyed those ships had GSR never been implied. But as it is, I enjoy what they've done with the GSR relationship, and I enjoy the chemistry that I personally see between the two actors.
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