The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

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Re: The Great Ship Debate

Here-here Sarah big applause, the hints and clues have been there since the beginning the "Pilot"with this couple- and my take is that WP beings he's one of the "producers" of ths fabulous show, has a lot of clout, and say so in what happens or doesn't!!! and my curiosity , is this!!! and not to put down anyone else's theories-views-opinions-ideas or what ever- but now that it's a done deal,and it is!!! why are fans still talking about Grissom & Sara, being with another person? if in fact they had of gone with someone else, I would have totally accepted that, regardless!! and realized well, that's it!!! and other CSI's Miami and NY have relationships going, so whey can't CSI/Vegas? and "GA" to me has nothing to do with anything, there's die-hard CSI fans, and if others want to switch, that's their business as well!!!
Re: The Great Ship Debate

just dropping by to say that i totally disagee with the opinion, they could never ever actually LOVE one another enough to sustain any kind of long-term healthy relationship.
he didnt as he called it in season 4, risk everything he worked for, to be with someone he wasnt serious about. and he didnt do it on a whim, sara said she moved to vegas for him, he said she was beautiful, there have been hints since season 1, but it felt inconsistant till the start of season 4, cause the writers just wernt sure how to play it out and if they wanted to, but after 3, its blatently obvious, especially in 4, and 5, that there were deep feelings there, respectively. and thats confirmed by the fact they got together, when he put her above everything. i also dont think they'd spend this long building it up, only for it to not be sustained. and theres no reason why these two characters couldnt sustain a healthy long term relationsship, their fictional characters, but going by their characters, grissom is obviously committed and serious and she too. they have a lot in common, and their both very intelligent, they are both csis, both work aholics, etc etc, they like each other, and theres no reason why it wouldnt work out.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

ollieuan, just a question...
You are a Snickers shipper, obviously. Say, TPTB decided to go with the Snickers ship, and ended last season with Sara and Nick together. How would you feel about CSI then? If the GSR moments were replaced with Snickers, would you still feel that CSI was being saturated and that Snickers was being shoved down our throats?

I'm not having a go at you, I just want to know how you would feel if the roles were different.

In my opinion, it's about time that there was a intra-office relationship. I don't really care between whom. The other two spin-offs have had relationships or strong indications of them, I don't see why CSI:LV shouldn't or can't.
To be honest, CSI needs something like this. The cases and the 'science' is still ok, but its not new anymore, not like when it first started. Actually, the 'science' is getting pretty repetitive now and the level that they present is quite mediocre. The 'science' on CSI:NY is much more advanced.. well, the technology is anyway.

Oh,kinda off-topic, but I don't think GA will last the distance. With such an annoying lead, I'm surprised it has got as far as it has. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great show, but i can sense it starting to wane. I don't think it will last as long as CSI, but hey, i could be wrong.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

I think he was mildly attracted to Sofia...He tends to be fascinated by women in general, but I doubt anything "happened"...Not that she wasn't interested...but in Sara's case, I think he turned her down because he wasn't interested...him asking the others out proves to me that if he's interested he asks...Whether it works out or not...But he never asked Sara out...And when she asked, he turned her down each time...Clearly I'm missing what GSRs are seeing...

he turned her down in season 3 because he wasnt interested? um..well heres my take on that...
first of all, in that same scene, he says 'he doesnt know what to do about THIS'. after she says 'c'mon, lets see what happens' etc. so its blatently obvious there, he ackowledges there is something there, but he doesnt know what to do about it. then she says she does and by the time he works it out, he really could be too late. second of all, the timing was terrible, he was pre-occupied with his hearing loss stuff, and she had just broken up with hank and was probably emotionally vulnerable. is that really the best time to start dating? eh no. there were probably many reasons he couldnt at that time. doesnt mean he didnt like her romantically.

also, in season 4 we find out he IS interested in her, so much so, hes put a lot of thought into the risks of getting into a relationship with her and starting his life over.

Yes, he says he “could care about” her. You can certainly care about somebody without being in love with that person. He also plainly says he could never risk everything for her, which for me indicates that she really should get on with her life and stop believing in fairy tales

as you say, he plainly says he could never risk everything for her. fast foward two seasons and HE DOES. it takes time, there are many reasons why he would be reluctant.
first of all, of her intentions, he probably brushed it off as a little crush, a thing for the man in power, thrill of sleeping with the boss, kind of thing, and in butterflied he shows an example of how when a young lady went off with her boss, how it ended badly and she went after a younger guy, hence all his fears were confirmed. that shed get bored and run off with someone else. he also said, he was intimidated by beauty. and we know he was talking about sara there.

lets not also forget this is the woman who used to take his lectures, and who he has professional authority over. he's her boss. hes responsible for her, do you think it would be easy in the position he was in, to go, 'lets go for dinner to his employee?'. hell no. he said in butterflied he couldnt risk everything he'd work for, for a new life. he was scared. with lady heather and the other lady, these wernt women he had a teacher/student relationship with, were they. he was probably hugely conflicted by his growing feelings for her which he tried to hide, and his feelings of responsibility towards her as her boss. it probably felt wrong to him.

and he never really knew of the extent of her feelings till season 5, snaked, when she laid it all on the table, and he realised, this isnt some little crush. she moved here for me. and things started moving in the right direction thereafter. he refused to fire her, and basically took a personal stand of, fire me, fire her, shes great, i NEED her to told C AND E. that was a huge risk, but he refused, and just like he was there for her for her DUI, and there for her in nesting dolls, he was there for her when she needed him, when her carrer was in his hands.
committed probably the turning point where he realises, he could lose her at any time.

anyways as for what they see in each other. they have a lot in common. this age thing is ridiculous. it didnt stop him with that bones lady who was around the same age as sara, he was obviously aware of the age difference, but that wasnt why he didnt go out with her in season 3.

their both intelligent, as ive said, work-aholics, married to their job, and their attracted to each other. their together cause they want to be. i dont find gsr weird at all. i apprecite not everyone can love the pairing, but it does make sense to a lot of people, and many see chemistry, its completely personal preference, i for one am glad of the storyline and think it works very well.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

well. i didnt read the whole thread...
grissom/ sara
on one side, i really like them. they are a cute couple. him being so eccentric and distant, and her being tough, down to eart and had a hard childhood, they fit nicely. the age difference is not a problem for me at all.
but, i do have some issues with sara. dont get me wring...there are just a few things about her that im not crazy about, and sometimes i wonder how grissom handles certain aspects. but in general, i like them. there are some other things that irritate me, but i am not sure if to write it or not, i dont want to hurt anyone.

my opinion is friends/ maybe close friends. maybe brother sisnter, but friends (the same goes for griss/cath. i think that they have great chemistry, work together nicely, but just not my style of couples i guess.

at first. to be honest, i didnt get it. now, it is one of the ships that makes the most sense to me. they are great together, the respect, the caring...and warrick is great with lindsey...from what i have noticed, they seem to be there for each other when they are having a hard time.

as far as vartann goes, cath makes so much sense for him. truthfully, we dont know much about him...i have read a few slash stories with him, which were good too. she seems to fit his personal;ity in a way. i dont know how to explain it.

it feels like a lifetime ago, that one day i went over to there ship thread and asked what makes people think that they would be a good couple. i didnt get slash back then. it was right when i joined, close to a year ago. but then...something happened to me. i fell in love with hodges. it changed 100% how i feel about slash, about fanfiction...everything. i wanted to go to the nick/greg thread to appologize for not understanding but i was embarrassed. i have also wanted to comment on a bunch of stories that i have read (some by wojo- you are great) but i was embarrassed. i still am, but i think that this is ther right time and place to explain myself. back then, i didnt bash the ship, i just didnt understand. and i regret not understanding. i read every nick/greg story that is not AU and doesnt involve charater death. they are so cute together--time to admit it :) my OTP is nick/hodges, but nick and greg really are great. i love how they are written, ..theyre great.

i can imagine that it seems strange to some people. hodges- mr snark, and nick, mr straight texan...but to me it makes so much sense. the way they sort of walk in circles around each other, and david checking out nick's waist in way to go...a bunch of different things. and if anyone is interested in my theory as to hodges being gay, you can see in the hodges threads :)

as for female slash...nah. just not my type. never got into it. i think that sara and cath are, or could be great friends though.

i think that thats about it for fingers are tired :)
Re: The Great Ship Debate

geeksworld said:
ollieuan, just a question...
You are a Snickers shipper, obviously. Say, TPTB decided to go with the Snickers ship, and ended last season with Sara and Nick together. How would you feel about CSI then? If the GSR moments were replaced with Snickers, would you still feel that CSI was being saturated and that Snickers was being shoved down our throats?
In a word, YES! The pairings are irrelevant. I complained about the exact same thing in season 5, long before the GSR coupling. I was sick of seeing the same groups working together. Cath/Warrick/Nick vs Griss/Greg/Sara. It got stale. The same thing is happening this season, except it is a specific pair isolated from the rest of the group. And, considering last season's finale, the two are being put together for a very specific purpose--to saturate the show with the pairing without really making it all about GSR. If that was not TPTB's intentions then we'd see more than 2 minutes of either of them with someone else on the team. Honestly, I'd enjoy tons of Snickers moments, especially if they had gotten together. However, I'd be able to objectively admit that I missed their interactions with others and TPTB needed to stop making the show all about the pairing.

In my opinion, it's about time that there was a intra-office relationship. I don't really care between whom. The other two spin-offs have had relationships or strong indications of them, I don't see why CSI:LV shouldn't or can't.
To be honest, CSI needs something like this. The cases and the 'science' is still ok, but its not new anymore, not like when it first started. Actually, the 'science' is getting pretty repetitive now and the level that they present is quite mediocre. The 'science' on CSI:NY is much more advanced.. well, the technology is anyway.
I don't necessarily disagree. We seem to be on the same page. Intra-office relationships are commonplace in most places of work. Do I like the pairing? No. But I've admitted that the pairing might be necessary for the time being in order for the characters to grow.

However, if TPTB attempt to make this a happily ever after then they need to be slapped. IMO, it's neither healthy nor realistic and should be over before the end of the season. I'm not holding my breath, though. TPTB couldn't even reveal the pairing properly, so I'm quite sure they won't handle it well.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

While I get what you're saying about Grissom and Sara being together too often, I do think they had to stick in the GSR scenes in the premiere because it HAD to be addressed off the bat. But really, they've worked together twice so far. Back in the beginning of CSI, Grissom and Catherine seemed to be working about 75% of their cases with one-another, with the other CSIs on smaller assignments.

I don't think the show's all about the pairing. So far, while together, they haven't really been all over each other. I think we're just hyper-aware every time they're in a room because we KNOW that they're in a relationship.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Sorry to just jump in but I'd like to add my two-penneth ;)

ollieuan said:
Griss needs to realize that he needs someone he can consider an equal, and Sara needs to realize that Griss can never truly be what she wants or needs.
I think Grissom does consider Sara an equal. Obviously, she's not at the same professional level as him but he's older and I don't think that he sees himself as "superior" just because he's the boss - he's not a jerk. I think Gris considers Sara his intellectual equal - ref: - s.5 Harvest - "I bet you were a pretty smart 7th grader" for one example.

As for Sara, I think Grissom is what she needs. She needs complicated. She needs a challenge. Most people just need someone who they can connect with - who's on their frequency. In my opinion, Sara and Grissom have that sense of connection.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Well all i have 2 say is that Im a Grillows shipper & proud 2 be one. Grisssom & Catherine work sooo well 2gether & they each other so well too. I also do like Snickers. I think Nick & Sara make a cute couple 2gether.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

As for Sara, I think Grissom is what she needs. She needs complicated. She needs a challenge. Most people just need someone who they can connect with - who's on their frequency. In my opinion, Sara and Grissom have that sense of connection.
ohhhhh was the more perfect thing i ever listen about GSR i totally agree
Re: The Great Ship Debate

As for Sara, I think Grissom is what she needs. She needs complicated. She needs a challenge. Most people just need someone who they can connect with - who's on their frequency. In my opinion, Sara and Grissom have that sense of connection.
Fair enough. We all see what we see. Personally, I think Grissom is the opposite of a challenge. It just seems kind of the easy way out to me. When two people are too similar I just can't see the challenge in a relationship. I guess when I think about what they would do outside of work, I think of them just sitting around reading forensics journals. Not too exciting or challenging IMO. Plus, I feel their exact problem is that they've never really connected on a truly deep level. They've never been completely on the same page. That's just my view though.

I totally see where you're coming from.
Re: The Great Ship Debate

IloveBilly said:
ohhhhh was the more perfect thing i ever listen about GSR i totally agree
Thanks. :D

ollieuan said:
Fair enough. We all see what we see.
Too true. It's all a matter of perspective. I like Sara and Gris as a couple but I am aware other's don't - it's just always been there for me. Then again, I can see why people ship Snickers too. Personally, I see Sara and Nick as having a sibling-esque friendship but they do look good together on screen. The same can be said for Sara and Greg (except mentor-student more than sister-brother). I love that tptb are going all the way with GSR but I wouldn't have that upset if Sara got together with someone else. So long as it had been written in well as Sara is happy.

ollieuan said:
I guess when I think about what they would do outside of work, I think of them just sitting around reading forensics journals. Not too exciting or challenging IMO.
:lol: I see your point. However, some people don't want too much excitement in their relationship. Some couples need the fire, others prefer the slow burn. I think Gris presents enough of a challenge as a long-time bachelor turned boyfriend for Sara to handle. They don't remind me of the type of couple that want to fight and argue all the time to relight their passion. As for just reading forensics journals all the time... I think the end scene of Way To Go shows that they do have other extra-curricular activities ;)
Re: The Great Ship Debate

when i started watching CSI overe here in malaysia, i always thought catherine would end up of have an affair with Grisson... never expected Sara... also when CSI NY started screening over here... it was like Mac and Stella.. and then as you watched and realise Stella starts dating etc... totally unexpected...
Re: The Great Ship Debate

The reason I'm into the GSR ship.. is over 7 seasons.. and seeing them ever evolving..they always seem to be in tune on everything..and continually hook-up and work like their fused together...he was attracted to LH.. & Terri Miller..and she to Hank.. but those "novelties" fizzled.. the reason being.. they had nothing in common with these other indiviuals.. and they do have chemistry..intense.. those look's lord.. :p and Grissom and Cath always good co-workers/friends. and Sara is also friends with the other guys on the team.. and in S/6.. their relationshiop culmitated the the "fanmous bedroom" scene...and who really knows how long this has been going on.. I hope the other CSI'rs finally find their true soulmates.. and we have the opportunity to see that evolve as well.. if the show lasts :eek:
Re: The Great Ship Debate

Wow, haven't been here in a bit...

In answer to your question Sara_Grissom_Fan, you "see" GSR in every remark & glance, I don't...You want to believe in GSR, I don't...You enjoy GSR, I don't...

See...I see it for what it is...A story written by TPTB...Period...It lacks continuity and, for me, it lacks any chemistry...I realize they are writing that it is fact that they are a couple on the show...I realize there are fans who love that storyline and wholeheartedly accept it regardless of how flawed it was written...I realize all of that...

But when *I* watch the show, *I* do not believe they would ever be a couple in real life...EVER...EVER...EVER...

So, I don't buy into GSR...Period...

If you or anyone else does, and clearly there are fans who do, so be it...Enjoy...However, *I* cannot be swayed into diggin' it...That is MY choice and certainly shouldn't keep anyone else from seeing/enjoying it simply because *I* choose to deliberately NOT support or enjoy it and that I get great satisfaction from ignoring that GSR even exists...<shrugs>...I hereby donate any and all of my GSR related enjoyment to share amoung the entire GSR community...I won't be needing my allottment...

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